Virus -Korona- diskusija


Virus -Korona- diskusija

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102019

djox ::[Israeli hospital says it may have found Covid-19 cure as all treated patients make full recovery
Citat:A number of severely ill Covid-19 patients made a full recovery within five days after being treated with a relatively unknown cancer drug, according to multiple media reports in Israel today.
Researchers at the Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv told Israeli’s KAN News network that out of 30 seriously ill Covid-patients that were treated with the drug, 29 showed a significant improvement within two days and all were released within three to five days.
One patient ultimately did recover but this took “a few days” longer, according to the hospital’s Covid-19 lead, professor Nadir Arber.


Grci se ukljucuju u program sa izraelcima
Coronavirus: Greece to test Israeli ‘miracle drug’
Citat:The largest hospital in Greece will take part in the trials of an Israeli treatment for COVID-19, following the meeting between Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem on Monday.
During the press conference with Mitsotakis, Netanyahu held up a vial that he called a “miracle drug,” adding: “If you’re infected by corona and are seriously ill and have a lung problem, take this, inhale it, and you come out feeling good.”
Netanyahu said that earlier in the day he met with Prof. Nadir Arber, who developed the new EXO-CD24 treatment, and one of the first things Mitsotakis asked was whether Greece could take part in the clinical trials.


  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102019

Britanski soj virusa se brzo siri po Americi
UK coronavirus variant rapidly spreading in US, study shows
Citat:A coronavirus variant first identified in Britain is rapidly spreading in the United States, threatening to bring a surge of new cases as its prevalence doubles roughly every 10 days, according to a new study

Holandija produzava policijski cas
Dutch government extends coronavirus curfew to March 2

Russia's excess mortality up 17.9% in 2020 year-on-year: minister


EU finalises second deal with Pfizer for 300 million vaccine doses

CanSinoBIO's COVID-19 vaccine 65.7% effective in global trials, Pakistan official says
Citat:The positive data moves the vaccine, jointly developed by a research institute affiliated with the Chinese military, a step closer to becoming China’s third successful shot for the disease.
Although COVID-19 vaccines from Chinese developers have shown lower protection rates than some Western ones, and no detailed study results are publicly available yet, they have already been approved in several developing countries battling a surge in coronavirus infections.
The CanSinoBIO vaccine is being tested in Pakistan, Mexico, Russia, Argentina and Chile, according to clinical trial registration data, and the company has supply deals with some of those countries, including Mexico.

Citat:The efficacy of the shot is based on analysis of 30,000 participants and 101 confirmed cases of COVID-19, the minister said on Twitter, quoting data from an independent data monitoring committee.
It was not immediately clear whether the study also looked into the vaccine’s efficacy against new and highly transmissible variants first found in South Africa, Britain and Brazil.
No serious safety concerns have been raised in the study, Sultan said.
In the Pakistani subset, efficacy of the CanSinoBIO vaccine at preventing symptomatic cases was 74.8% and 100% at preventing severe disease, Sultan added.


  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102019

Coronavirus vaccine: China’s strong ties with Serbia create a stepping stone into European market
Citat:As European nations struggle with shortages of Covid-19 vaccines, China has stepped in with supplies to Serbia and Hungary, reaping the political benefits of its soft diplomacy strategy on the continent.
Serbia’s vaccination programme for a population of 6.95 million people was turbocharged by a shipment of 1 million doses from Chinese maker Sinopharm (China National Pharmaceutical Group Corp) on January 17. Serbia has the second-fastest roll-out of Covid-19 vaccines in Europe, behind Britain, according to Oxford University’s Our World in Data, which tracks global inoculations.
Hungary then became the first European Union member to unilaterally approve the Chinese-made vaccine for emergency use on January 29. It ordered 5 million doses, enough for a quarter of its population.


Israel’s ‘green passports’ plan could lead way in reviving world tourism after Covid-19 vaccination programme is complete
Citat:The country has vaccinated more of its population than any other and is in talks with Greece and Cyprus about allowing travel to resume
Diplomats in Beijing say preliminary talks with China are under way as it looks to set up reciprocal arrangements with other countries


U Nemackoj zarazeno 14 starijh osoba(britanskim sojem) posle revakcinacije vakcinom Biontech/Pfizer


Citat:The CoronaVac vaccine, brought from China to Turkey on Dec. 30, 2020, was granted emergency use approval on Jan. 13, after 14-day-long analyses.

Kinezi donirali Kambodzi
Cambodia gets 1st COVID-19 vaccine shipment from China

COVID-19 situation update in Arab countries

  • sizif  Male
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Maj 2020
  • Poruke: 16

Napisano: 09 Feb 2021 10:46

Lončar: Do leta korona pod kontrolom, MORE može.
Lončar: Srbija može da napravi vakcinu za KORONAVIRUS, imamo ljude koji to stvarno znaju

Sad ko voli neka izvoli da veruje ovom sekretaru za lažne vesti.Pametnome dosta i ovo malecko upoređenje.Ima tih lagarija oko Covid19 koje kamarila na vlasti fabrikuje milion najmanje.

