- Pridružio: 12 Jan 2011
- Poruke: 1548
Napisano: 09 Mar 2012 11:27
Mean_machine je odgovorio umesto mene onim malim isečkom iz Moskow Defence Brief-a na sva pitanja+što nigde nisam rusku vojsku nazvao neorganizovanom RULJOM ali pošto je admin samo moj post obrisao, sa punim pravom, jer sam otišao u off, ali je trebao i ostale na temu VRS vs VG
Dopuna: 16 Mar 2012 20:08
On the site there was a message of Defense of Georgia to establish a national Aids. The first impression of the car - some innuendo, the designers obviously wanted to do something new, but drastic measures have to go all the same fear. As a result, the BMP is a palliative reshenie.Iz advantages - quite a decent amount of troop compartment, but it reached a significant height of the machine, in the mountains is fraught with an increased risk of overturning, the angle of the side slope is clearly smaller than "standard" thirty gradusov.Zaschita - too weak (well, Naturally, from a purely point of view of the tank), declared the fire out KPVT, but, given the saturation of troops YUVO BMP-2 and BTR-82A that is not enough, 30 mm automatic gun makes the new BMP is extremely vulnerable.
Probably will be a set of units additional protection, possibly with the use of the DMZ, but on the other hand, the bearing capacity is now pyatiopornoy chassis is unlikely to increase the security of any serious.
Firepower - combat unit with 23 mm automatic cannon is hardly a step forward compared with the 30 mm 2A42 cannon. A definite plus, advanced control system with a thermal imager, and the deployment of weapons in the rendered remotely controlled unit, but for a machine of this class suggests installing more powerful combat unit, with a 30 mm anti-tank launchers to the AP, something like Rafael SAMSON RCWS-30 but it prevented the installation of likely to financial considerations. A pity, a module of such a class would have been much more appropriate.
As for the chassis - as rightly said Basil Chobitok, due to the increased height, increased significantly the moment of inertia of the sprung mass and the magnitude of the support surface (and thus - and the base) decreased, shock absorbers, probably inherited from the BMP-1 / 2, which will inevitably cause a great raskachivaemost body, and as a consequence, the deterioration of conditions for the crew and troops, and the worsening conditions of fire.
Taking into account the possible additional reservation, set the DMZ, installing a more serious combat this lack of a unit increase.
The engine seems to run as a polygon, even in this configuration does not show playfulness wonders if the Append to loaded car - mobility will fall even more. The engine sound is not audible, but it can be assumed that this is the UTD-20, corresponding to the transmission (and others taking no place in Georgia, and to buy - expensive).
Conclusion - the exhibited machine is a concept that is the first iteration (if the economy will follow) on the alteration of BMP-1/2 to something more modern, with a focus on defense, most likely in the recycling program previously declared BMP-1.
Further iterations are possible only in the case of assistance from the most likely - from the U.S. (the Europeans are not up to the charity), not only in financial terms but also in ensuring the "iron" - something out of line Kamingzovskih diesels Elissonovskie transmission or, more drastically - to finalize the provision of a number of chassis BMP "Bradley" in the presence of the Armed Forces. But even in this case, the creation of mass BMP Park, ensuring the needs of the Armed Forces, almost on the shoulder of the Georgian economy.
Evo na engleskom komentar Ruskog analitičara na temu LAZIKA
Uglavnom, kritikuje se ektremno povećanu visinu u odnosu na BMP, što utiče na dve stvari, prevrtanje pri većim bočnim nagibima, i povišenje težišta vozila, koje kada sa primi "udarac" nekim od PO ima veću sklonost ka kako je on rekao detoraciji oklopa tj cepanju i kidanju istog jer sa visinom, višak sile se ne prebacuje na ogibljenje i zemlju nego se rasprskava po oklopu (pokušao sam da pojednostavim njegovo tumačenje)
onda Slabo naoružanje i slab PowerPack...Sve u svemu nije loše zamišljeno, ali bi se moralo mnogo više poraditi na borbenom kompletu, Visinom, i PowerPack-om, ako imaju nameru da Laziku proizvedu za svoju vojsku u većim količinama, ili su mislili da njega samo izvoze a od tih para kupuju bredlije?