Plate profesionalnih vojnika širom sveta


Plate profesionalnih vojnika širom sveta

  • Pridružio: 09 Mar 2012
  • Poruke: 12

rade012 ::Uvek je bilo da neko ima veću platu, neko manju. ALi nije ni sve u plati. Trećinu života provedeš na radnom mestu.
Stariji se sećaju... jedno vreme je policja imala manje plate od vojske, pa je naišao period kada je imala manje plate... pa u krug. Iasd, šta treba raditi? Menjati uniformu svako malo da bi pratio trendove plate? Daj molim te....

Ni u jednom trenutku ja nisam napisao kako ti kažeš da je sve u plati! Samo sam se raspitivao o visinama plate (što je po meni sasvim normalno) i to ne mora automatski da znači da su mi plate navažnije i da su mi one sve u životu. Ako pažljivije pročitaš moje komentare videćeč da je tako..

P.S Što su uklonjeni moji komentari sa ove teme?

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 26 Dec 2005
  • Poruke: 4707

Moguće je da si u prvu i da je to pravilan način za izbor budućeg zanimanja.

Kada sam se odlučivao za buduće zanimanje plate nisu bile redovne, znalo se i u rat otići, stanova odavno nije bilo, skoro svaka vukojebina je imala po koji vojni objekat... na akademiji je svaki drugi dan bio SDO, uslovi života i rada daleko lošiji od današnjih (nije bilo frižidera, šporeta, tuševa na spratovima, ponavljanja godine, plata daleko manja nego danas)...

  • gloyer  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Feb 2007
  • Poruke: 3787
  • Gde živiš: Banat

Ако мрзовољан одеш на посао који не волиш, мрзовољнији ћеш се вратити кући. А када дођеш мрзовољан кући, шта можеш од остатка дана очекивати?

@Vojna Akademija
Не знам колико година имаш, претпостављам да те и Раде и ја (и остали који су постовали на овој теми), доживљавамо како младог човека, на прагу животног опредељења - па те тако и саветујемо.
Веруј ми, ово и мом клинцу кажем, најважније је да радиш оно што волиш. Плата је "екстра профит" у том случају.

  • Milos Stevanovic
  • Pridružio: 12 Avg 2010
  • Poruke: 224
  • Gde živiš: Leskovac

Vojna Akademija ::Ne vidim ja šta je tu toliku čudno da osobu koja želi da se bavi vojnim pozivom zanimma visina plate koju će primati, napisao sam u svojim predhodnim komentarima da sam se za vojnu akademiju i vojsku opredelio ne zbog plate i ostalih privilegija koju vojska ima nego zato sto me je to oduvek zanimalo...ali da budemo iskreni danas niko od ljubavi ne živi. Zato ako bi ti mogao da kažeš šta je to toliko pogrešno u mom mišljenju bilo bi mi drago. Question

Jedno je sigurno, imaces platu svaki mesec, dok neki i to nemaju. Mislim da ti je to dovoljno

  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 36070
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Nisam siguran ali čini mi se da se ovde radi o platama odnosno primanjima profesionalnih vojnika i policajaca ekvadora
Ko zna španski moći će tačno da odgonetne da li se radi o mesečnim ili godišnjim primanjima Wink

  • RPG  Male
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2011
  • Poruke: 668

Ja bi reko da na prostoru bivše YU vojnici imaju "precijenjene" plaće. Većina ih ne radi ništa korisno u kontekstu stvaranja novih vrijednosti, dizanja GDP-a, razvoja država itd - znači oni samo troše. Transport, pucanje, hrana, smjestaj itd , a za to imaju duplo veće plaće od radnika koji se kao konj svaki dan 8-10 sati muči u industriji koja dakle "stvara" neku vrijednost, stvara robu, ta se roba prodaje npr vani na trzistu i stvara GDP i njegov razvoj i onda takav radnik radi za nekih 300-400 eura majke ti. Toga nema u Njemačkoj i tim naprednim zemljama. Tamo je radnik u proizvodnji i industriji znatno više plaćen od prof.vojnika koji nema neki čin.

  • Pridružio: 26 Dec 2005
  • Poruke: 4707

Gospode.... lupi čovek i jedva ostade živ.

Ajde onda da ratujemo malo, da bi zaradili platu. Jesi li raspoložan? Ali znaj, nema posle mice trakalice. Taknuto- maknuto.

  • RPG  Male
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2011
  • Poruke: 668

rade012 ::Gospode.... lupi čovek i jedva ostade živ.

Ajde onda da ratujemo malo, da bi zaradili platu. Jesi li raspoložan? Ali znaj, nema posle mice trakalice. Taknuto- maknuto.

A jadan ja što lupio i osto živ...
Takav bi sistem i trebao biti, kad se ratuje onda se plaća vojsci povećava, a ne kad po "kasarnama" sjede i kradu bogu dane i "bildaju" stomake, a država i društvo u cijelini osim troška nikakve koristi nema. I još nešto kolega, ja sam jedna od onih "vojnih fanatika" koji takoder ceka svoj poziv za vojsku i kojem je zivotni san da postane prof.vojnik i sluzi zemlji. Ali isto tako razmisljam i o svojim gradanima koji ipak cine apsolutnu vecinu u drzavi i koji svojim teškim fizickim radom u industriji stvaraju neku vrijednost, a plaća im je crkavica. E tako priča i razmišlja pravi vojnik i domoljub, a ne oni sto idu u vojsku samo radi "Državne službice i sigurne plaćice"...

