- CheefCoach

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- Pridružio: 14 Avg 2011
- Poruke: 6590
Napisano: 06 Avg 2015 21:12
sremac983 ::Citat:
5 августа 2015
Армейские игры: Россия - лидер общего зачета
Россия вырвалась в лидеры общего зачета первых в истории Армейских международных игр. Второе и третье места за Китаем и Белоруссией. А пока организаторы соревнований подводят промежуточные итоги, состязания продолжаются. Сегодня в борьбу вступили разведчики в Новосибирске, пилоты демонстрировали свои навыки в "Авиадартсе" под Рязанью. .
Руси преваранти први, за њима следе они косооки што тераду свој тенка, а на трећем месту су они руси бели ...
Pitanje je koja je disciplina u pitanu, ali cini mi se da je to takmicenje vazduhoplovaca (u svojim vazduhoplovima).
Ove godine postoji izbor jezika stranice oficijalnog sajta, tako sa mozemo da biramo izmedju Ruskog i Engleskog, sto je sjajno, jer ja bas ne znam Ruski.
I vazduhoplovci se takmce ovako:
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+ Takmicenje vazduhoplova(ca)Citat:LOCATION
Dubrovichy range, Ryazan region
Operational-tactical fighter aviation:
Su-27, Su-30, MIG-29, Su-25, (Three aircraft: two main (pair),one – reserve)
Operational-tactical front-line bomber aviation:
Su-24, Su-34 (Two aircraft: one main, one – reserve)
Army aviation:
Ka-52, Mi-24 (Mi-35), Mi-28N, Mi-8 (Three aircraft: two main (pair), one – reserve)
Military transport aviation:
Il-76 (Two aircraft: one main, one – reserve)
Flying on the route
Pair flight for formation flying cooperation, visual aerial reconnaissance and standard aerobatics at low altitudes.
to assess the skills of flying crews in implementation of the elements of flight navigation, piloting technique and the search for terrestrial objects.
to perform the exercises at the weather conditions according to level of crew training. Time of performing: 5 min. The height of the top point of the vertical maneuver is not below 1500 m.
To take off one by one (in a pair).
After takeoff fly on the route (3 PPM) and reach the survey area.
To search for terrestrial objects by means of tactical reconnaissance.
In the zone at altitudes of 200-2500 meters to perform:
− Rolling circle 60° at an altitude 500m.
− Rolling circle 45° at an altitude 300 m.
− Zoom at degree 30°.
− Diving at degree 30° on the horizontal flight at an altitude 300 m.
− Turning pullup.
− Diving at degree up to 20°.
After performing the task dissolve a pair and land one by one from circuit altitude 300 m.
2. SU-27, SU-30, MIG-29 AIRCRAFT
Advanced flying in pairs at low altitudes.
to assess the skills of flying crews in implementation of the elements of flight navigation, piloting technique and the search for terrestrial objects.
to perform the exercises at the weather conditions under visibility of the horizon. Time of performing: 5 min. The height of the top point of the vertical maneuver is not below 2000 m. Aircraft bearing line up.
To take off one by one (in a pair).
After taking off fly on the route (3 PPM) and reach the survey area.
The search for terrestrial objects by means of tactical reconnaissance.
Running out training flying zone at the assigned time.
At altitude of 500-3000 m to perform:
− Limit thrust turning under the maximum mode of engine operation at the altitude 500m.
− Limit thrust turning under the maximum mode of engine operation at the altitude 500m.
− Semi-split-S.
− Skewed loop.
− Nesterov’s loop.
− Combat turning in terms of skewed loop.
Running into upper maneuvers to perform at an altitude not below 500 m.
3. SU-24, SU-34 AIRCRAFT
Route flying with the variable profile
Assess aircrew skills (groups) in implementing the elements of air navigation and search of ground objects.
exercises are performed in normal weather conditions according to crew level.
After takeoff, run the flight on a specified route (3 turning points) with access to the Control Point (Benchmark) at the specified time.
Search of ground objects by various techniques.
