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Робот „Скарабеј“ и камера „Сфера“ која се баца као лопта намењени руским деминерима успешно су тестирани у Сирији.
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Блесав геџет.
The sophisticated 12-tonne vehicle is capable of destroying enemy tanks and light fortifications. It is armed with a 30mm 2A72 automatic gun and a double machine gun. It is also equipped with Ataka anti-tank missiles. To hide its position, the Uran-9 is equipped with a special system which helps it cheat enemy radar.
Koriscenje u Siriji pokazalo da je ipak dosta nepouzdan
Citat:During 10th All-Russian scientific conference “Actual problems of protection and security”, which was held from 3 to 6 April 2018in the N.G. Kuznetsov Naval Academy in St. Petersburg A.P. Anisimov revealing the details of Uran-9’s combat test in Syria, which resulted were identified a list of deficiencies classified into critical.
As a result of the tests, it became known that the Uran-9 complex is not capable of performing the tasks assigned to it. In particular, in carrying out of combat missions, the average range of sustainable management from the advanced control point was 300-500 m in the conditions of the settlement with low-rise buildings, , while also were recorded 17 cases of short-term (up to 1 min) and 2 cases of long (up to 1.5 hours) loss of Uran-9 control.
The low reliability of the running gear elements – supporting and guiding rollers, suspension springs is revealed. The chassis of the Uran-9 cannot be used in ground close-combat roles for a long time and requires field repair.
During a study of reconnaissance capabilities, it was revealed that the electro-optic stations allow reconnaissance and identification of targets at a range of no more than 2 km. The OCH-4 optical station does not allow detecting optical observation and targeting devices of the enemy and gives out multiple interferences on the ground and in the airspace in the surveillance sector.
There were also cases of unstable operation of the 30mm 2A72 automatic cannon – 6 delays and failure. The UGV provides fire only from the site, which significantly reduces its combat capabilities (armament, sighting and reconnaissance devices are not stabilized).
As a result, it was concluded that the modern Russian combat UGVs are not able to perform the assigned tasks in the classical types of combat operations.
Izgleda da Sirijce ne brine nepouzdanost naime testirali su jednog Uran 9 sa 12 bacača plamena Šmelj M.
Russia’s Uran-9 battle bot, which was successfully tested on the Syrian battlefield, has been considerably beefed up, new photos reveal. The formidable vehicle has now been fitted with 12 anti-personnel flamethrowers.
The machine has apparently received 12 Shmel-M man-portable rocket launchers classified as Rocket-propelled Infantry Flamethrower by their maker. Those can be fitted with destructive thermobaric and incendiary warheads. The flamethrowers are fitted on top of the vehicle’s turret into two, presumably revolving, assemblies and appear to be a permanent add-on to the robot’s firepower.