Hummer i njegova konkurencija


Hummer i njegova konkurencija

  • boksi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 7837

Још нема Хамера у ВС а сад ће крај Јула....

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  • 1199 
  • Počasni građanin
  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 844

Treba velikom bratu u iranu... (incident u bugarskoj)

  • boksi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 7837

  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16158
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

boksi ::
Teško će puškomitraljezom gađati bez postolja.

  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2008
  • Poruke: 2257

Ismevanje novog Evade-u vrednog 579.000USD na YAHOO portalu - zaboravili su "samo" oklop Smile

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Sam proizvodjac Conquest Vehicles na svom web-portalu kaze "EVADE is the new standard in luxury handcrafted SUVs".
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Ajmo sad, Reklamerko, opleti...

  • Pridružio: 30 Maj 2011
  • Poruke: 438
  • Gde živiš: Šabac

Kao prvo slikali su nečije privatno vozilo gde je čovek ili rent-a car vip agencija izgleda naručio da KNIGHT izgleda kao GURKHA vozilo.Firma Conquest ISKLJUČIVO radi po porudžbini i željenoj konfiguraciji,a rok isporuke je 9 meseci.Broj ključa i vozila rezervišeš sa 25.000 USD,a kada ti proslede broj i 'nacrtaš' im šta hoćeš kada te pozovu,onda ti pošalju ugovor i uplatiš im odmah 50% bez onih 25 hiljada za broj i ključ.U sledećih 9 meseci imaš pravo da ih posetiš i pogledaš dokle su stigli sa tvojim vozilom.Oklopljavanje oni ne rade već je to radio ARMET za njih koji više prodajom GURKHE brenda i 2 fabrike , NE POSTOJI praktično,možda samo na papiru, ovoj korporaciji koja kod Inđije treba da pravi sedišta za vozila , MAGNA se zove , a ima više desetina firmi ćerki i sinova po svetu Smile

Ne znam ko im sada radi oklop,da li ATV ,ali čisto sumnjam,kao naslednik ARMET-a sa fabrikama u Virdžiniji i Maroku ili neka od Kanadskih fabrika,a ima ih dosta,samo znam da je oklop išao po želji od B4 do B7+ uključujući zaštitu i od .50Cal

13000 pound je skoro 5,9 tona , a Gurkha je teška i do 8,5 tona sa B7+ mada je novi ATLAS LAPV od istog konstruktora (našeg čoveka M.M.) sa istom tj. boljom i naprednijom zaštitom skoro 2 tone lakši i brži (150 km/h maksimalna)

Ne znam što ga pljuju , pa to je truk vozilo F-550 , a neko može da naruči i da mu izbetoniraju grede umesto branika...i na istom se zasniva najmanje 60% vojnih vozila u svetu

Šta će da kažu onda za Ruski T-98 Kombat koga stilizuju oni Indijci , pa onako pozlaćen ili posrebljen puni ulice Monte Karla , što za iznajmljivanje , što za security vip agencije...

KNIGHT izgleda kako izgleda u katalogu firme,NA LAGERU NE POSTOJI NITI JE IKADA POSTOJAO,a sve se da promeniti po zahtevu kupca...Treba da pljuju kupca,a ne Conquest koji je ponovo pokrenuo prodaju nakon nekoliko godina pauze i 100 primeraka u svetu samo...(Kanadski predsednik,Švarceneger i ko zna ko još od egzibicionista i onih koji nemaju druga posla i ne znaju šta će sa parama...)

Pardon sada vidim da im je EVADE nov proizvod ali suština je ista....očito žele da iskoriste popularnost GURKHE .... što se tiče oklopa , stoji i za EVADE da im drugi rade oklopljavanje,jer ovi sa blindiranjem veze nemaju...

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 172
  • Gde živiš: Na planeti majmuna

The most "fancy" Tiger (SBRM)

The site already had a post about this unique car, I suggest you see a detailed photo report from David Mokrushina.

The exhibition "Engineering Technologies 2012" was shown first prototype of service and combat reconnaissance vehicle SBRM designed by NPO "Arrow" to order the Interior Ministry of Russia and designed for picking intelligence units.
The car is based on the serial STS "Tiger"

At the moment we are the state tests of the machine, from January 2013, series production.
Set of equipment and his functions is certainly impressive

SBRM provides:
-search, detection and identification of ground (tank, armored personnel carrier, the car, a group of people, single people), surface (boat, boat, yacht) and lowflying-(helicopter, sport aircraft, UAV) purposes in any situation with advanced optical, thermal, radar, acoustic, seismic, radiopelengatsionnyh reconnaissance;
-determine their own position and coordinates SBRM detected targets with indication on electronic map;
-automated management of all systems and facilities SBRM using the onboard information and control system, including the continuous processing of navigation data;
-reception and processing of intelligence video and photo information from remotely piloted vehicle (RPV);
-steady radio and data communications;
-firing on detected targets by day and night;
-high mobility;
-armor of the crew;
-blocking of radio controlled improvised explosive devices;
comfortable working conditions for 4 crew members.