Route flying with the variable profile
assess aircrew skills in the implementation of elements of air navigation.
exercises are performed in normal weather conditions according to crew level.
after takeoff, the flight run on a specified route (4 turning points) with access to the Control Point (Benchmark) at a specified time.
5. KA-52, MI-24 (MI-35), MI-28N, MI-8 HELICOPTERS
Pairs flight en route, visual aerial reconnaissance, and complex aerobatics at low altitudes.
assess aircrew skills (groups) in implementing the elements of air navigation, piloting technique and the search of terrestrial objects.
exercises are performed in normal weather conditions when visibility is not less than 3500m and cloud base of at least 350m. Time – 6 minutes. The height of the high points of the vertical figures not less than 400 m. Flight ordering of the pair – «bearing helicopters».
Take off one by one (pair).
After takeoff, run the flight on a specified route (2 turning points) with access to the exploration area.
Search of ground objects of various tactics of intelligence.
Access to the flying area at the assigned time.
In the area at altitudes of 200-400 m run:
− Level flight at a speed of 200 km/h in the right (left) bearing.
− Dropping speed to 150 km/h.
− Left upward spiral. Speed of 150 km/h, the vertical velocity of 4-5 m/s, and 200 m altitude input, output height 400 m roll of 15 °.
− Right downward spiral. Speed of 150 km/h, the vertical velocity of 3-4 m/s, 400 m altitude input, output height 200 m roll of 15 °.
− Turn left with the re-formation in the opposite bearing when turning on to the supporting aircraft. Speed of 200 km/h, the list 25 °.
– The withdrawal from the descending figures perform at a height of not less than 200 m.
Attack ground (sea) targets
1. SU-25, SU-27, SU-30, MIG-29 AIRCRAFT
Flight pairs attack ground (sea) targets.
The goal:
assess results of combat use of flight crew(s) engaging ground (sea) targets.
exercises are performed in normal weather conditions in terms of crew training.
Takeoff and line up in battle order.
Route flight.
Combat maneuvering on the specified sections of the route against antiaircraft missile (artillery) complexes with the use of personal electronic warfare (overcoming air defense zones).
A target output at the assigned time.
unguided rockets launch against the intended target, dive after the roller coaster.
Shooting from a gun against the intended target, dive after a combat turn.
Strike against the specified destination on the move and re-entry.
En-route to the airport landing.
2. SU-24, SU-34 AIRCRAFT
Flight to attack ground (sea) targets.
to assess results of combat usage of flight crews engaging ground (naval) targets.
exercises are performed in IMC according to the qualification of crews.
To perform taking off while flying.
Route flight.
Combat maneuvering on the specified route sector against anti-aircraft missile (artillery) complexes with the use of personal electronic warfare (overcoming air defense).
A target approach at a predetermined time.
Bombing a specified target in a horizontal flight.
Launching of UGM on a certain target while diving flight after attack heading turnover.
Forward flight to the aerodrome of landing.
Accurate cargo drop single flight.
to assess the results of the combat use of accurate single cargo drop flight.
exercise to be performed under weather conditions corresponding to the level of the crews.
Perform takeoff in flight.
Route flying.
Combat maneuvering at specific parts of the route against artillery complexes using individual EW (overcoming AD).
Output on the target at a specified time.
Cargo dropping to the designated area in a horizontal flight.
En-route flight to the landing airfield.
4. KA-52, MI-24 (MI-35), MI-28N, MI-8 HELICOPTERS.
Flight in pairs engaging ground targets.
assess results of engaging ground targets.
− Exercises are performed in WMC in terms of crew training.
− Flight pair order – «helicopters bearing» on the interval and the 50 x 70 m range at guided missiles 100 x 50 m start.
− Led crew is to perform unguided rockets shooting on the team-leader’s command without individual aiming.
− Shooting from the ACT leading crew is to perform with individual aiming.
− Flight altitude on the combat course is at least 50 m, the speed of 160-200 km / h.
Take-off, access to the IPM.
Maneuver to span the conventional frontline, overcome counteraction of ground-based air defense enemy forces, failure of the fighters attack.
Reaching the combat course, detection, identification of the ground target.
Maneuvers to perform shooting, aiming and use of weapons.
