APS Aktivni sistemi za unistavanje/ometanje nadolazecih projektila


APS Aktivni sistemi za unistavanje/ometanje nadolazecih projektila

  • Pridružio: 22 Feb 2011
  • Poruke: 1747

Jester ::Evo jednog dejstva Trophy sistema na Merkavi: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Doduše nakon što je RPG već pogodio tenk.....
Već je snimak iskomentarisan.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 10 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 4245

Ruski sistem za aktiviranje kasetnih bombi:

Citat:Concern specialists have created a radar for ATVs

One of the actual of tasks of defending modern Ground Forces: tanks, APCs, IFCs, and mobile missile complexes, is the operative detection of self-aiming combat elements in the air (SADARM, BONUS, TGSM, BAT, etc.). These means are observed with high combat effectiveness and are actively becoming established in modern armies.

If a self-aiming combat element is detected on time over the areas of mobile armed Ground Force technology dislocation, then it give the opportunity to take necessary defensive measures and guarantee the safety of the same forces to themselves.

For the decision of such a task, specialists of the Fazorton-NIIR corporation have developed radar like the FA02. They are placing it on a combat vehicle. The radar is composed of two parts: an antenna module placed in the upper part of the combat vehicle in a special compartment covered by a radiolucent cover and an instrumental unit inside the vehicle.

The antenna module is a phased antenna bar. A special well-shaped compartment protects the antenna module from bullets, fragments, and other external influence. Even in the instance of possible damage, it can be easily replaced by a substitute. An additional plus is its low cost.

The radar’s instrumental unit is composed of a transmitter, a receiver, a signal processor, and an information processor. All the elements of the radar are connected by a constantly active embedded control system. It, by the developers’ information, assures the radar’s complete working control at a level no less than 97%.

The system provides the possibility to detect self-aiming combat elements above the vehicle. The view zone is stabilized relative to verticality and doesn’t depend on the combat vehicle’s tilt. Thanks to the working radio spectrum, the radar’s characteristics don’t change depending on water, moisture, and dirt falling on the antenna module’s surface. Information about the radar’s work and about detected self-aiming combat elements is transferred to a combat vehicle computer system by a standard interface.

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Mozda je ovo povezano sa onom glasinom o Armati Confused

Citat:There are still no AESA blocks (they will be on the second prototype only), with that the upper hemisphere of the tank will be defended by the active defence system.

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  • Toni  Male
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  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31407

Citat:They also say they want to equip more vehicles with the Trophy APS, which they credit with defending Merkava Mk 4 tanks against more than a dozen anti-tank missile strikes carried out by militants during Operation 'Protective Edge'.

Citat:Hundreds of attacks on modern armoured vehicles failed to cause significant damage during 'Protective Edge', the source said, although he declined to give precise numbers. He said that the Trophy system had "pleasantly surprised us with its extreme precision, and unique operational capability. It answered the threat.

"Of course we will want to expand this," he said. "If we receive a multi-year spending programme in 2015, we will be able to fortify, at relatively small costs to the state, the whole of the Ground Forces," he added.

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  • Pridružio: 10 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 4245

Napisano: 27 Dec 2014 23:26

Citat:Development of Trophy APS next generation

Rafael, IAI and IMI, the Israeli major defense contractors agreed to co-develop the next generation of APS for vehicles. The new development will combine Rafael Trophy and IMI Iron Fist. Rafael will be the primary contractor, IAI and IMI will sub-contract. This decision comes after years of negotiations and a previous failed attempt for a joint product.
The new system will employ Elta (IAI) radar, IMI interceptor and Rafael integration work. It will differ from Trophy by using a hit-to-kill interceptor instead of releasing multiple fragments intended to hit incoming missile/projectile

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Dopuna: 28 Dec 2014 18:05

Noviji video za Arena-E

Interesntan je nacin na koji je urađen radar, odnosno emiter i prijemnik su odvojeni:

I dalje ne piše (bar ja nisam video) kolika je elevacija delovanja sistema.

  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 1548

jazbar ::bojank ::Jazbar, nema to uticaja. Ako je razlika previse mala oba ce biti zakacena istim punjnjem. Ako je prevelika bice aktivirana dva punjenja.
Neznam ja, tako pišu Izraelci da RPG-30 to može i zato razvijaju neki bolji sistem AO pod imenom Trench Coat koji bi mogao da zaustavi RPG-30.

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Napokon sam ga našao, Jazbare bio si u pravu , tačno mu je oznaka RPG-30 Vrlo efikasan protiv sadašnjih sistema aktivne zaštite, to je sve iga , uvek će se napraviti i jedno i drugo, na kraju krajeva, već se razvija metak kalibra 12,7, koji će se navoditi prema izvoru zračenja na oklopnim vozilima,, i koji će služiti onesposobljavanju radara/senzora aktivnih sistema zaštite, etc.(Rusi su na kraju krajeva i smanjili prvobitni senzorsko/radarski slop ARENA) zato što su smatrali da je prevelik i preterano izložen oštećenju najobičnijim snajperom ili lucky shotom iz automatske puške.

  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2008
  • Poruke: 2257

Poljaci takodje rade na razvoju APS:
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Mora u Translate, na poljskom je.

  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2008
  • Poruke: 2257

Sta mislite: DA LI JE IZVODLJIVA INTEGRACIJA AKTIVNOG SISTEMA ZASTITE poput izraelskog Trophy-a ili ruske Arene NA RADARE VOJIN i PVO ???
Mislim da bi mogli da "uhvate" raketu, ali bojeva glava je velika i jaka, celih 60-70 Kg. Morala bi da se postave jedno 4 sistema oko radara, pa da se medjusobno integrisu.

  • Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 20260

aerodrom ::Sta mislite: DA LI JE IZVODLJIVA INTEGRACIJA AKTIVNOG SISTEMA ZASTITE poput izraelskog Trophy-a ili ruske Arene NA RADARE VOJIN i PVO ???
Mislim da bi mogli da "uhvate" raketu, ali bojeva glava je velika i jaka, celih 60-70 Kg. Morala bi da se postave jedno 4 sistema oko radara, pa da se medjusobno integrisu.

Premala je razdaljina dejstva kod Trophy ili Arene (ni 10m), eksplozija ce ostetiti radar i neoklopljeno vozilo.

  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2008
  • Poruke: 2257

Pa udaljis ih malo Smile

Mislio sam na koncept, kao poslednja linija odbrane (recimo 20-30-50m od radara), podrazumeva se da bi to moralo drugacije da se odradi.

  • Pridružio: 14 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 6594

aerodrom ::@bojank
Pa udaljis ih malo Smile

Mislio sam na koncept, kao poslednja linija odbrane (recimo 20-30-50m od radara), podrazumeva se da bi to moralo drugacije da se odradi.

Imas Gazetcik. [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] Nije bas hard kill, ali ispaljuje mamace i iskljucuje radar. To je dosta za protiv-radarske rakete koje su glavni problem PVO. Sistem za sebe je zastita protiv drugog naoruzanja vazduh-zemlja (tako sto unistava avione koji to isplajuju Wink), a KoV bi trebao da drzi ostalo na pristojnoj udaljenosti.

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