Energija i energenti kao strateško oruđe odvraćanja


Energija i energenti kao strateško oruđe odvraćanja

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101752

Videcemo koliko je ovo tacno
Greece ending Russian gas dependence
Citat:In a deal that would secure natural gas supplies for Greece in the event that flows from Russia are disrupted, the Energy Ministry announced on Thursday that DEPA Commercial, the largest gas utility in Greece, has reached an agreement with TotalEnergies for the supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) over the winter if necessary.
“It’s a deal of key importance for the country’s energy supplies in the event gas flows from Russia are curbed or halted,” the statement said on the agreement which stipulates that TotalEnergies will provide Greece with two LNG cargoes each month for five months, up to March 2023. The quantities represent about one-seventh of annual gas consumption (70 terawatt hours in 2021) and, according to competent sources, substitute almost 100% of Russian gas imports, not only for DEPA but for the country as a whole.
DEPA imports from Gazprom about 2 billion cubic meters of gas per year under a long-term contract, while the quantities imported by Mytilineos, the Copelouzos Group and Public Power Corporation (PPC) add up to 1 billion bcm.

Citat:According to Bloomberg’s estimates, the sabotage on Nord Stream increases Europe’s LNG needs by 90%. This will mean a real war between Europe and Asia for cargoes, which is driving ship fares to new records.
Greece currently receives Russian gas through the TurkStream pipeline, which also provides to Hungary via Serbia.
Athens has been striving to lessen its dependency on Russian gas by increasing LNG imports and reopening several coal-fired power plants, as well as planning to convert some gas-fired stations to diesel.

Arrow https://www.ekathimerini.com/economy/1194482/greec.....um=twitter

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 29 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 3523


NATO tested underwater ‘equipment’ close to Nord Stream – Moscow
In June, the military alliance experimented with unmanned subs near the island of Bornholm


BALTOPS 22: A perfect opportunity for research and testing new technology

Ево кад су амери развили план где и како да униште гасоводе, видели ко шта и где може да снима и припремили терен, а можда и тад поставили експлозиве.


И наравно као алиби, а питање је дал је и то стварно било. Али интересантан коментар доле:
Citat:The CIA warned Germany weeks ago about a possible attack on the Nord Stream natural-gas pipelines, report says - then CIA should have an idea who is behind the sabotage right?

Citat:The C.I.A. declined to comment on the warning.

Који су вазали европљани...

  • Pridružio: 29 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 3523


The Latvian economy has already begun to slow down. The winter will be difficult economically and a recession is expected, but the fall in GDP will not be very deep, Latvian central bank governor Mārtiņš Kazāks said on Latvian Television September 23.


Ево добровољно се јављам за прихваћање њихових студенткиња Mr. Green

  • Pridružio: 01 Sep 2022
  • Poruke: 150

Ово око ЦИА -е и Сјеверног тока ми личи на ону причу кад је та иста ЦИА крајем 80-их у својим извјештајима 'предвидјела' распад Југославије .

  • Sim.a 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 29 Avg 2009
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  • Gde živiš: Zemlja čuda

Nije se videlo kuda ide samo ako se nije htelo ni gledati a većina je takva bila.
Ljudi su kao vrsta uglavnom skloni oportunizmu. Za sebe to ne misle ali zapravo jesu i nije u svemu jednako pa onda svoje isteravanje na nekim pitanjima povezuje sa svim.
-iskorišćavanje povoljnih prilika i situacija, sve radi postizanja sopstvenih ciljeva
-izbegavanje da se reše krupni društveni problemi, radi čuvanja svog statusa i svojih privilegija, odnosno ličnog komfora.
Ko ovo nije video tamo njemu je CIA trebala.
I za YU i za ovo.

Imate na YT kanal gde bivši podmorničar pre par meseci priča o sovjetskim(ruskim) podmornicama koje takođe mogu raditi slično i kako su oni posle nekih njihovih "vežbi" morali da proveravaju neke instalacije.
Tačno opisuje koja radi a koja se u krugu vrti i čuva je. Stara stvar i nije potreban nikakav brod, helikopter i sl. priče koje se pojavljuju. Događaj od pre više godina opisuje.