The start of the fighting way to go with the calculated course. On the range to perform up to 3 trials.
TSA shooting to perform:
− Firing unguided missiles with the range 2500-1500 m. − The firing of small weapons and guns with the range 1500-800 m.
The use of weapons to end with anti-splinter Lapel maneuver with maximum settings.
Target approach is assessed by accuracy, time period in accordance with difference of target approaching and time standards (50 points max.)
SU-25, SU-27, SU-30, MIG-29 JETS AND KA-52, MI-24 (MI-35), MI-28N, MI-8 HELICOPTERS
The pair air strike result is to be evaluated (maximum 200 points):
− 100 points for one or more direct target hits.
− 10 points for a hit within the zone around the target.
The air strike result of target bombing in level flight is to be evaluated (maximum 100 points):
− 100 points for a hit with radial displacement error of a bomb’s point of explosion equal to the ‘excellent’ mark according to bombing standards of 2012.
− 50 points for a hit with radial displacement error of a bomb’s point of explosion equal to the ‘good’ mark according to bombing standards of 2012.
The air strike result of an unguided air-to-surface missile launch while diving after the re-run is to be evaluated (maximum 100 points):
− 100 points for one or more direct hits.
− 10 points for a hit within the zone around the target.
The accuracy of landing is assessed (maximum 250 points).
The evaluation is made by comparing the cargo factual deviation with the standard deviation. The operational use evaluation is made by the inspection of the target.
− If the task is carried out with the additional re-run, the score of the crew is to be 10 points lower, for each additional re-run (0 points for two or more re-runs).
− If the flight task is not carried out for reasons beyond the crew’s control, the task is to be evaluated as ‘not carried out’ and the competition supervisor can give the crew another mission.
Stavio sam u spojler, jer je tekst poveci.
Inace Rusija, Belorusija i Kina se takmice u brojnim disciplinama zajedno, ali tenkovski biatlon nije jedna od njih, jer su Belorusi preskocili biatlon. Rusi se takmice u svim disciplinama, a Kinezi u svim osim u jednoj-Kubok Kaspija, koja je disciplina za mornaricku pesadiju.
Jos jednom ucesnici i discipline:
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Dopuna: 06 Avg 2015 21:16
Tenkovski Biatlon
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+ BiatlonCitat:LOCATION
Alabino is a unique location in Moscow suburbs with the system of sites that allows equipment tests and parade rehearsals. The legendary Taman tank division is based in Alabino. Exhibition of Innovations and popular sporting event «Race of Heroes » based on GTO (Ready for Labor and Defence) take place here.
Huge territory and rugged terrain of Alabino allow to create a full-scale simulation of combat operations. The complex of obstacles, sites and buildings, specially developed for the contests of the Army Games prove Alabino to be a unique base of armed forces popularization and development of the global army cooperation.
Individual race
(determines the rating of each of the crew)
3 crews from every team (every crew in its tank).
Non-simultaneous with a 60-second interval. (4 tanks T-72, on route at the same time, next crews start after finishing of the latest crew, every crew with a 60-second interval).
Every crew goes 4 big laps with 4 firing performances:
First lap – gun firing with an origin round (target – No12 «Tank»).In case of missing extra ammunition is allocated.
Second lap – firing with an origin round (target - No12 «Tank»).
Third lap – NSVT anti-aircraft machine gun firing (target – No 25 «Helicopter»). In case of missing extra ammunition is allocated.
Fourth lap - PKT coaxial machine gun firing (target - No 9 «AT hand weapon»). In case of missing extra ammunition is allocated.
Penalty lap is for every missed target.
Relay race
(determines the best team of competition)
3 crews of every team (every team competes in its own tank with a crew rotation).
Every crew goes 3 laps with 2 firing operations:
First lap – without firing.
Second lap – anti-aircraft machine gun firing (target – No 25 «Helicopter»).In case of missing extra ammunition is allocated.
Third lap – flank gun firing with 3 origin artillery rounds (target – No12 «Tank»).
Penalty lap is for every missed target.
Teams are assessed in accordance of their route passage time, obstacle passing and firing results..
