Tendencije razvoja savremenih tenkova


Tendencije razvoja savremenih tenkova

  • kNikS 
  • Moderator u penziji
  • Pridružio: 31 Maj 2006
  • Poruke: 4640

sebab ::@nNikS

pripremljeni polozaji su naravno bili opcija, ali nsu ameri imali samo abrams, vec i m60, britanci chieftain itd. abrams i jeste imao vecu pokretljivost da bi se omogucila aktivna odbrana.

ok, znas ko je jamesg123 i na kom tenku je sluzio ili sluzi

"The M1's armor configuration is optimised for being in a defilade defensive position. On a reverse slope of I think greater than 7%, the hull front armor array shields the front slope and the underside of the "chin" of the turret.

Level and on the move, yeah its a vulnerability, especally considering most direct hit ATGMs have a terminal phase of their flight which is a shallow dive."

Citat: tanka abramsova gornja kosa ploca je manja po povrsini od donje kose ploce na txx.
marginalno manja gledano potpuno spreda. i nalazi se u centru mase. gledano samo malo odozgo, povecava se. kako ces da gledas odozdo donju plocu t-xx..?

Citat: retko ce se tenk gadjati direktno spreda, pa se taj ugao zapravo povecava i jos vise povecava verovatnoca rikoseta.
cak i za 30 stepeni iskosa (sto je realno da posmatramo, sve preko toga bi mogli da nazovemo hicima sa strane), u ovom konkretnom slucaju efekat je vrlo mali, izrazen minutima a ne stepenima. tako da je od toga slaba vajda.

Citat: osim toga, manje je osetljiva na rpg od donje kose ploce kod txx zbog mogucnosti aktiviranja upaljaca. su ameri i predvidjali pripremljene polozaje, rusi to nisu mogli i samim tim bi donja kosa ploca bila izlozena.
pod kojim uslovima projektil treba da doleti da bi pogodio donju plocu pod (vertiklanim) uglom od 0 stepeni? da se nalazi na istoj visini ili da se nalazi nize od donje ploce i da nema nikakav pad. i tad postoje sanse da ce da prodje kroz pod. sve u svemu vrlo tesko, nista manje nego pogadjanje gornje ploce abramsa. a ako projektil u abramsovu gornju plocu dolazi pod uglom od 4-5 stepeni (racunajuci cak i bocni ugao), koliko je to rhae? 200-300. kolika je tad povrsina? garantovano veca nego donja ploca t-xx.

Citat:280 mm je cifra koja je mnogo "starija" od paul-ovog armor basics-a. ja u tim raspravama ucestvujem od 1997.

ok, voleo bih da vidim obrazlozenje za tih 280 na novijim tenkovima.

Citat: na t-90a/s/m postoji ero blize topu, osnovni oklop je jos uvek slab. ero samo smanjuje probojnost apfsds projektila. ako osnovni oklop nije dovoljan, dzabe i ero. primeti koliko su te kasete male i koliko cak i tu "rupu" slabo pokrivaju.
ne, pogledaj novi t-90m.. kasete su poredjane neposredno uz top i uopste nisu male (i tesko da je iza 280).

Citat:sta sam zaboravio? nera - non explosive reactive armor? on je prisutan na kupoli, ne i na trupu. bio je na trupu kao dodatni oklop kod iracke t55 enigme i u nesto primitivnijem obliku na t-55am2. ima i slike t-72b sa nera oklopom na kupoli:


niko nikad nije dao bilo kakve podatke o nekom drugom materijalu na prednjoj kosoj ploci sem staklotextolita. nije realno da tu bude nera, jer za nera treba prostor za "naduvavanje", a njega tamo jednostavno nema. spekulacija je bilo jako mnogo...

ne, govorim o necemu drugom, pogledaj ovo:

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Artiljerac
  • Pridružio: 07 Nov 2009
  • Poruke: 3123

T-90m, trenutno najbolja verzija, ako se ne varam!


