Poslao: 27 Dec 2023 13:18
- Pridružio: 20 Jun 2018
- Poruke: 2125
Citat:В интервью РИА Новости (https://t.me/rian_ru) Сергей Чемезов заявил о превосходстве российского танка «Армата» над израильской «Меркавой». По мнению гендиректора Ростеха последнюю хоть и позиционировали как сверхзащищенную, но на деле она имеет защиту, фактически, на уровне тяжелой БМП.
«В будущем "Армата" станет еще более грозным оружием, мы продолжаем работы, которые значительно повысят ее потенциал и боевую мощь. Результат увидим уже скоро. Поэтому все самое неприятное у наших противников впереди» – добавил (https://ria.ru/20231227/tank-1918359343.html) Чемезов.
Изледа још нису одустали.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 11 Feb 2024 20:48
- dragon986
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 02 Jun 2013
- Poruke: 3904
Nešto o ATS (anti targeting system) ili СПН koji bi onemugućavao UAV targetiranje namenjeno za Armatu i nova oklopna vozila.
Namenjeno za borbu protiv BPL koji laserske rakete ali bez uspeha protiv dronova koji se koriste u Rus-Ukr ratu tzv FPV.
Citat:Not long ago, an article was published by the management of VNIITransmash “The drone is not so scary... protecting armored vehicles from high-precision weapons of unmanned aerial vehicles” by V.V. Stepanov, B.V. Nemirovsky. It describes the anti-targeting system (ACS) of the Armata tank. Well, that very thing on the tower, covered with a modest rubber cap, which some crazy people passed off as almost an AFAR that sees satellites)))
From the description of the system, which is given below, it is clear that in theory SPN is a good thing - if we assume the unlikely option that everything works as written. But the main point is that the system is built to counter the threats of the “last war,” that is, UAVs such as MQ9, Bayraktar, etc., which would have used all kinds of Helfire ATGMs or ammunition with laser target illumination against the Armata. Such a system will not help against current threats such as FPV - they do not have laser radiation or rocket engines.
↑ Quote: Currently, there are domestic developments that can protect armored vehicles from JSC UAVs. This is a unified anti-targeting system (ACS) for high-precision weapons, developed at JSC VNIITransmash.
The SPN can be conditionally divided into three component subsystems: threat detection, setting up aerosol-masking curtains and controlling the operation of the SPN.
It should be noted that when creating the SPN, special attention was paid to the development of a threat detection subsystem, since the set of sensors of this subsystem determines the perfection and level of protection of the product as a whole.
For SPN, integrated multispectral detectors have been developed that combine passive (non-emitting) indicators of working rocket engines and laser radiation sensors.
The requirements for the threat detection subsystem are:
- detection of a target at a range allowing timely action to be taken to protect it;
- measurement (calculation) of the trajectory of the attacking ammunition;
- selection of attack ammunition from false targets (for example, birds or other objects) that may appear in the observation sector.
The detector registers radiation not only at angles close to horizontal, but also in the entire upper hemisphere, determining the azimuth angles and location of the radiation. These angles are determined taking into account data on the position of the object in space received from the object orientation system.
The field of view of a set of four detectors provides all-round visibility with complete coverage of the upper hemisphere according to the “solid dome” principle.
Thus, all anti-tank weapons of drones, including aerial bombs equipped with laser target designators, will be detected.
The subsystem for deploying aerosol-masking curtains of the SPN includes two rotary launchers (PPU) and two stationary launchers (PU).
PPUs are placed on the sides of objects and have the ability to deploy to protect the object from threats from the left and right sides. The shooting of aerosol-masking grenades (GAM) is carried out by combining the barrels with a preemptive direction towards the target. PPUs are used not only to protect against threats attacking at angles close to horizontal, but also against threats from the upper hemisphere, using the “running” of the curtain onto an object when the object moves at high speeds or at high wind speeds.
Stationary launchers are directed vertically upward, placed at the stern of the combat module and are designed to protect the object from threats from the upper hemisphere at low speeds of the object and wind.
Each PPU and PU have 12 barrels charged with multispectral GAM.
The work management subsystem is designed to solve problems of SPN management. These tasks include:
- receiving information from object sensors and processing it;
- selection of the required launcher and launcher, calculation of the firing angle from the central control unit and the shooting time from the launcher, taking into account the speed of the object, the speed and direction of the wind, the position of the object in space relative to the direction of the threat;
- transmission of information about the threat and recommendations to the crew;
- ensuring the necessary time-regulated shooting blocks.
The SPN operation control subsystem is a digital system, which allows, by replacing software, not only to modernize and modify the SPN, but also to adapt the SPN for operation at other facilities.
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Poslao: 04 Mar 2024 13:14
- kybonacci
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 20 Dec 2018
- Poruke: 2112
Citat: Танк Т-14 "Армата" намного превосходит существующие танки по своим характеристикам, но в ходе СВО вряд ли будет использоваться из-за своей высокой стоимости, армии проще приобрести более дешевые танки Т-90, сообщил РИА Новости генеральный директор госкорпорации "Ростех" Сергей Чемезов.
"Армата", она, в общем-то, дороговата. По своему функционалу, она, конечно, намного превосходит существующие танки, но слишком дорогая, поэтому ее сейчас армия вряд ли будет использовать. Проще им купить те же Т-90-е", - сказал Чемезов РИА Новости.
По его словам, сейчас нужны средства на создание новых вооружений.
"Сейчас нужны деньги для того, чтобы создать новые танки, новые вооружения, более, может быть, дешевые. Поэтому, если есть возможность купить более дешевые, почему нет", - добавил собеседник агентства. https://t.me/warhistoryalconafter/150354