Tek kad pojedeš kazan vojničkog pasulja, onda imaš pravo to da kažeš... nekada se govorilo da vojnik može sve, osim da se porodi i da se uneredi u cev od puške kad je postavljen bajonet.
Odnedavno, kako su uveli politkorektnost i vojnikuše, i poslednja dva bastiona su pala! Jedino se u bajonet još možemo uzdati, pa i to...
While browsing through the archives of Ian McCollum's marvelous Forgotten Weapons blog, I came across this unusual and curvaceous rifle design. It's Nikolai Afanasiev's TKB-011 2M automatic rifle from the mid 1960s. The bullpup design--meaning that the action is behind the trigger--permits a short overall length, thus making it useful for confined spaces. As far as I can tell, it was never put into production. Sometimes beauty is not accompanied by practicality.