Poslao: 30 Mar 2023 23:20
- danijell
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 30 Mar 2011
- Poruke: 2743
Citat:Donald J. Trump was indicted in Manhattan on Thursday for his role in paying hush money to a (film-za-odrasle)- star, according to five people with knowledge of the matter, a historic development that will shake up the 2024 presidential race and forever mark him as the nation’s first former president to face criminal charges.
In the coming days, prosecutors working for the district attorney, Alvin L. Bragg, will likely ask Mr. Trump to surrender and to face arraignment. The specific charges will be announced when he is arraigned.
Poslao: 30 Mar 2023 23:28
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 102245
Ukinuli vanredno stanje
Citat:Naime, američki Senat izglasao je ukidanje nacionalne deklaracije o vanrednom stanju izazvanom pandemijom koronavirusa, koju je uveo bivši predsednik Donald Tramp početkom 2020. godine.
Gornji dom Sjedinjenih Država je sa 68 glasova za i 23 protiv doneo odluku o okončanju vanrednog stanja. Prošlog meseca, Predstavnički dom je takođe glasao sa 229 prema 192 za ukidanje deklaracije. Očekuje se da će aktuelni predsednik Džo Bajden ovu odluku odobriti i staviti potpis.
Poslao: 04 Apr 2023 22:32
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 102245
Citat:Former US President Donald Trump in the courtroom, where he is charged with 34 different counts.
Trump has pleaded not guilty on all counts.
Poslao: 17 Apr 2023 19:23
- Cigi
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
- Poruke: 2880
- Gde živiš: Novo mesto
US Annualized Debt Costs Exceed $800 Billion
Citat:The backdrop for 2011 was that everyone viewed the debt ceiling as a purely technical issue. The US government debt pile back then was less than 100% of GDP and yields were low. The estimated annualized payments to service the debt were less than $450b per year. That sounds a lot, but it was a much smaller amount than four years earlier, so the path wasn’t worrying anybody.
It’s a very different situation now. US debt is above 120% of GDP and, far more importantly, the estimated annualized payments to service that debt rose to $773b, as of the end of January. Even more worryingly, they are rising at an almost parabolic rate due to what’s happening to yields -- that number is has risen by more than $300b in just a year!
Amerikancima se žuri. Pare za kamate i odbranu su sada na egal.
Poslao: 20 Apr 2023 14:51
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 102245
GIGANT NA KOLENIMA Burger king je bankrotirao
Citat:Franšiza Burger Kinga sa 118 restorana bankrotirala je nakon što je nagomilala dugove od 14 miliona dolara, što je dovelo do zatvaranja u šest država.
Kako pišu svetski mediji, franšiza poznatog lanca sa više od 100 lokacija na nacionalnom nivou zatvoriće filijale u šest država koje su navodno nagomilale 14 miliona dolara duga.
Meridian Restaurants Unlimited je u martu podneo zahtev za bankrot, boreći se sa rastućim troškovima hrane i slabom prodajom. Sudski podnesci su ranije otkrili da kompanija zatvara 27 prodavnica u Minesoti, Juti, Montani, Kanzasu, Nebraski i Severnoj Dakoti.
Poslao: 21 Apr 2023 00:22
- kljift
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 7201
Ovdje su skoro otvorili Burger King ako je to taj King. Kad god prolazim pored njih podsjete me na film "Pad" i Majkla Daglasa. Mada kad su poredjenja u pitanju jednu koleginicu ja podsjecam na Vilijama D - Fens Fostera.
Cudni su ti Burger Kinzi, Hardkore Kafei i oni lokali sa dusecima i nargilama. Kad god sam prolazio pored njih uvijek je bilo ono svraticu iduci put. I dok je svratim zatvore radnju.
Boldvin oslobodjen sopstvenog filma.