The T-90M is a radically upgraded variant of the existing T-90S ‘Bhishma’ MBT, and is 1.5 times more capable than the T-90S. The T-90M features the ‘Kaktus’ embedded explosive reactive armour (ERA) package on its frontal hull and turret-top (the T-90S has ‘Kontakt-5’ ERA), is fitted with an enhanced environmental control system supplied by Israel’s Kinetics Ltd for providing cooled air to the fighting compartment, has additional internal volume for housing the cryogenic cooling systems for new-generation thermal imagers like the THALES-built Catherine-FC thermal imager (operating in the 8-12 micron bandwidth and housed within the Peleng-built 1G-46 gunner’s sight) and the commander’s panoramic sight (which houses the Matis-STD thermal imager that operates in the 3-5 micron bandwidth and which has also been selected for the Arjun Mk1 MBT’s panoramic sight), is fitted with an automatic gearbox, has an electro-hydraulic turret-drive-cum stabilisation system, and most importantly, has a 52-cal 2A46M-5 Rapira smoothbore main gun barrel that also comes fitted with a muzzle reference system. The T-90M’s powerplant will be the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant-built 1,000hp V-92S2 diesel engine, while a 1kW AB-1-P28 auxiliary power unit will provide back-up electric power when the engine is idling. The gunner’s sight-cum-laser rangefinder will be the 1A43 system, which will also house the Peleng-built 1G46 day sight and the ESSA module containing the Catherine-FC thermal imager and the 9S517 missile guidance module for the Refleks anti-armour/anti-helicopter round. The digital hunter-killer fire-control system will use the 1V528-1 ballistics computer and the DVE-BS meteorological sensor. Bharat Electronics Ltd will supply the T-90M’s digitised battlespace management system and radio communications suite (licence-built models originally designed by Elbit Systems and Tadiran), while Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd will provide the fibre-optic gyro-based autonomous land navigation system.

In future, the HVF is expected to retrofit all 987 T-90 MBTs with active protection systems (APS) for which Army HQ on April 24 last year issued requests for proposals to six companies (Israel Military Industries, RAFAEL, BAE Systems, Raytheon, Rosoboronexport, Saab, and Germany’s IBD Deisenroth Engineering) for procuring 1,657 active protection systems (APS) worth $270 million. Those taking part in the Indian bid were Russia’s Kolomna-based KBM Engineering Design Bureau with its Arena-E APS on offer, IMI of Israel with its Iron Fist suite on offer, RAFAEL’s Trophy APS, Raytheon’s Quick Kill APS, Saab’s LEDS-150 and Deisenroth Engineering’s AMAP-ADS. Eventually, the LEDS-150 was selected and its procurement contract was inked on January 27, 2009. The Land Electronic Defence System (LEDS) combines active signature management, soft-kill and hard-kill mechanisms to provide full spectrum active protection to armoured vehicles. Full hemispherical coverage is provided to detect incoming threats and alert the crew. When installed in full configuration, the LEDS-150 offers MBT-comparable protection to light and medium combat vehicles against engagement by weapons like RPG-7s, anti-tank guided-missiles, KE ammunition, mortars and artillery shells. The LEDS-150 is an active defence system and typically comprises laser warning sensors, ADC-150 active defence controller AD, a number of munition confirmation and tracking sensors, and high-speed directed launchers, which allow the combination of soft- and hard-kill countermeasure deployment capability to the platform, optional displays, and interconnecting harnesses. The hard kill feature of the LEDS-150 product is characterised by its capability to physically destroy the efficiency of the terminal ballistic capability of attacking munitions without residual penetration of the protected vehicle. The hard kill system detects and tracks a single or simultaneous threats and calculates if the attacking munition will hit the platform or not. The system determines the best inertial intercept position and provides the slew and firing commands to the launchers. The Mongoose-1 countermeasure missile is launched at a predetermined time to intercept and neutralise the detected munition off-board at a distance of between 5 metres and 15 metres from the vehicle to minimise the collateral damage to own forces.

Interestingly, the hulls and welded steel turrets of the 330 T-90Ms, along with their Rapira gun barrels, will be fabricated by HVF with locally-sourced raw materials, while an improved version of the indigenous ‘Kanchan’ modular ceramics-based composite laminate armour package will be used for substituting the Russian package, whose technology-transfer has been denied by Russia. The same also goes for the Kaktus ERA tiles and RPZ-86M anti-radar paint coating, which will be totally imported from Russia.