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
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Gasni interkonektor Bugarska – Grčka pušten u rad; Vučić na otvaranju

Citat:Radovi na izgradnji novog gasovoda između Bugarske i Grčke završeni su polovinom jula, koji će do Bugarske dopremati gas iz Azerbejdžana, a danas počinju prve komercijalne isporuke. Gasovod dužine 182 kilometara, od čega 151 kilometar u Bugarskoj i 31 kilometar u Grčkoj, proteže se od severoistocnog grckog grada Komotinija do Stare Zagore u središnjoj Bugarskoj. Gasovod, kako je ranije najavljeno, počinje da radi sa kapacitetom od tri milijarde kubika gasa godišnje i izgledima za povećanje na pet milijardi.

Srbija je početkom ove godine, uz podršku EU, započela gradnju gasnog interkonektora sa Bugarskom Niš - Dimitrovgrad u dužini od 109 km na teritoriji Srbije i radovi bi trebalo da budu završeni do septembra 2023. godine.

Tim gasovodom Srbija će se povezati na gasovod između Bugarske i Grčke odnosno dobiće mogućnost snabdevanja gasom iz Azerbejdžana ili sa LNG terminala (za tečni prirodni gas) u Grčkoj.

Ministarstvo energetike Srbije je ranije najavilo da će naša zemlja dogovoriti zakup kapaciteta sa Azerbejdžanom kako bi mogli kroz gasnu interkonekcije u 2023. da imamo na raspolaganju najmanje 1,4 milijarde kubnih metara gasa.

Inače, Grčka planira da postane energetski hab u regionu uz korišćenje fosilnih goriva iz Kaspijskog mora i jugoistočnog Sredozemlja i obnovljivu energiju iz Egipta, a gradi i terminal za tečni prirodni gas (LNG) u severoistočnoj luci Aleksandropolis. Rusija je krajem aprila obustavila isporuku gasa Bugarskoj, pošto nije htela da ga plaća u rubljama.


  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101752

Sada svi cuvaju svoje
Citat:Italian Navy aftermath Nordstream pipeline explosion, launched a surveillance plan to safeguard gas pipelines, telephone cables, digital transmission networks in the strait of Sicily; as part of National security interest.
Arrow https://twitter.com/CiroNappi6/status/1575923733989990405
Arrow https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/nord-stream-missio.....a-AErgyZ4B

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101752

Nema gasa za Italiju...a nesto ce stizati preko Slovacke...za sada...a do kada...
Italian Eni reported "zero" gas supplies from Russia on October 1
Arrow https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/italys-eni.....022-10-01/

Citat:Italy's Eni (ENI.MI) said on Saturday it not would receive any of the gas it had requested from Russian supplier Gazprom (GAZP.MM) for Oct. 1.
Russian gas supplies through the Tarvisio entry point will be at zero for Oct. 1 as Gazprom has said it is not possible to supply gas through Austria, the Italian energy major said in a statement on its website.
However, a spokesperson for Eni, the biggest importer of Russian gas in Italy, said that Austria continued to receive gas at the delivery point on its border with Slovakia.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101752

Poljaci kazu da su se osigurali...ali diskutabilno je to
Citat:The Baltic Pipe gas pipeline connecting the Polish territory with the Norwegian shelf through Denmark has started working, the operator of the Polish gas pipeline network Gaz-System has announced

Citat:Germany already has 3 pipelines with Norway.
The Baltic Pipe doesnt have enough capacity to ensure complete Energy Security for Poland.
Poland also purchased alot of Gas from Germany which also came from russia.
It was a reverse Flow through the Yamal Pipeline
Germany has 2 other options going through Poland and Ukraine but it can't use them.

  • Pridružio: 29 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 3523


Nord Stream pipelines can be restored – Moscow
The process would be time-consuming and costly, according to Russia’s deputy PM

За добробит свих нас у европи,а и шире надам се да је ово могуће...наравно на штету амера Ziveli

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