Poslao: 17 Jun 2023 14:21
- YugoSlav

- Građanin
- Pridružio: 09 Apr 2022
- Poruke: 155
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Poslao: 25 Jul 2023 15:59
- Pridružio: 02 Feb 2017
- Poruke: 2198
Napisano: 25 Jul 2023 15:07
Bojan je na predhodnoj stranici spomenuo TTS model i opravdano dao zamjerku na Rokestan ovu kupolu.
Malo vise o toj modifikaciji.
Stavljam u spojler jer je tekst poduzi
+ The M60A3 with Tank Thermal Sight (TTS).The first batch of M60A3’s entered service in 1978. It was an amalgamation of all updates to the M60A1 plus the addition of M239 smoke dischargers, a thermal shroud for the 105mm main gun and a new rangefinder and ballistic computer with meteorological sensor on the turret roof. However soon after its introduction a new sub variant entered service. The M60A3 with Tank Thermal Sight (TTS). It incorporates hybrid solid-state ballistic computer, laser rangefinder, and a turret stabilization system. It was a significantly improved version of its predecessor. All M60A3 have top loading air filters, a thermal shroud (to help prevent “gun droop”) for the 105mm gun and a laser range finder plus new T142 tracks with octagonal rubber blocks. Another visible feature is the armoured flap cover over the range finder housing near the CWS. The M60A3 had the capability to engage the full spectrum of enemy ground targets with a variety of accurate, point and area fire weapons, incorporated with a shoot-on-the-move capability.
The M60A3 main battle tank was used as the principal assault weapon of tank battalions during all types of combat operations, conducted under any conditions, from low-intensity conflict to general nuclear and non-nuclear situations as part of an offensive combined arms team. The M60A3 (TTS) replaced the M48 series of tanks and the M60A1 tank.
The first A3’s were deployed to Germany in mid-1979. The laser rangefinder added significant capability to the M-60 and many of these are still in active foreign service or as US OPFOR vehicles. The Tank Thermal Sight was a significant advance and tankers who have operated A3’s and M1A1’s almost universally stated that the TTS on the M-60A3 was the best thermal imager ever fielded. It was not used on the M1 series due to its cost and large size. With the achievements in US ammunition technology the inferior calibre of the 105mm gun did not play a significant role. With depleted Uranium rounds the 105mm gun was a very effective weapon even compared against larger guns.
The M60A3 was not officially a part of the USMC inventory, however, several saw action with USMC Tank Battalions during Desert Storm as FO/FAC platforms due to the capability of the thermal sight for locating targets. The Mech Museums A3 has been painted in the 4-color MERDEC pattern and has the tactical markings of a tank from 1st Platoon, Co. C, 3rd Tank Bn.
I par slika
Dopuna: 25 Jul 2023 15:59
Kada je rijec o termoviziji .stabilizatoru ,laserovanju, SUV
, ovaj MBT je u to vrijeme bio daleko ispred svojih istocnih pandama.Ma koliko ja vise volio T serije ovo je cinjenica.Pa cak je mogao precizno da gadja i iz pokreta. Pa i danas u 2023 dosta tenkova kuburi sa gore navedenim.SVO je najbolji pokazatelj.
Poslao: 25 Jul 2023 16:42
- Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 20369
Postojao je jedan problem sa stabilizacijom kod M60A3, stabilizacija nisanske sprave je bila odlicna, ali stabilizacija, tacnije sposobnost topa da prati nisansku spravu je ostala losija, jer je usled razloga stednje stabilizacija topa uglavnom istala ista kao na na M60A1(AOS) sa razlikom da je hidraulicka pumpa zamenjena za jacu.
Poslao: 25 Jul 2023 18:52
- HrcAk47
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 14 Mar 2017
- Poruke: 2664
TTS je bio jedan od boljih pokazatelja šta se može uraditi sa matorim tenkom uz moderan SUV. Ispao skroz korektan i upotrebljiv tenk, ali efikasnost ista je neuporedivo veća.
Utoliko beše dalekosežnija odluka da na domaće čedo stave prebesan SUV. Gre'ota samo što je Igman modernizovan u maloj količini
Poslao: 25 Jul 2023 19:08
- Kenanjoz
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 21 Jun 2016
- Poruke: 700
Jedno "ciji je veci" pitanje...
Vojska BiH ima M 60 tenkove koji su navodno TTS model, dakle sa termalnim nisanom...
Procitao sam tvrdnje da je M 60 TTS model bolji od M 84 tenka.... pretpostavljam da u dejstvu nocu jeste, ali po ostalim parametrima ?
I da li bi modernizovani M 84 AS 1/2 imao, to jest imace bolju termalnu spravu od TTS modela ?
Poslao: 25 Jul 2023 22:28
- Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 20369
Ako se dobro secam BiH M60 imaju matoru potkalibarnu municiju, M735 i nisam siguran da li su TTS modeli u pitanju.
Nove termovizije su bolje od TTS, imaju vecu rezoluciju, osetljivost itd jer je TTS ipak prva generacije termovizije. Jako dobra prva generacija, ali prva.
PS. Termovizija nije prednost samo nocu, prednost je uvek i to velika, jer drasticno olaksava detekciju ciljeva.
Poslao: 25 Jul 2023 22:52
- Kenanjoz
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 21 Jun 2016
- Poruke: 700
Jel se zna uopste koja je termovizija u pitanju kod M 84 AS 1/2, u smislu koja generacija, pretpostavljam da je makar druga ?
Poslao: 30 Jul 2023 00:00
- Pridružio: 16 Apr 2014
- Poruke: 18865
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