Na Indijskim je kaktus reaktivni oklop! Zagrljaj

Neki novi sistem zaštite:


  • kNikS 
  • Moderator u penziji
  • Pridružio: 31 Maj 2006
  • Poruke: 4640

@ dejan84

na prvoj slici je t-72bm rogatka, t-90m je postovao aca tomic pre mesec dana. na drugoj slici je t-72-120 sa sajta harkova. na indijskim nije kaktus nego kontakt-5. 'neki novi sistem zastite' je ukrajinski zaslon, koji smo vec spominjali. ovo na poslednjoj slicni nije t-90m, tekst sa indijskog bloga opisuje cini mi se i prilicno spekulativno neka poboljsanja na indijskim t-90.
ovako nabacavanje slika i tekstova ne vodi nicemu, osim navijackom stavu - a necu dozvoliti da se oko toga razvija diskusija.

  • Jester  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 6771
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

Kako li vozač ulazi u tenk od ovih silnih Kontakta? Možda vežbaju jogu pre ulaska.

  • Artiljerac
  • Pridružio: 07 Nov 2009
  • Poruke: 3123

kNikS ::@ dejan84

na prvoj slici je t-72bm rogatka, t-90m je postovao aca tomic pre mesec dana. na drugoj slici je t-72-120 sa sajta harkova. na indijskim nije kaktus nego kontakt-5. 'neki novi sistem zastite' je ukrajinski zaslon, koji smo vec spominjali. ovo na poslednjoj slicni nije t-90m, tekst sa indijskog bloga opisuje cini mi se i prilicno spekulativno neka poboljsanja na indijskim t-90.
ovako nabacavanje slika i tekstova ne vodi nicemu, osim navijackom stavu - a necu dozvoliti da se oko toga razvija diskusija.

kakav navijački stav? Samo sam kopirao šta sam našao! Veoma su slični...

Tekst je kopirao najverovatnije odavde:

Za 1 sliku si u pravu, a 2 i 3 stavio da prikažem sistem i zaštitu.

Evo s vikpedije, da ima kaktus T-90m(ako je tačno)
In 2001, India bought 310 T-90S tanks from Russia, of which 120 were delivered complete, 90 in semi-knocked down kits, and 100 in completely-knocked down kits. The T-90 was selected because it is a direct development of the T-72 which India already employs, simplifying training and maintenance. India bought the T-90 after the delay in production of the domestically developed Arjun main battle tank, and to counter Pakistani deployment of the Ukrainian T-80UD in 1995–97. These tanks were made by Uralvagonzavod and the uprated 1,000-hp engines were delivered by Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant. These tanks however did not feature the Shtora active protection system though there are reports that a separate contract for shipment of a modernized version of this suite is being discussed.[15]

A follow-on contract, worth $800 million, was signed on October 26, 2006, for another 330 T-90M MBTs that were to be built with locally-sourced raw materials.

The T-90S Bhishma is a customized, improved version of the T-90S which India developed with assistance from Russia and France. Bhishma was a warrior from ancient Hindu epic, the Mahabharata.The tanks are equipped with the French-designed thermal sights[16] and utilizes India's Kanchan explosive reactive armored plates.[17] In April 2008, the Indian Army sent request for proposals to Rafael, BAE Systems, Raytheon, Rosoboronexport, Saab, and Germany’s IBD Deisenroth Engineering for an active protection system for the T-90S Bhishma. The contract is expected to be worth US$270 million.[18]

A third contract, worth $1.23 billion, was signed in December 2007 for 347 upgraded T-90Ms, the bulk of which will be licence-assembled by HVF. The Army hopes to field a force of over 21 regiments of T-90 tanks and 40 regiments of modified T-72s. The Indian Army would begin receiving its first T-90M main battle tank (MBT) in completely knocked-down condition from Russia’s Nizhny Tagil-based Uralvagonzavod JSC by the end of 2009.[19][20]

The T-90M features the ‘Kaktus’ embedded explosive reactive armour (ERA) package on its frontal hull and turret-top (the T-90S has ‘Kontakt-5’ ERA), is fitted with an enhanced environmental control system supplied by Israel’s Kinetics Ltd for providing cooled air to the fighting compartment, has additional internal volume for housing the cryogenic cooling systems for new-generation thermal imagers like the THALES-built Catherine-FC thermal imager (operating in the 8-12 micron bandwidth.[19] In all, India plans to have 310 T-90S and 1,330 T-90M tanks in service by 2020.[21]

The first batch of 10 license built T-90 Bhishma was inducted into the Indian army on 24 August 2009. These vehicles were built at the Heavy Vehicles Factory at Avadi, Tamil Nadu.

