Tenk T-72


Tenk T-72

  • Pridružio: 14 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 6590

Leonardo ::Prvo što sam pomislio kad sam video te T-72 tenkove kod pobunjenika, da je u pitanju pošiljka iz Rusije verzije B i BM. Mada ne vidim logiku iza toga da se pošalje nekoliko tenkova umesto puno lakših za transport PT sredstava, municije i drugog naoružanja.

Pomenuti tenkovi u Čečeniji.
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Imaju Rusi T 72-jke i za bacanje. A transport nije tezak, posto imaju kopnenu granicu. Samo dovezu tenkove.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Jester  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 6776
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

sremac983 ::
Т-72М1М се појавио 2005 године и постоји само једна прототип овог тенка. Од њега се одустало и прешло се на модернизацију нама познату као Б3.

Слика М1М

Jel si siguran da je to jedina verzija?

A šta ćemo sa ovima?

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  • vrabac 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 4961

Dakle, čovek prosto izgubi entuzijazam da može da isprati sve verzije ....

  • Neimar i savremeni farmer.
  • Pridružio: 24 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 11793
  • Gde živiš: U sremu voljenome...

Napisano: 04 Sep 2014 17:50

То би требало да је ово...
Citat:First Appearance: 2013
Country: Russia

The T-72M1 mod is an upgrade package currently offered by Uralvagonzavod for the export market. It targets customers with existing T-72M1 tanks. The upgrade package offers latest Russian technology used for the T-72B2 and T-90MS. As with all upgrades, customers can configure the tanks based on their needs and capabilities. The technologies offered are:

In order to handle the additional load added to the tank, the latest T-90A suspension would be added. This includes stronger torsion bars, larger road wheels, more powerful shock absorbers and new tracks with exchangeable rubber pads.

As with most latest upgrades to Russian tanks, the V-92S2 engine, developing 1.000hp is offered. As it comes from the V-2 family, the changes in the hull rear to add the engine are very small. Together with the engine, the air intake and cooling systems will be upgraded.
Another possible option is the usage of an automated gearshift unit. It will reuse the older transmissions, but automatically shift gears base on the current driving situation. This change would also replace the steering handles by a steering wheel or bar.

A very visible change is the massive usage of Relikt ERA for hull and turret. The modules are placed in similar shape as Kontakt-5 was used before. The basic armour is not changed, the tank would still keep the older cast turret. Active protection systems are not offered. But the T-72M1 mod can be equipped with laser detectors, able to classify incoming laser signals. The system can alert the crew or fire smoke grenades to hide the tank.
Additionally, the tank gets an up to date NBC protection and fire suppression system.

Fire Control System
The T-72M1 mod is using the SOSNA-U as fire control system and sight for the gunner. It would be build in as a replacement for the older TPN-1-49-23 night sight, but act as the gunner’s main sight. SOSNA-U offers day channel, laser range finder and thermal imaging based night sight. Adding an automatic target tracker can further enhance the tanks capabilities. SOSNA-U allows the gunner also to use laser guided ATGMs, which are present for the first time in a T-72M. The existing TPD-K1 day sight is still available, acting as an emergency sight.

The commander’s station is completely reworked and build around the PNK-5 fire control system. It is build into the commander’s cupola, similar to the T-90. The PNK-5 has a much smoother integration to the SOSNA-U and allows the commander full control over the main gun. It also contains the TKN-5 sight. It is an upgraded version of the TKN-4S, but now containing an independent laser range finder. Night sight is still only based on an image intensifier. But the commander can display the gunner’s night sight on a small screen.

The older 2A46 smoothbore gun is being replaced by the more modern 2A46M-5. It offers higher accuracy and allows the usage of the latest 125mm tank rounds. The gun also contains an automatic boresighting device.
Secondary armament of the tank was not changed. But with the introduction of the new T-90 style commander’s cupola, the mount of the 12.7mm AA MG has changed. It can now be directed from within the tank. The mount also covers the well known PZU-7 sight.

The tank will be equipped with the latest R-168-25UE-2 radio set, which offers encrypted voice communication at ranges up to 40km. The same radio is also offered for the T-90MS and the BMPT. It does not allow data communication.
In addition, the T-72M1 mod can be equipped with a GLONAS/GPS based navigation system. It is controlled by the commander using a large colored display.

All together, the T-72M1 mod is a very complete and powerful upgrade to older T-72M1 tanks. It covers all areas and enhances the capabilities of the tank significantly. It needs to be seen if the upgrade finds customers.

То је тенк за странце, не за русе. Да се исправим М1М који сам окачио горе је тенк за руску восјку не и за извозне варијанте. Најпосле ова верзија се појавила 2013 године.

као и овај тенк

Citat:First Appearance: 2013
Country: Russia

The T-72B Mod is a prototype, used to validate the capabilities of the latest Arena-3 APS version. The basic tank used for the vehicle is a T-72B3.

Previous versions of Arena were using a massive sensor array, which was mounted on the turret top. The current one is using ten smaller sensors instead, which are mounted at the turret sides. This layout does provide coverage of the complete vehicle, but this is realistically speaking, not needed. The focus is now set to the sides of the vehicle. The grenades used are also not placed around the turret sides anymore. Instead, boxes are placed at the turret rear, containing the grenades. Angle and direction of the grenades are set fixed. When an incoming round is being detected, the system will automatically select the grenade, which would allow the highest effect. Arena-3 is capable of attacking two targets in the same sector with an interval of only 0.3sec. The speed of incoming rounds can be between 70 and 1.000m/s. The max interception disctance from the tank is given with 50m. Arena is effective against ATGMs and RPGs, but also HEAT rounds. With an operational area between +20 and -6deg, top attack rounds will not be hit.

