goxin ::Pa nije bas tako . Sve je stvar racunice koliko je isplativo opremiti svako odjeljenje topom 30 mm ali na gubitke je vise uticala upotreba pogresne taktike .
Marinci odavno koriste pravilnu taktiku lav 25 sa pjesadijom , mada 25 mm nema bas paletu nove municije ....
Isti ti strykeri imaju taktiku upotrebe i podrske ... a sad na dragononima su stavili 30x173 da parira i Ruskim tenkovima, premda je prevelika kupola , kao i rezervna municija .
Zato gledaju 30x113 kao nesto optimalno sto imaju na tacni . I ja sam pre mislio kao ti ali sam promenio mišljenje povodom ukrajinskog rata. I treba imati više poverenja u Amerikance i Ruse koji potroše godine razmišljanja, iskustva i puno para da bi pronašli pravo taktiku i pravu upotrebu.
Marinci su posebna stvar. Oni i ruski padobranci su posebno opremljeni zbog specifične logistike. Nisam razmišljao u prijašnjom postu o njima.
Stryker Draguni nikako nemogu parirati ruskim tenkovima, niti im je to zadaća. Najviše ćemu mogu parirati je BTR i BMP 1,2.
Što se tiće 30x113. Taj top ide umesto M2 (12,7mm) i M19 (40mm)
Kazahstan zainteesovan za 834 komada ARMA 8x8
Citat:Kazakhstan plans to buy 834 units of ARMA 8x8 IFVs from the Turkish company OTOKAR for $4.4 billion
Salvador dobio prvu turu MRAP Vuran
Citat:Сальвадор получил бронеавтомобили класса MRAP «Вуран» производства компании BMC
Вооруженным силам Сальвадора передана первая партия бронеавтомобилей класса MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected) «Вуран» (Vuran) с колесной формулой 4х4 производства турецко-катарской компании BMC.
Nesto se desilo u projektu Gidrán koji madjari radili sa turcima
Citat:Something went wrong with the Gidrán 4x4 in Kaposvár, the Hungary government has classified the Gidrán 4x4 project for next 30 years.
According to an official announcement from the end of 2020, the Hungarian Armed Forces ordered 10 Gidrán 4x4 units in 2019 through HT Division Zr. , and another 40 were ordered directly from the Turkish Nurol Holding.
According to the announcement, long-term plans were to include the purchase of 300 vehicles Gidrán 4x4 vehicles, based on a Turkish licence.
Gidrán 4x4 would be produced in Hungary, in Kaposvár, in Hungarian-German-Turkish cooperation - on the basis of Ejder Yalçın combat vehicle from the Turkish Nurol Makina, with the support of the German company Rheinmetall.
But then something went wrong , as the Gidrán 4x4 factory in Kaposvár is no longer operational and the Turkish vehicles have been completely removed from the HT Division Zr website. and the name of the production company Nurol Makina is no longer visible on their website.
https://twitter.com/RyszardJonski/status/1708135717149241463 Citat:There was a lot of problems with the refits, how only Turkish engineers are allowed to worked on them, while the hungarians literally sat outside the building. I didn't believe it until I saw them sitting outside, while some guys worked on them in there(the doors open).
Estonci pazare Otokar Arma 6×6 i Nurol Makina NMS 4×4
Citat:Estonia ordered 224 armored vehicles from Turkey
During the visit of Turkish Defense Minister Yaşar Güler to Estonia, contracts were signed for the supply of a total of 224 armored vehicles, including Otokar Arma 6×6 and Nurol Makina NMS 4×4 transporters.
Neznam zašto nisu išli zajedno sa Fincima i Litvancima u nabavku Patrije 6x6. Cena ovih Turskih &x& i nije toliko jeftinija, Patrija 6x6 ima sličan oklop i po mome je kvalitetnija od Turske 6x6.