SAD - Vesti i dešavanja


SAD - Vesti i dešavanja

  • Pridružio: 15 Nov 2020
  • Poruke: 219

djox ::Srušio se most u Baltimoru, veliki brod udario u njega: Traga se za najmanje 20 osoba


Да се ​​ја питам ја бих протерао брод овуда. Није то тако лоше као што изгледа.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 100098

Gledaju da najure Tik-Tok
Citat:Also Passed tonight by the U.S. Senate and expected to be Signed into Law tomorrow by President Biden is a Bill which will Force the Chinese Media Company, ByteDance to Sell the Social Media App “TikTok” within the next 270 Days or else it will be Totally Banned within the United States.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 100098

Citat:Biden's son Hunter Biden found guilty of all 3 charges in federal gun case.

Biden's son Hunter Biden faces 25 years in prison after being convicted on felony gun charges.


  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 100098

Very Happy

Citat:Diplomats and Officials of U.S. Allies have expressed Disappointment and Worry about tonight’s Debate Performance by President Joe Biden, with some Hinting they are Concerned that Biden may not be ready for a Second Term as the Leader of a Nuclear-Armed Superpower.

Citat:CNN Chief National Correspondent John King says that following President Biden’s debate performance, senior Democrat officials are now considering going to the White House and publicly call on Biden to bow out of the race.

  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2024
  • Poruke: 63

Објављујем овде обрисану поруку због офа:

(Također prvo Trump treba dobiti mogućnost da službeno predloži plan, da sad ne idem u off, ali sam pričao s nekim ljudima koji su nedavno došli iz USA i smatraju da šansa da izbori prođu mirno ili da bude velika tarapana je doslovno 50:50 pa ne treba sada trošiti puno vremena na njegov plan.)

"Novi građanski rat ne očekuju samo analitičari, već i građani. Godine 2018. 30% ispitanika obuhvaćenih Rasmunsen istraživanjem ocenilo je da ih u bliskoj budućnosti očekuje unutrašnji sukob, da bi taj broj dve godine kasnije porastao na 34%. Pre dve godine, čak polovina ispitanika je novi građanski rat smestila u vremenski okvir od nekoliko narednih godina.

Konkretno, radi se o dvadesetak miliona Amerikanaca kojima je na raspolaganju oko 400 miliona komada oružja i milijarde metaka. Trenutni status demokratije u SAD, kako se čini, najplastičnije je opisala profesorka sa Univerziteta Kalifornija Barbara Volter, koja je Ameriku svrstala u red delimično demokratskih država, poput Ekvadora, Somalije i Haitija. Autorka knjige Kako počinje građanski rat i kako ga sprečiti smatra da je zemlja mnogo bliža građanskom ratu nego što su Amerikanci to spremni da priznaju, objašnjavajući da od zatrovanog okruženja, podeljenog društva, političkog ekstremizma, podrivanja autoriteta institucija i sveopšteg naoružavanja slabo šta može ispasti na dobro."

Крај офа.

Protest američkih vlasnika oružja u Ričmondu, 18. januar 2021.
(Foto: EPA-EFE/Samuel Corum)

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 100098

Citat:U.S. President Joe Biden is expected to discuss the Future of his Presidential-Reelection Campaign with his Family and other Staffers on Sunday at Camp David, following Thursday Night’s Debate with Former President Donald Trump, which left several Members of the Democratic National Committee in a “State of Panic” about his Mental Capacity, with some Key Democratic Congressional Members both Privately and Publicly calling for him to Step-Down as the Presidential Nominee.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 100098

Posle prve debate svi pokrenuli glasanja i istrazivanja
Citat:NEW @CBSNews poll:

—Trump has a 3-point edge across the battleground states collectively, and a 2-point edge nationally.
—Republicans say the debate made them more likely to vote.
—If you factor in 3rd party candidates, Trump leads Biden nationally by 4 points.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 100098

Diznijevi naslednici prestaju sa finansiranjem/podrskom demokratma dok je Biden kandidat
Citat:Following last week’s Debate, the Heiress to the Walt Disney Company, Abigail E. Disney has now announced that her and her Husband, as well as their Left-Wing Foundation, will provide no further Funding to the Democratic Party until President Joe Biden is Removed as the Party’s Nominee.
Demokrate se dele
Citat:Mark R. Warner, a Democratic Senator from Virginia and the Wealthiest Democrat in Congress is reportedly attempting to assemble a Group of Key Democratic Senators, who will ask President Joe Biden to Step-Down as the Party’s Presidential Nominee in the Race against Donald Trump.

  • Pridružio: 13 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 2635

tokom 4. jula i slavlja, desilo im se i nesto ne bas tako lepo.

22 masovne pucnjave sirom drzave sa 20 mrtvih 126 ranjenih

'Insanity': 4th of July mass shootings leave 20 dead, 126 injured

Twenty people were killed and 126 were injured in 22 mass shootings that erupted across the country between 5 p.m. ET Friday and 5 a.m. ET Wednesday, according to the Gun Violence Archive, a website that tracks shootings nationwide. The website, which defines a mass shooting as a single event with four or more victims either injured or killed, reported that the holiday mass shootings happened in 17 states and Washington D.C.

Among the major cities rocked by mass shooters were Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago and Fort Worth, Texas.

  • Pridružio: 07 Apr 2012
  • Poruke: 1482
  • Gde živiš: Iznad zvijezda

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