Each place is given in accordance with marks, which one crew got for the route passage.
The winner of the tank crew winner is defined in accordance with the highest mark of the first stage.
The team competition winner is defined in accordance with marks of the relay race.
Crews are awarded with medals for the first, second, and third places, and with the Cup for the first place according to results of the individual race
Teams are awarded with Cups for the first, second, and third places in accordance with the team classification.
Postoje samo individualna trka i stafetna trka. Neke druge discipline imaju fizicki deo. Na primer kuvari.
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+ Takmicenje kuvaraCitat:“Field kitchen” contest will take place among cookery masters who will show their skills in preparation of tasty food in any conditions anytime.
About competition
Team (7 MAX)
Team leader
Participants (2 cookers and 2 bakers or 4 cooker-bakers)
Technical support crew (2 men)
(in case where the team arrives with its own technical means)
Sports stage
In the course of the first “Sports” stage, physical training of the participants will be assessed by points in three disciplines – pull-ups (body bending for women), sprint for 100 m and 1 000 m.
The participants of the contest will perform exercises in the sequence defined by the jury.
Firearms training competition
(held at the range for assault rifle firing)
Participants perform firing exercises “Firing at stationary and appearing targets at daytime using assault rifle
Targets for assault rifle firing:
half-silhouette stationary target (aim #4) (shield 0,75x0,75m);
attacking shooter - half-length moving figure (aim #7) appearing for unlimited time.
Distance to targets:
to the half-silhouette stationary target – 100m;
to attacking shooter – 200 m..
Number of rounds – 11. Three of them – for half-silhouette stationary target and 8 – for attacking shooter (by bursts). Firing is performed from prone position with a support
Scoring rules:
- 3 points (hit the target #7 scoring 25 points)
- 2 points (hit the target #7 scoring 20 points)
-1 point (hit the target #7 scoring 15 points)
- 0 point (conditions for 3,2,1 point are not fulfilled)
Individual competition in cookery and bakery
In the course of the third stage – “Individual competition in cookery and bakery” the professional skills of the participants are assessed by points.
The preparation of the first and second courses, tea and bakery products is carried out using supplies given by the organizers of the Contest.
The quality of the prepared food is assessed by appearance, texture, colour, taste and smell. While tasting the amount of salt is evaluated.
Scoring rules:
The food will be evaluated on the basis of the 10-point system by the jury after assessment of quality together with the teams’ participants. The points scored at the third stage are registered using the factor of 10.
Master class, national food
The stage is held in order to:
familiarize the contestants and guests of the Contest with the national traditional meals of the participating countries; to the show the level of professionalism and qualification of the participants; demonstrate the capabilities of food preparation in the field conditions; to exchange the experience and technology of national bakery and cookery and to improve the professional skill of the servicemen. There will also be a possibility of tasting the prepared meals.
Summing up the results
The points are scored according to the time of passing the route and the results of firings.
The winners and runners-up of the competitions will be defined according to the number of the points scored during the contest.
The place is defined according to the number of points scored during each element of the contest and makes the sum of the point for
- physical training of the participants;
- firing competition;
- individual competition in cookery and bakery.
Dopuna: 06 Avg 2015 21:34
Posto niko nije ja cu nabrojati sve discipline na Medjunarodnim Armijskim Igrama:
-Tenkovski Biatlon (Tenkovi)
-Suvorovov juris (BVP)
-Avionske strelice (Vazduhoplovi)
-Desantni vod (Vazduhoplovne desantne trupe)
-Kaspijski derbi (Pomorsko-desantne trupe-BTR 80)
-Majstori artiljerije (minobacaci)
-Majstori PVO-a (rucni raketni PVO sistemi+MT LB)
-Majstori izvidjanja (diverzanti u neku ruku)
-Otvorena voda (skele i sl.)
-Bezbedan put (inzenjerci, ciscenje mina, ciscenje prepreka, pontonski most)
-Bezbedno okruzenje (ABHO)
-Majsotri automobila i tenkovskog odrzavanja (auto jedinice)
-Poljska kuhinja (kuvari)