Ostatak foto-galerije na sajtu:

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i nastavak

Citat:Adding to the "Tigers pack" - a high-tech SBRM

Striking, unusual for "Tiger" arrangement with two doors on the side, an unusual machine gun system and an abundance of different devices on the roof. And as a set of equipment at the car completely perplexed.

Certainly armored cars "Tiger" has long been known and need no introduction, but this "Tiger" was released special. To say the least - it is a truly unique, unique in the world is not! A machine called ciya SBRM.

SBRM stands for service and combat reconnaissance vehicle developed by NGOs and "Arrow" by order of the Interior Ministry to the intelligence of the internal forces. Development started three years ago, research was under the code "Saponification". Do not laugh, ciphers domestic developments that the Interior Ministry that the MoD always caused frightened - "is to confuse spies." Assault vehicle "Abaimov-Abanat" and chemical reconnaissance vehicle "Ruin" - how do you?

Requirements issued very strict. No joke - I had put together and match 10 items of special equipment and the three operators + driver, and placed it all had to highly mobile armored chassis with a protection of at least the third grade GOST.
As we can see, under the chassis fit perfectly "Tiger", though in special modification, apparently based on GAZ-233034 SPM-1. The car went 4 persons respectively with 4 side doors. Stern doors were only for maintenance. Protection, presumably corresponds to the Army and police modifications STS SPM-1, and has protection in third grade GOST board projections, and in the front - 5th grade. The choice of the "Tiger" of course no coincidence - this car has become the standard armored car at the Interior Ministry, and the new machine is completely unified (and it simplifies logistics) with the standard SPM-1 and SPM-2, "Abaimov-Abanat" and P-145BMA standing on Leads internal forces.

But the essence of SBRM course in its unique composition of the equipment, which will be envied and western armored vehicles. Out an impressive list: the block of target detection in a compact radar combined with multi-channel opto-electronic systems, all mounted on a retractable mast, which is in the stowed position retracted into the hull. In addition to radar and optical: acoustic detector, which determines the location of the arrow by the sound of the shot (so-called system of "antisnayper"). Further increases the possibility of a complex UAV reconnaissance of the "Aileron" with 2 drones, and to them a communication system and a management console. Also, to help the scouts - a set of small-sized sensors signaling equipment, which can scatter the car. Will not get bored and the station with the function of bearing intercept radio source. And that's not counting the mandatory radio and satellite navigation complex type GLONASS / GPS.
And yet - blocker explosive devices (jammers electromagnetic protection against roadside bombs with the radio fuse) and stabilized remotely controlled weapon module (DUMV), with heavy machine gun "Kord" with advanced (thermal imager, thermal channel and laser rangefinder) aiming system. Such high-tech machine gun infrequent guests on Russian equipment, and there is a question about the authorship of this device. Most likely it is designed and manufactured to the same NGO "Boom."
And all of this is controlled with 3 computer terminals aboard SBRM is transmitted through airborne information management system and displays the navigation situation in real time. And all of this is fueled by the autonomous diesel power plant, and the team of scouts did not suffer in the car is provided with air conditioning and heating.
Not tired reading list? This only underlines the uniqueness SBRM - on such a small car assembled set of equipment, which will envy even known manufacturers. And domestic, too - such as rare BRDM-3 on the basis of 14-ton BTR-80A, with its collection of old equipment kutsym frankly looks dated, while significantly outperforming in massogabaritah (and hence in the signature) - though he had to make allowances for the already advanced age . Well, BRDM-2 reconnaissance capabilities over SBRM general junk.

And do not forget that SBRM be on the move to remove the mast intelligence, and in this way the machine will not stand out from other "Tigers", this is also a plus.

And of TTX from the developer:
The instrument detection range, km 10
Range of fire, until, 1.5 km
Caliber weapons, 12.7 mm
Operating time, hours, not less than 24
UAV flight duration, at least, 60 minutes
Crew 4

In conclusion, can only add - this machine is equipped with a huge set of complex and expensive equipment. So the price of the car is expected to grow once. But if the complex is really so effective, it means necessary. Era BRDM-2 with a set of radios and binoculars commander disappearing. In place of the "mess" are high-tech armored vehicles of the 21st century.

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  • Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3562
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

Taze sa paradeu Skopje.

  • Pridružio: 30 Maj 2011
  • Poruke: 438
  • Gde živiš: Šabac

I Makedoncima uvaljuju ove 'lovačke' varijante...Našli,pa zašli...a i kome bi osim nama i braći po veri...Imaju li Crnogorci 'poklona' ili su najpametniji na Balkanu ?

  • Pridružio: 05 Apr 2009
  • Poruke: 3723
  • Gde živiš: JAGODINA

Koliko ja znam imaju, ali ih koriste u Avganistanu...

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