- babaroga
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 04 Sep 2012
- Poruke: 9182
- Gde živiš: pecina stroga
Pa kako da ti objasnim? Ajd da probam ovako.
Sad citam Glantza, njegov rad o Sovjetskoj operaciji u Mandzuriji.
Elem, tu je kljucnu ulogu odigrala 6. gardijska tenkovska armija, koja je prosla nevjerovatan mars preko bezvodne stepe, pa onda savladala Veliko Hingansko gorje i spustila se u centralnu Mandzuriju, Japancima iza ledja, skoro bez otpora, jer je nisu ocekivali otuda, posto su mislili da taj pravac nije tenkoprohodan.
Duzina tog prodora (ne mogu ga zvati mars jer su prodirali u neprijateljsku teritoriju, sa osiguranjima i prethodnicama i izvidnicama i usputnim carkama) bila je planirana na 350 km. Na kraju, 6. armija presla je skoro 600km na nekim pravcima. Za desetak dana.
Evo ti formacija 6. tenkovske armije u toj operaciji
Citat:The 6th Guards Tank Army differed considerably from other tank armies and the TO&E model. Augmented with additional tank and motorized rifle forces because of the required scope of its operations, this army consisted of two mechanized corps, one tank corps, two motorized rifle divisions (a remnant of the 1941 force structure), two self-propelled artillery brigades, two light artillery brigades, a motorcycle regiment, and other normal support units. This reconfiguration gave 6th Guards Tank Army a balance of twenty-five tank and forty-four motorized rifle battalions with 1,019 tanks and self-propelled guns.
Zadatak 6. tenkovske armije
Citat:Spearheading the front advance, the 6th Guards Tank Army was to cross the deserts of Inner Mongolia, secure the passes in the Grand Khingan Mountains, and occupy Lupei by the fifth day of the operation, a distance of 350 kilometers.
Evo kako su to oni odradili
Citat:Audacity had paid off. The speed of the advance surpassed Soviet expectations. The 6th Guards Tank Army covered 350 kilometers over difficult terrain in three days, preempting the ability of Japanese forces to react quickly enough to block the advance of the tank army. After 12 August,
only logistical difficulties limited the Soviet advance. Pressure on other fronts and the collapse of the western sector would make it exceedingly difficult for the Japanese to restore a viable defensive line and to stave off total collapse.
Eee, ali tu su ostali bez goriva. I sta su uradili? Stali? Zaustavili napredovanje da bi cekali cisterne? Nisu. Poceli su da prebacuju gorivo avijacijom, i da pretacu gorivo iz tenkova glavnine u tenkove celnih jedinica. Zastoj je trajao samo dva dana.
Procitaj ako te ne mrzi, jako zanimljiv pasus
Citat:Progress of the 6th Guards Tank Army continued to be spectacular, although the task of resupplying the numerous armored vehicles was becoming a problem. After the 7th Guards Mechanized Corps had secured Tuchuan and the 5th Guards Tank Corps had taken Lupei, both units experienced severe fuel shortages. The 7th Guards Mechanized Corps had only half of its fuel supply, while the 5th Guards Tank Corps had only fourtenths of its fuel supply. Because the 9th Guards Mechanized Corps was short of fuel even before it crossed the Grand Khingan Mountains, it had no fuel when it arrived at Lupei.
The transportation network, which reached 700 kilometers to the rear, was badly overextended. When the campaign began, the 6th Guards Tank Army itself had 6,489 serviceable vehicles out of the 9,491 authorized by TO&E. Army automobile battalions had only 50 to 60 percent of their assigned vehicles; thus, they were capable of carrying only 500 tons of supplies. This vehicle attrition was primarily the result of the harsh march from distant assembly areas. In order to augment the truck transportation assets of 6th Guards Tank Army, the Trans-Baikal Front attached to 6th Guards Tank Army the 47th Automobile Regiment of six battalions comprising more than 1,000 trucks. In order to transport critical supplies of fuel, the front attached to the army the 453d Aviation Battalion with 400 aircraft.
The tank army's rapid advance strained these resources to a breaking point. In order to increase fuel supplies to a level sufficient to maintain offensive momentum, the 6th Guards Tank Army began airlifting fuel to the two advanced corps on 11 August. While resorting to this expedient, the 6th Guards Tank Army commander halted his units for a two-day period (12-13 August).
On 13 August this army resumed the offensive by pushing reconnaissance units towards Tungliao and Taonan. A reinforced tank or mechanized brigade from each corps followed the reconnaissance units as each corps's forward detachment. All available fuel in each corps was put at the disposal of these forward detachments. Other units remained in static positions awaiting fuel. At nightfall on the fourteenth, after a march hindered by wet weather and by Japanese kamikaze attacks, the forward detachment of the 7th Guards Mechanized Corps occupied Taonan, while that of the 9th
Guards Mechanized Corps continued to drive southeastward toward Tungliao and Kailu.
Znacaj prodora 6. armije je bio odlucujuci za cijelu operaciju.
Na frontu od preko 2,000 km duzine, u teatru povrsine otprilike polovine zapadne Evrope, u sukobu preko 2,5 miliona ljudi pod oruzjem, ovaj manevar jedinice koja je brojala ne vise od 90,000 ljudi (oko 5% od ukupno angazovanih sovjetskih snaga) odlucio je ishod rata.
Poenta je, logistika jeste kljuc, ali logistika se rjesava u hodu. I sve je podredjeno trenutnim potrebama koje namece situacija na frontu.
Iz toga, da li ce motor BMPT povecati potrosnju goriva oklopnog bataljona za 15% u odnosu na potrosnju BVP je potpuno irelevantno za odluku o upotrebljivosti tog orudja.
A municija se izdaje svima na pocetku akcije, i ne bi trebalo da predstavlja problem, jer je BMPT naoruzan bas malim kalibrima.
Jos jednom, vatrena moc, i otpornost na protivnicku vatru, koje BMPT donosi oklopnim jedinicama je takva da apsolutno anulira dodatne zahtjeve u logisitici.