Pravili su oni i prije vozila za deminiranje, upravo se njima vršilo deminiranje u BiH.
Citat:BANJALUKA, BRATUNAC - Tehnički remont Bratunac (TRB) pripojiće sebi preduzeće "Macrohard Mechanik" iz Pala, a koje se bavi proizvodnjom mašina za humano deminiranje, i na taj način ojačati svoj poslovni portfolio.
Paljansko preduzeće je osnovano 1996. godine, a proizvodnjom mašina za deminiranje počelo je da se bavi 2005. godine. Pet modela MH-05 koje su proizveli nalazi se u BiH, a tri u Sudanu.
Citat:Until 2010 in BiH by MH-05 machine was cleared 6.000.000 m2 of mined area.
All MH-05 machines are accredited by Mine Action Center in Bosnia and Herzegovina - BHMAC in accordance with International Mine Action Standards IMAS.
Citat:Armoured body is made of armour metal plates of the following thickness:
Front lower plate 20 mm
Front upper plate 20 mm
Side plates 10 mm
Back plate 10 mm
Lower front plate 10 mm
Lower back plate 5 mm
Upper part of the armoured body is covered with corrugated metal covers, thickness of 3.5 mm.
At the top of the vehicle are openings for air circulation, for the engine's intake and passage through the water cooler, engine oil and hydraulic oil.
On the back panel of the armoured body is door for access to certain parts of equipment inside the vehicle.
Dopuna: 19 Feb 2019 20:18
ATV u Abu Dabiju: Kompanija iz Srpske izvoziće u Saudijsku Arabiju FOTO