Grifon je tenk za IBCT ili običnu pešadiju. Imaju u armiji i gardi oko 20 IBCT, pa bi trebali da dobiju po neku jedinicu Grifona. Ne znam da li ih žele za razne desantne jedinice.
U svakom slučaju nije BVP, nije za mehanizovanu pešadiju, već jedan fetiš američki od kada su penzionisani Walker Buldoge. Šeridan nije bi srećan.
Imaju bezposadnu kupolu za top, što ga nisu koristili, više vole Klitisa, valjda.
Nabavljaju 96, prvi od ukupno 26 do decembra 2023. a prva operativna jedinica do 2025. Planiraju 504 do 2035.
The Army Just Selected Its First Light Tank In Decades
Citat:The light tanks, known as as Mobile Protected Firepower Vehicles, will provide armored fire support for light infantry.
For the first time since the Cold War, the U.S. Army is set to acquire and field a new light tank. The service announced today that General Dynamics Land Systems has won its Mobile Protected Firepower program competition and has been awarded a contract worth up to $1.14 billion.
The initial Mobile Protected Firepower (MPF) contract award will cover an initial low-rate production order of 96 vehicles. The Army expects to take delivery of the first examples, from an initial lot of 26 MPFs, in December 2023 and have its first unit fully equipped with them by 2025. The service presently plans to buy a total of 504 new light tanks, with most of them arriving by the end of 2035. It's not immediately clear if this figure includes any of the preproduction examples that General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS) already supplied for testing.
Za Herkulesa bi trebao da bude lagan ko Tojota LC76 sa D-30 topom na sebi (umotvnorine bliskog nam istoka, mislim da je bila slika te kreacije), dok Sprut-SD i brat mu BMD-4M ripaju iz Il-76 koji je u klasi sa C-17, tako da po meni nije problem tip aviona koji jase, vec sto ne moze da ripa i da se kupa
Dopuna: 01 Jul 2022 18:39
Mada kada vec diskutujemo, evo i taktike koju ce vazdusne brigade koristiti sa Grifonom
Neko potegnu pitanje da li ima autopunjac, odgovor je jok! I dalje ima Peru lozaca i sistem punjenja zvan "O ruk!"