At the moment, there is no customer for the Arena-3 system available, but this might change. The new version of Arena is much smaller and does not have a negative impact on the silhouette of the tank. And also the usage with older vehicles is easily possible.

Dopuna: 04 Sep 2014 17:53

Или пак ова верзија Т-72БМ1

Citat:First Appearance: 2012
Country: Russia

The T-72BM1 is an upgrade offered for older T-72B or T-72M tanks. The project was started by OAO Oboronservis without an order from the army. The idea was the creation of a tank that went beyond the changes currently introduced with the T-72B3.

Focus of the development was the integration of a new fire control system, based on SOSNA-U and Hawkeye. The gunner’s main sight is the SOSNA-U, used for nearly all modern T-72 and T-90 versions. The sight features thermal sight, day channel and laser range finder. The sight is mounted instead of the T-72s normal night sight. SOSNA-U offers an optical eyepiece for the day channel, while the thermal image is being displayed on a small screen. The tank also still has the old TPD-K1 sight as backup. It is to be expected that the old controls are still present for the turret and main gun.

The real improvement is the commander’s independent sight. It is the Hawkeye (Соколиный глаз), same sight as used for the T-90MS and BMPT KZ. It is mounted at the left turret rear, where the field of view is optimal. The sight contains day channel, thermal sight and laser range finder. The image is displayed on a flat screen at the commander’s station. Both sights are connected and used as master for the fire control system. The sights are fully stabilized in both planes and feed the position information back into the FCS. It is also possible to connect a target tracking system, which works with either thermal sight.

Other changes added are a rear view camera, new tracks with rubber pads and additional storage boxes at the hull rear.

The displayed T-72BM1 did neither have changes added to the propulsion, nor to the protection or armament. Main goal was the demonstration of the Hawkeye integration. This might be another upgrade needed in the future for the various T-72B3 converted at the moment.

Dopuna: 04 Sep 2014 17:55

можда би ово модови требали да преабце у модернизација тенка Т-72...имам ја још подоста овог материјала за скоро сваку верзију која је икада избачена у свету....

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13918

CheefCoach ::Leonardo ::Prvo što sam pomislio kad sam video te T-72 tenkove kod pobunjenika, da je u pitanju pošiljka iz Rusije verzije B i BM. Mada ne vidim logiku iza toga da se pošalje nekoliko tenkova umesto puno lakših za transport PT sredstava, municije i drugog naoružanja.

Pomenuti tenkovi u Čečeniji.
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Imaju Rusi T 72-jke i za bacanje. A transport nije tezak, posto imaju kopnenu granicu. Samo dovezu tenkove.

Govorim šta je logičnije da se pošalje. Jer sam do sad sumnjao sam na neka PT sredstva i lake prenosive PVO sisteme za pešadiju.

Slanje T-72 (uz neke BTR-ove) mi ima samo logike ako su tako neki dobrovoljci došli ili su posebno tražili iz određenih razloga s obzirom na stanje na terenu.

Ne isključujem ništa kao opciju. Ovo što vidimo na snimku nešto više mi deluje na ruske modernizacije, ali ne isključujem ni ukrajinske.

  • Jester  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 6776
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

Napisano: 04 Sep 2014 18:05

vrabac ::Dakle, čovek prosto izgubi entuzijazam da može da isprati sve verzije ....

Eh, pa Rusi su maheri u označavanju tehnike. Ponekad pomislim da se i oni zabune od toliko verzija i podverzija Smile

Imam jedan promotivni pdf. fajl Uralvagonzavoda o "T-72M1 Modernized" samo je problem što je težak 9,57 MB. Ako mi neko objasni kako da ga tutnem na forum, će ga postavim oman.

Dopuna: 04 Sep 2014 18:25

Evo ga fajl za T-72M1 Modernized

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  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13918

Tenkove o kojima smo ovde pisali su uništeni prema mnogo citiranom sajtu na temi o krizi u Ukrajini. Zavedeni su kao T-72B3. Oploćenci su izgubili i neke T-72B.
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  • Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 20367

aljosa7 ::@bojank(пошто видим да понајбоље знаш финесе међу тенковима т-72,иако и ми остали знамо,али изгледа мање од тебе) дакле да резимирано ,можеш ли одгонетнути који је ово тачно тенк у питању [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] и да ли је био овакав у Украјини прије овог сукоба?

T-72B (ili B1) sa K-5 ERO. Model iz 1988 godine. Ponekad pogresno oznacavan B(M) ili BM.
Ukraina ne bi trebalo da ih je imala, vecina je zavrsila u Rusiji, Belorusiji i Kazahstanu, ali za razliku od B3 posedovanje ovog tipa tenka od strane ukrainske vojske se ne moze iskljuciti (neki poznavaoci kazu da je bila jedna ceta u Ukraini pri deobi zaostavstine SSSR, neki kazu da nije).

  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16174
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

Prema objavljenim fotografijama, večina tenkova u Ukrajini je bila uništena minobacaćkom vatrom (direktni pogodci), pa VBR i tek na trećem mestu PORS.

  • Pridružio: 27 Dec 2013
  • Poruke: 774

Ма овим фотографијама које су колеге већ поставиле, виде се гусјенице као на Т-64.
Јесу ли то руси дефинитивно одустали од оргиналних гусјеница са Т-72?

]Leonardo ::Prvo što sam pomislio kad sam video te T-72 tenkove kod pobunjenika, da je u pitanju pošiljka iz Rusije verzije B i BM. Mada ne vidim logiku iza toga da se pošalje nekoliko tenkova umesto puno lakših za transport PT sredstava, municije i drugog naoružanja.
Тенкови знатно више повећавају офанзивну моћ, поготово на терену као што је источна Украјина.

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