Virus -Korona- diskusija


Virus -Korona- diskusija

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 34923

Protesti protiv policijskog časa i u Poljskoj
В субботу, 16 мая, в Варшаве вспыхнула акция протеста из-за карантина, который был введен из-за коронавируса. Для разгона людей полиции пришлось использовать слезоточивый газ.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101823

Citat:Встреча специалистов сводного отряда Минобороны России, выполнявшего задачи по оказанию помощи в борьбе с COVID-19 в Сербии, на аэродроме Чкаловский.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101823

Novo žarište koronavirusa u Srbiji
Citat:Prema zvaničnim podacima, u poslednja tri dana u Vranju je registrovano prisustvo koronavirusa kod 53 građana.
Korona virus: U Srbiji 114 novih slučajeva, dnevna stopa smrtnosti u Španiji ispod 100
U Vuhanu testirano više od 222.000 ljudi u samo jednom danu

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101823

pein ::Protesti protiv policijskog časa i u Poljskoj
В субботу, 16 мая, в Варшаве вспыхнула акция протеста из-за карантина, который был введен из-за коронавируса. Для разгона людей полиции пришлось использовать слезоточивый газ.

Citat:Сотрудники польской полиции во время акции протеста против карантинных мер, введенных в связи с пандемией коронавируса COVID-19, в Варшаве.
Фото: Алексей Витвицкий

  • Pridružio: 27 Jun 2013
  • Poruke: 890
  • Gde živiš: Van vidokruga jednookog

Према мишљењу тима врхунских спортских кардиолога, потенцијални ризик од оштећења срца узрокованог вирусом ЦОВИД-19 у високоактивних људи и такмичара, изискује опрез и преглед пре враћања њиховим спортским активностима или такмичењу (чак иако су симптоми били благи):

Even with mild COVID-19, athletes need cardiac testing before returning to play


Из текста:
Citat:“We were getting calls and messages from amateur and professional sporting organizations from around the country asking for guidance about what to do,” Dr. Phelan said. “So a number of us from the American College of Cardiology Sports and Exercise Council decided that we really should provide some guidance even in the absence of good, strong data, for what we feel is a reasonable approach.”

The recommendations were based on what is known of other viral infections, as well as risks posed by COVID-19 that may be worsened by athletic activity.

“We know that, when people have an active infection, vigorous exercise can lower immunity, and that can make the infection worse,” Dr. Phelan said. “That really applies very strongly in people who have had myocarditis. If you exercise when you have myocarditis, it actually increases viral replication and results in increased necrosis of the heart muscle. We really want to avoid exercising during that active infection phase.”

Myocarditis is one of the top causes of sudden cardiac death among young athletes, Dr. Phelan said, “so that’s a major concern for us.”

According to Dr. Phelan, existing data suggest a wide range of incidence of 7%-33% for cardiac injury among patients hospitalized for COVID-19. Even the low end of this range, at 7%, is significantly higher than the incidence rate of 1% found in patients with non–COVID-19 acute viral infections.

“This particular virus appears to cause more cardiac insults than other viruses,” Dr. Phelan said.

Један од кардиолога који су аутори текста је открио да је повезан са клубом "Атланта Фалконс".

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 34923

Broj obolelih od virusa korona u Vranju u odnosu na juče veći je za 18.
Prema rečima direktorke Zavoda za javno zdravlje Svetlane Stojanović od subote su u Vranju na lečenje primljene 70 zaražene osobe, od toga 55 iz fabrike nameštaja Dodić koja je identifikovana kao lokalno žarište u tom gradu.

Korona je ušla i u fabriku za proizvodnju obuće Geoks gde, kaže Stojanovićeva, ima nekoliko potvrđenih slučajeva.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101823

Wear a mask or face jail in Kuwait and Qatar
Citat: Kuwait and Qatar both said on Sunday they would start jailing people or fining them thousands of dollars for failing to wear a facemask to combat the novel coronavirus.
Kuwait’s health ministry said anyone caught could face up to three months in prison, while Qatar state TV reported the maximum penalty there would be three years.
In Kuwait the maximum fine stood at 5,000 dinars ($16,200) and in Qatar 200,000 riyals ($55,000).
The six Gulf states have reported a total of more than 137,400 infections with 693 deaths from the virus.
Saudi Arabia, with a population of around 30 million people, has the largest count at more than 54,700 cases with 312 deaths.
Qatar, a nation of some 2.8 million, has the second highest infection count at above 32,600, with 15 deaths.
The United Arab Emirates has the second highest number of COVID-19 deaths among the six states at 220. It has reported more than 23,350 cases.


Russia reports less than 9,000 COVID-19 cases over past day for first time since May 1

  • Pridružio: 19 Sep 2013
  • Poruke: 3375

Мало о корона вирусу на грчки начин

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101823

Danas 34 nova slučaja koronavirusa, preminulo troje
Citat:Kako Tanjug javlja, ona je kazala da je preporuka Kriznog štaba da od petka ne bude potreban PCR test za ulazak u Srbiju, kako za državljane Srbije, tako ni za državljane drugih zemalja.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101823

Ruski policajci jure narod po parkovima
Snimak Very Happy

Russian prime minister resumes duties after recovering from coronavirus

Tramp upozorava SZO i trazi izvestaj od njih
Trump Gives WHO 30 Days for ‘Improvements’, Threatens Permanent Funding Freeze, End of US Membership

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