Energija i energenti kao strateško oruđe odvraćanja


Energija i energenti kao strateško oruđe odvraćanja

  • Pridružio: 14 Jul 2013
  • Poruke: 1097

A verovatno tu ce se kod kijeva zakopavati i nuklearni otpad iz amerike,ukrajinci mogu im biti zahvalni GUZ - Glavom U Zid

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 02 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 1286

respekt ::A verovatno tu ce se kod kijeva zakopavati i nuklearni otpad iz amerike,ukrajinci mogu im biti zahvalni GUZ - Glavom U Zid

Evakuisana zona oko Černobila bi bila idealna za to jer je već teško kontaminirana pa dodatak još otpada na tom području ne bi ništa promenio, ali za to imaju da budu zahvalni SSSRu a ne SADu.

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13918

Oko čega se vi raspravljate? Nuklearnog otpada će svakako biti, ali Vestinghausovo gorivo jednostavno ne odgovara i basta.

  • Pridružio: 14 Jul 2013
  • Poruke: 1097

Leonardo ::Oko čega se vi raspravljate? Nuklearnog otpada će svakako biti, ali Vestinghausovo gorivo jednostavno ne odgovara i basta.U pravu si ajmo mi nazad na temu. Ziveli

  • Pridružio: 02 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 1286

Leonardo ::Oko čega se vi raspravljate? Nuklearnog otpada će svakako biti, ali Vestinghausovo gorivo jednostavno ne odgovara i basta.

To je ruski propagandni spin. Ukrajina je već potpisala ugovor za snabdeanje nukl. gorivom sa Vestinghausom koji je naravno preuzeo tržište pošto je dovedena prozapadna vlada, a Rusi čija je smenjena su izgubili tržište i sada se naravno dure.

Citat: “Nuclear fuel produced by the US firm Westinghouse does not meet the technical requirements of Soviet-era reactors, and using it could cause an accident on the scale of the Chernobyl disaster, which took place on the 26th April 1986.”

The IUVNEI brings together more than 15,000 nuclear industry veterans from Armenia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Finland, the Czech Republic, Russia, Slovakia and Ukraine. It was founded in 2010 and headquartered in Moscow.

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Citat:Fuel plant

TVEL and Westinghouse both bid to build a fuel fabrication plant in Ukraine, and in September 2010 the Ministry of Fuels and Energy selected TVEL. The state-owned holding company Nuclear Fuel signed an agreement with TVEL for a 50-50 joint venture to build a plant to manufacture VVER-1000 fuel assemblies. Work has started on the plant at Smolino, in the Kirovograd region of Ukraine. Once operational, it will produce some 400 fuel assemblies per year. Russia has agreed to transfer fuel fabrication technology by 2020.

Ukraine has 15 nuclear power reactors at four sites (Khmelnitsky, Rovno, South Ukraine and Zaporozhe), all operated by Energoatom. All the units are Russian VVER types, two being 440 MWe models and the rest larger 1000 MWe units. Between them, the plants provide almost half of the country's electricity.

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  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2883
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

Baroso danas će da predloži EU parlamentu, da se napravi jedinstveno tržište energenata.

  • vrabac 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 4961

*Russia has agreed to transfer fuel fabrication technology by 2020. *

  • Pridružio: 02 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 1286

vrabac ::*Russia has agreed to transfer fuel fabrication technology by 2020. *

Da, ali ne Vestinghausu nego ukrajinskom postrojenju za pravljenje goriva koje je ruski TVEL trebalo da gradi. Pogađaš - taj ugovor je bio potpisan za vreme Janukoviča. Šta će sa tim sada biti - boga pitaj, ali je glupost i pretpostaviti da bi Ukrajinci potpisali ovaj novi ugovor o snabdevanju nukl. gorivom sa Vestinghausom kada on zaista ne bi mogao da proizvede odgovarajuće gorivo.


Citat:Fuel cycle

Ukrainian uranium concentrate and zirconium alloy are sent to Russia for fuel fabrication. The nuclear fuel produced from these Ukrainian components by TVEL in Russia then returns to Ukrainian NPPs.

