Руска армија употребила роботизоване јединице за пробој непријатељске одбране
Борбени роботи „Уран-6 „ и „Уран-9“ у садејству расчистили пут кроз „најтврђи“ појас непријатељске одбране и отвориле коридор за удар главних оклопно-механизованих снага
На Далеком Истоку у оквиру стратегијске вежбе „Восток-2018“ у једној од етапа практичног извођења вежбе биће употребљени мобилни роботи „Уран-6“ и „Уран-9“ преноси итенрнет портал РГ. Они ће заједно са самоходним реактивним средствима разминиравања Ур-77 „Метеорит“ и борбеним машинама за деминирање БМР-3М, расчистити коридор куда треба да прођу главне оклопно-механизоване снаге састављене од основних борбених тенкова и возила за подршку.
In a new article published on Sunday, the National Interest publication said that the Russian military’s Uran-9 robot tank’s performance in Syria had disappointed its commanders.
Citing a report from the Defense Blog, the National Interest said that Senior Research Officer Andrei Anisimov told a conference at the Kuznetsov Naval Academy in St. Petersburg that the Uran-9’s performance in Syria revealed that “modern Russian combat Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) are not able to perform the assigned tasks in the classical types of combat operations.”
“He concluded it would be ten to fifteen more years before UGVs were ready for such complex tasks,” the National Interest author continued.
“Robotic armored vehicles are in development across the world, with the U.S. Army planning for its Bradley fighting vehicle replacement to be ‘optionally-manned,'” the National Interest author said.
Citat:Russian military announced that "Sphera" micro-UGV will become an official part of the sapper and demining equipment
Defective combat UGV enters service with Russian army Citat:The Uran-9 combat unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), that failed trials in Syria, has quietly entered military service, according to Russia’s state-owned TASS news agency.
In a recent interview Kalashnikov boss, Vladimir Dmitriev, said the Uran-9 combat UGV, also called the 766 UPDK has been finally been accepted by the Russian military.
“We are currently completing the production of the first series lot,” also he told Russian journalists. “The Uran have a good scientific and technological potential for developing further products.”
Russian troops tested Uran-9s in Syria, and according to Dmitriev, the experience helped find new ways of improving the drone before starting mass production.
Приликом обрачуна са терористима ФСБ употребио загонетно оклопно возило „Фалькатус“
Током операције припадници СпН су користили борбене роботе и блиндирана возила.
voja64 ::Приликом обрачуна са терористима ФСБ употребио загонетно оклопно возило „Фалькатус“
Током операције припадници СпН су користили борбене роботе и блиндирана возила.