  • kNikS 
  • Moderator u penziji
  • Pridružio: 31 Maj 2006
  • Poruke: 4640

a citat iz wikipedije se poziva na globalsecurity i strategypage. koji su samo preuzeli recenicu iz clanka koji si citirao malopre na indijskom blogu. je l' mogu da zamolim za malo ozbiljnosti?

Bebee Dol

  • Artiljerac
  • Pridružio: 07 Nov 2009
  • Poruke: 3123

A gde piše da je kontakt-5?

Evo šta sam još našao, poboljšanu verziju t-90m (opet ako je tačno):


It was presented yesterday at the factory UVZ (N-Tagil) the new improved export version of tanks T-90m, which is codified as T-90ME. Which according to manufacturers has significantly improved operational efficiency in night operations and a higher degree of protection, which was achieved by using special metal alloy enriched with titanium.

The presentation of the new chariot was the Russian Prime Minister on the factory premises. Followed demonstrate the capabilities of the new chariot and the armored fighting vehicles BMPT the test site of the company.

The new tank has a new larger tower has been installed in a new panoramic 360 degree periscope for the head of the crew. New type of active shielding "Relict" which was designed to withstand anti-tank missiles with head configuration Tandem, edafiaious new wheels, new tracks, epanatopothetimeno air conditioning system, an improved chassis and improved roof window crew leader and possibly a more powerful engine of 1200 hp.

Dopuna: 03 Feb 2010 20:28

Ovde pričaju o razlici između kupole od T-90 i T-90m..modernizacija T-90m, ako sam razumeo

Dopuna: 03 Feb 2010 20:41

Na istom ruskom forumu stavili su sliku razlike kupole između T-90 i T-90m, pa mislim da za zadnju sliku nisam pogrešio...

  • kNikS 
  • Moderator u penziji
  • Pridružio: 31 Maj 2006
  • Poruke: 4640

tu sliku si doduse pogodio, samo sto nije taj raspored kontejnera na celu kupole. i kako si samo uspeo da dodjes do grcke vesti o t-90m Bebee Dol

evo izvora na ruskom:



Citat:The new pictures and main specs of T-90M (ob.188M) were appeared on a Russian site. This tank was first time demonstrated for Putin in Dec.10 at N-Tagil. It has got:

- New bigger turret without weakened frontal areas and with the all-aspect ERA covering.
- ERA 'Relict'
- Additional roof protection against atop attacking munition.
- New additional autoloader, placed on the aft part of the turret and able using the new longer sub-caliber rods.
- Aft ammo storage.
- Panoramic 3-channel IR commander site with improved anti-split/rounds protection.
- 7.62 mm automatic turret instead of 12.7mm.
- Totally new 2A82 125 mm MG (2A46M5 - optional).
- FCS with the net-centric module.
- New radio.
- New navigation system.
- New anti-split kevlar layer instead of the standard Russian anti-neutron layer.
- new anti-fire system.

In work:

- Mono-block power unit on 1200 hp V-99 engine.
- Steering wheel control.

T-90M - is intended for the export purpose mainly. For domestic use there was confirmed 'Burlak' program with heavy Tomsk OKBTM's input.

  • Artiljerac
  • Pridružio: 07 Nov 2009
  • Poruke: 3123

Sada sam negde pročitao da indijci imaju i T-90s+...ovaj t-90 ima 300 oznaka... GUZ - Glavom U Zid

Ovde je screenšot od T-90m
http://www.rusarmy.com/forum/topic7521.html s ovog sajta, http://www.1tv.ru/

Ako neko zna ruski da iskopa video, bio bi mu zahvalan! Ziveli

  • Pridružio: 30 Jun 2007
  • Poruke: 6287
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad, severoistočna Srbija

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