The country depends primarily on Russia to provide other nuclear fuel cycle services also, notably enrichment. In June 2007 Ukraine agreed to investigate joining the new International Uranium Enrichment Centre (IUEC) at Angarsk, in Siberia, and to explore other areas of cooperation in the nuclear fuel cycle and building power reactors in other countries. Late in 2008 it signed an agreement for Ukraine's Nuclear Fuel holding company to take a 10% stake in the IUEC based at Angarsk, and in October 2010 this came into effect. Ukraine’s State Concern Nuclear Fuel apparently sells natural uranium to IUEC, which enriches it at Russian plants. Then IUEC sells the enriched uranium to the Fuel Company TVEL, which fabricates fuel assemblies and supplies them to NAEC Energoatom. The first commercial supply from IUEC was in November 2012 and the next is expected in 2013. The contracted volume is reported to be 60,000 SWU/yr, proportional to the Ukrainian shareholding. Ukraine requires about 1.96 million SWU/yr overall.

In order to diversify nuclear fuel supplies, Energoatom started implementation of the Ukraine Nuclear Fuel Qualification Project (UNFQP) for VVER-1000 fuel. The Project assumed the use of US-manufactured fuel in the VVER-1000 following the selection of Westinghouse as a vendor on a tender basis. In 2005, South Ukraine's third unit was the country's first to use the six lead test assemblies supplied by Westinghouse, which were placed into the reactor core together with Russian fuel for a period of pilot operation. A reload batch of 42 fuel assemblies was provided by Westinghouse in mid-2009 for a three-year period of commercial operation at the unit with regular monitoring and reporting. In addition to the initial supply of fuel from Westinghouse, other aims of the project included the transfer of technology for the design of nuclear fuel. Westinghouse supplied a total of 630 fuel assemblies for South Ukraine 2 & 3 and Zaporozhe 5, though the trials to 2011 were deemed unsuccessful, with Energoatom claiming that manufacturing defects in the fuel led to a lengthy unscheduled outage at two of the units, while Westinghouse said that errors had been made during fuel loading. Each reactor has 163 fuel assemblies.

In June 2010, Energoatom signed a long-term fuel supply contract with Russia's TVEL for all 15 reactors. Earlier, Rosatom had offered a substantial discount to Ukraine if it signed up with TVEL for 20 years. In 2010, TVEL sold Ukraine nuclear fuel for $608 million (€449 million). Ukraine is TVEL's biggest foreign client, totaling 55% of its exports. Ukraine continues to depend on TVEL for VVER-440 fuel for Rovno 1&2.

Following the annexation of Crimea by Russia, on 11 April 2014 Ukraine extended its 2008 contract with Westinghouse for fuel supply through to 2020. This fuel will be fabricated at the Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB plant at Vasteras in Sweden. Westinghouse commented that "This new agreement for Westinghouse VVER fuel design testifies to the quality of our fuel design and demonstrates that it has, in fact, operated without issue at the South Ukraine nuclear power plant, as confirmed by extensive and recent joint Energoatom and Westinghouse inspections. This contract extension recognizes that Westinghouse fuel has been fully validated to be safely loaded and operated, even taking into account the performance problems of the competitor’s fuel. This agreement recognizing the excellent Westinghouse VVER fuel design performance will allow Energoatom to continue diversification of its fuel supply. We expect that with continued superior results and competitive efficiency of our fuel design, Westinghouse will grow its share of the Ukrainian nuclear fuel market.” Russian sources have since suggested that the Westinghouse VVER fuel is unlicensed and dangerous.

While Ukraine is not imminently a part of the EU, it is germane to note that in May 2014 the EC said that as a condition of investment, any non-EU reactor design built in the EU must have more than one source of fuel.
Fuel fabrication plant

TVEL and Westinghouse both bid to build a fuel fabrication plant in Ukraine, and in September 2010 the Ministry of Fuels & Energy selected TVEL. The state-owned holding company Nuclear Fuel signed an agreement with TVEL for a 50-50 joint venture to build a plant to manufacture VVER-1000 fuel assemblies. The US$ 460 million (€255 million) plant is now under construction at Smolino, Kirovograd region, 300 km southeast of Kiev, to produce about 400 fuel assemblies (200 tU) per year, but with eventual capacity of 800 per year.

