- Pridružio: 12 Jan 2011
- Poruke: 1548
Continuing the cycle of conversations with one of the leading experts in the field of armored vehicles Victor Murakhovski. This time it will be about issues, the immediate prospects of development of domestic tank development, the modernization of the existing fleet of armored vehicles.
- Viktor, now goes to the army modernized version of the T-72. It is known that it is installed Belarus sight "Pine-U", though no sensor navigation system GLONASS is not visible. And the engine - the old V-84 power 840 hp Is it possible, then, to call this a tank "upgraded"?
- In fact, it's just renovated with elements of modernization. Take, for example, a power plant, just now there is no way to ensure tysyachesilnymi engine B-92S2 in the right amount. Otherwise have to close the export, and these engines are going to India, will soon go back to Algeria and other countries.
To Chelyabinsk plant would be able to meet all application needs modernization. CTZ was in a program to modernize the defense industry, it, by the way, must be signed in February. Of course, the money will come even later. And, in my opinion, it will take at least a year to complete this upgrade, and then the production capacity for modern engines to grow significantly.
In the meantime, opportunities are somewhat limited. And so, as I mentioned above, the first export contracts are met.
- How many tanks will have to upgrade? From these figures, too, the mass discrepancy.
- Let us now, we'll stick with data on 170 machines at six billion rubles for three years. Yes, it repairs with a minimum of modernization, the new component in the tank - Belarusian sight. The plans have the option of installing a new tower, like the one that stands on the upgraded T-90C, which last year was first shown in Nizhny Tagil, as well as the partial modernization of the power plant and transmission. Such a modification, of course, much more expensive. But while this option is not passed state tests.
- How realistic is the emergence of a new tank "Armata" in 2013?
- I would really like to see it happen. Machine-it "in iron" yet. All training at the level of design documentation. Previously, it was decided as follows: build two cars, so they were a few thousand miles, had shot several hundred rounds, identify weaknesses, and then on the basis of these tests make the machine that is brought to the stage of state tests.
Walk this way in less than 2 years is very difficult. The problem may ease the fact that the "Armata" will be used a lot of elements that have worked on the tank object 195, and on "Break" "Break 2".
I think that the general layout of what is called the "wagon", and the tower should be no problems. The main issue - the first level of cooperation, the main systems of the tank. On the issue with the engine. I have already said that the engine for the 195 th had already worked out, the transmission of hydrostatic transmission also has been brought. It was only necessary to put them in series, as it was at ten - fifteen items. And companies need to attract substantial cooperation funds for the organization of these industries.
As for the fire control system, it is in the 195-m initial idea was never realized. Krasnogorsk failed, failed to realize the RF channel in the right quality, at the end of it all refused. And so the "Armata" on fire control system to stop at a level that was achieved on a modernized T-90 with the addition of what has been implemented in the object 195 at a good level.
There are issues to improve ballistic protection. Since the time of development of the first 195 already much has changed. You must implement at the present level of ballistic protection, was hit. There are two solutions: to make, based on aramid fibers, what is called Kevlar, is the level that is mastered by our industry, and it can provide the supply, or do on the basis of most modern non-woven materials - fiber-forming UHMW polyethylene, kotoryyobespechivaet much higher level of protection. But here the problem - in Russia there are only pilot plant, with small volumes, which can not satisfy all needs. Again the question of financing to expand production of such materials. Similarly, for armored structures, composites, dynamic and active protection. There remained a number of technological backlog, but to bring them to safely operate the serial products, will require considerable effort and resources.
And such a position on many issues. If you take a tank gun ammunition, there is need to modernize production, primarily at the St Petersburg plant, as well as for the production of propellants, explosives, and the development of new types of fuses and more. In short, there is a chain of problems that must be addressed if we really want to go to an advanced level and put into service the car, which by its characteristics will be superior to all that is in foreign armies.
Perhaps some things can go on temporary compromises, for example, for the same ammunition, according to their most advanced and expensive types. Or is the system of active protection, which can be added later through modularity. In general, unified platform facilitates the permanent modernization of the machine during production and operation. But in other ways, such compromises are impossible, for example, the same basic ballistic protection. This laid the basis for the design, layout machines. The same can be said about the means of automation, the so-called "digital board" where to lay the most advanced developments in the field of architecture and system interfaces.
Krajnje obeshrabrujući tekst kada je u pitanju proizvodnja zaista novog tehnološki superiornog tenka, Što zbog nedostatka fabrika koje proizvode poslednje generacije materijala za balističku zaštitu(u celoj rusiji postoji samo jedna "pilot" fabrika koja ni izbliza ne bi mogla da obezbedi potrebne količine(non-woven materials - fiber-forming UHMW polyethylene, kotoryyobespechivaet much higher level of protection. But here the problem - in Russia there are only pilot plant, with small volumes, which can not satisfy all needs)
TAgil ili T90SM nije prošao državne testove, kao što je još odmah posle predstavljanja rečeno, Kupola i nišanski uredjaji su na približnom nivou zapadnih pandana ali balistička zaštita je i dalje na nezadovoljavajućem nivou, tj, ispod je referenci zapadnih MBT-ova.......
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