Dopuna: 09 Feb 2021 12:15

“Korona je dobila raketni pogon, borićemo se s njom i 2022.”

  • Pridružio: 26 Nov 2017
  • Poruke: 795

Torlak je u okviru SZO projekta dobio novu opremu ali je uslvo bio da sami osvojimo tehnologiju izrade, nisu sredstva dozvoljavala da se plati i tehnologija. Finansirali su nove pogone i obuku kadrova ali smo tehnologiju izrade morali da osvojimo sami. Zato je Torlak cutao gotovo 15 godina.

14 zemalja je ucestovalo u tom programu i svih 14 je dobilo opremu ali su samo Srbija, Brazil i Vijetnam osvojili novu tehnologju izrade vakcina. Torlak da bi proizvodio kovid vakcinu, mora da ima potpuno posebnu liniju za to, ta vrsta prizovdnje se ne ukrsta jedna sa drugom, nema tu sad pravimo jednu pa na istoj liniji pustimo i drugu, ne, nego ide cela nova linija za novu vakcinu a Torlak trenutno ima sloboodne kapacitete jer jos nije dostigao pun projektovani kapacitet proizvodnje, trenutno je na 150.000 a projektovan je za skoro 500.000 doza.

Nasi su vec bili u Rusiji, sada rusi trebaju da dodju da vide sta ima Torlak i sta treba eventualno dodati od opreme i oceniti ostale uslove. Da li imamo ljude - imamo, sjajne strucnjake.

  • sizif  Male
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Maj 2020
  • Poruke: 16

Napisano: 09 Feb 2021 13:48

Misliš imali smo sjajne stručnjake ali ih više nemamo zato što su otišli i rade u normalnijem okruženju pogađate gde pa u inostranstvu.I dalje traje negativna selekcija u zdravstvu oni koji misle svojom glavom dobijaju otkaze a na njihovo mesto dolaze partijski uhlebi koji obično imaju neki mega sega fakultet ili su studirali u Sava centru.Nema više stručnjaka ovde a ti ako voliš da veruješ u bajke veruj.

Kisić Tepavčević: Gradimo kolektivni imunitet bolje od mnogih ali nema opuštanja.

Nove nebulozne izjave kojima nema kraja ovog puta na vrhu top liste DKT.
Najvažnije je da gradimo imunitet bolje od drugih iako ne znamo kako to radimo.Voleo sam nekad da gledam Leteći Cirkus Monti Pajtona ali ovi su bolji i smešniji.

Dopuna: 09 Feb 2021 13:58

U Hrvatskoj 71 novi slučaj zaraze, umrlo 29 osoba.

  • Pridružio: 25 Dec 2016
  • Poruke: 2179

Ne postoji druga medicina osim drzavne. Mi strucnjake i dalje imamo svidelo se to nekima ili ne. Strucnjaci su svuda dobro placeni, vecina onih koji su otisli otisli su jer ovde nemaju nista uslovno receno.

  • sizif  Male
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Maj 2020
  • Poruke: 16

GRAFIKA Korona urniše Evropu, ne vrede ni mere ni vakcine.

Masovna vakcinacija u Evropi počela je 27. decembra, a onda "zakazala". Prema podacima o smrtnosti, Evropljani umiru kao nikada, uprkos svim strogim merama i zaključavanju.

  • x9  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 04 Dec 2008
  • Poruke: 1183
  • Gde živiš: Vienna

djox ::djox ::[Israeli hospital says it may have found Covid-19 cure as all treated patients make full recovery
Citat:A number of severely ill Covid-19 patients made a full recovery within five days after being treated with a relatively unknown cancer drug, according to multiple media reports in Israel today.
Researchers at the Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv told Israeli’s KAN News network that out of 30 seriously ill Covid-patients that were treated with the drug, 29 showed a significant improvement within two days and all were released within three to five days.
One patient ultimately did recover but this took “a few days” longer, according to the hospital’s Covid-19 lead, professor Nadir Arber.


Grci se ukljucuju u program sa izraelcima
Coronavirus: Greece to test Israeli ‘miracle drug’
Citat:The largest hospital in Greece will take part in the trials of an Israeli treatment for COVID-19, following the meeting between Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem on Monday.
During the press conference with Mitsotakis, Netanyahu held up a vial that he called a “miracle drug,” adding: “If you’re infected by corona and are seriously ill and have a lung problem, take this, inhale it, and you come out feeling good.”
Netanyahu said that earlier in the day he met with Prof. Nadir Arber, who developed the new EXO-CD24 treatment, and one of the first things Mitsotakis asked was whether Greece could take part in the clinical trials.


irony ON:
ma kako se samo usudjuju da traze lek za ovu bolest.. Cool
i pored toga sto su skoro celu populaciju vakcinisali,njima treba lek..ccccccc
Irony OFF

  • sizif  Male
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Maj 2020
  • Poruke: 16

Komandant kovid bolnice Karaburma: Povećan broj zaraženih, ljudi se opustili.

Ivo Udovičić, komandant kovid bolnice Karaburma, izjavio je da je epidemija virusa korona daleko od kontrole i da je povećan broj pacijenata inficiranih tim virusom.

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