One condition was that Ukraine holds a controlling stake in the joint venture company that is to be established to manage the plant, despite relying on TVEL to provide 70% of the loan funds to construct it. Its equity has been quoted at 51%, other reports refer to ‘a golden share’. Another condition was that TVEL transfer the technology for the manufacture of fuel assemblies under a non-exclusive licence by 2020, for reactors both in Ukraine and abroad. Russia agreed to transfer fuel fabrication technology by 2020. Ukraine’s prime minister called it “the most substantial project towards energy independence in the history of independent Ukraine." The site is near Smolinskaya uranium mine. In December 2011 the private joint-stock company Nuclear Fuel Production Plant (NFPP) was set up to run it.

Site works started in 2012 and full construction was due to start in mid-2014, with the first phase to 2015 setting up capacity for fabrication of fuel rods and assemblies (using pellets from Ulba in Kazakhstan, 34% TVEL-owned), the second phase to 2020 involving production of fuel pellets. It was expected to start supplying fuel in 2016, and that it would cater all nuclear fuel needs of Ukraine’s nuclear power plants, while surplus products could be exported under separate arrangements with TVEL, mainly to Eastern Europe.

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U tekstu ne piše eksplicitno ali vrlo je važan tajming svake vesti. Ukrajina je prvi put počela da koketira sa Vestinghausom da bi "diversifikovala energetske izvore" za vreme prozapadnog Juščenka 2005. Pre toga im je obogaćivanje goriva radio ruski TVEL. Eksperimentalno testiranje Vestinghausovog goriva se završilo kada je proruski Janukovič došao na vlast 2010 i 2011 je sa Ukrajinske strane rečeno da je gorivo neodgovarajuće dok se Vestinghaus branio da nije tačno već da je greška bila do procedure ubacivanja goriva. Ukrajinci se zatim opet 100% okreću TVELu i sa njima potpisuju ugovor o gradnji postrojenja za obogaćivanje na teritoriji Ukrajine uz transfer tehnologije do 2020. Posle pada Janukoviča, aneksije Krima i secesije Donbasa, Ukrajina potpisuje ugovor sa Vestinghausom o snabdevanju nukl. gorivom.

Ukratko - veži konja gde ti gazda kaže (i u slučaju prorusa i u slučaju prozapadnih).

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13918

versus ::Leonardo ::Oko čega se vi raspravljate? Nuklearnog otpada će svakako biti, ali Vestinghausovo gorivo jednostavno ne odgovara i basta.

To je ruski propagandni spin. Ukrajina je već potpisala ugovor za snabdeanje nukl. gorivom sa Vestinghausom koji je naravno preuzeo tržište pošto je dovedena prozapadna vlada, a Rusi čija je smenjena su izgubili tržište i sada se naravno dure.

Čak i da je propaganda kako ti kažeš, a što ja ne mislim. Ovde je reč o nuklearnoj energiji. Jedan Černobil je previše i on se već desio. Upravo zapadna demokratija nalaže da se ovo mora ispitati i da svi relevantni podaci moraju biti dostupni javnosti. Na osnovu čega ti tvrdiš da je to propaganda? Koliko se ti razumeš u nuklearnu energiju?

Ne želim ovde o politici. Juščenko je bio ruski čovek? Pošto je on očigledno ispunio sva obećanja koja je dao Rusima, uz naravno neke ustupke po pitanju cene gasa:
Citat:Yanukovych has called to scrap a 2009 agreement obliging Ukraine to start paying full European prices for Russian gas. Instead, he says the country should receive a discount.

He has promised to create a consortium that would allow Russia to jointly operate Ukraine's vast gas transportation network, advancing Russia's goal of controlling the gas supply chain to Europe.

And he has pledged to help Russia build the South Stream gas pipeline, a project intended the pipeline to circumvent transport routes through Ukraine. Critics see it as weakening Ukraine's position as a gas transit country.

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  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12609

Ne bi me cudilo da se americko gorivo koristi u nekim sovjetskim reaktorima u Evropi pre svega u zemljama koje se smatraju novom Evropom (Poljaci, balticke zemlje, Ceska). Dakle ako u tim reaktorima americko gorivo radi kako treba ne vidim zasto sad odjednom ne bi moglo da radi u sovjetskim rekatorima u Ukrajini?

Pominjenje Cernobila samo baca sumlju na stvarnu rusku iskrenost i dosta lici na besno spinovanje. Sta ce reci kada Ukrajina odluci da gradi Westinghouse AP1000? Verovatno da ce to biti jos veca katastrofa od Cernobila Bebee Dol

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