  • Pridružio: 26 Dec 2005
  • Poruke: 4707

Pa vidiš bajo, nije problem što je plata profesionalnog vojnika tolika kolika je, već što je plata radnika mala.

  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 36070
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Ruske plate...

Citat:New pay structure approved

December 13, 2011 by Dmitry Gorenburg

On December 5, the Russian government approved the new pay structure for the Russian military. As before, the pay structure consists of two main parts: position pay and rank pay, with a 2:1 ratio between these two parts. In addition, there are various bonuses, such as danger pay, hardship pay, additional pay for working with classified materials, etc. I won’t cover the bonuses here, as the government decree did not address these topics.

First, rank pay

Military rank Monthly pay (rubles)

Marshal 30000
Army general or admiral (4 stars) 27000
Brigadier Colonel general or admiral (3 stars) 25000
Lt. general, Vice admiral (2 stars) 22000
Major general, Rear admiral (1 star) 20000
Colonel, Captain 1st rank 13000
Lt. Colonel, Captain 2nd rank 12000
Major, Captain 3rd rank 11500
Captain, Captain lieutenant 11000
Senior lieutenant 10500
Lieutenant 10000
Junior lieutenant 9500
Chief warrant officer or midshipman 8500
Warrant officer or midshipman 8000
Master sergeant or chief ship petty officer 7500
Senior sergeant or chief petty officer 7000
Sergeant or petty officer 1st class 6500
Junior sergeant or petty officer 2nd class 6000
Private 1st class (efreitor) or senior seaman 5500
Private or seaman 5000

And position pay:

Position Monthly pay (rubles)

First Deputy Minister of Defense 45000
Deputy Minister of Defense 44000
Commander of a service (ground forces, navy, air force) 42000
Head of a chief directorate, commander of a branch of the armed forces (rocket forces, VDV, etc) 40000
Deputy head of a chief directorate, commander of a combined army 37000
Head of a directorate 36000
Deputy head of directorate 34000
Department head 31500
Deputy department head 30000
Head of a group in a department 29000
Senior officer in a directorate 28000
Officer in a directorate 26500
Corps commander, directorate head at unified strategic command HQ 32500
Division commander 30500
Department head at unified strategic command HQ 29500
Brigade commander, department head in combined army HQ 29000
Regiment commander 26500
Senior officer at unified strategic command HQ 26000
Senior officer at combined army command HQ 25500
Officer at unified strategic command HQ 25000
Officer at combined army command HQ 24500
Battalion commander 24000
Company commander 22000
Platoon leader 20000
Squad leader 15000
Contract soldier initial pay 10000
Cadet 7000

What does this translate into? The starting salary for a contract soldier is $6000 a year, compared to an average salary in Russia of $9000 a year in 2010. That’s not bad for a starting salary. Anyone with a position of squad leader or above is pretty much guaranteed to be making more than the average Russian salary, and this is before bonuses. A company commander (typically a captain or major) will be making 50 percent more than the average salary. Plus, of course, housing is provided (though the quality of the housing may be quite poor in some locations).

So it seems to me that the Russian government has now followed through on its stated intent of making service in the Russian military financially attractive. Time will tell how this will impact on the recruitment and retention of contract soldiers and junior officers. Also, we will have to see whether the budget can handle the additional expense. But it certainly seems to be another step in the right direction for the reformers.

Citat:New pay structure for conscripts announced

January 6, 2012 by Dmitry Gorenburg

In late December, the Russian government approved some more rules and regulations dealing with military pay. These included a decree on stipends for conscripts and a separate decree on bonuses and other forms of additional pay for officers and contract soldiers. In this post, I’ll cover pay for conscripts.

Position Monthly pay (rubles)

Petty officer (starshina) 1800
Assistant duty officer at command post, translator 1700
Deputy platoon commander, head of medical clinic 1600
Head of firing range, checkpoint or fuel depot 1500
Squad commander, head of coding post, sanitation or cooking instructor 1400
Artillery weapon firing commander, driver-mechanic of self-propelled strategic missiles 1300
Driver-mechanic, senior driver, senior communications operator, recon, nurse, senior rescue personnel, student at professional military school 1200
Driver, communications operator, rescue personnel, grenade-thrower, sniper, machine-gunner 1100
Rifleman, camoufleur, road builder, electrician, student at technical school or at military school (incl cadets at Nakhimov and Suvorov schools) 1000

In addition to this basic income, conscripts receive various bonuses, including for:

Higher qualifications: 5 percent for 3rd class, 10 percent for 2nd class, and 20 percent for 1st class specialists.
Serving in unusual or difficult conditions:

a) Up to 100 percent of the stipend for serving on submarines or as aircraft crew

b) Up to 70 percent of the stipend for serving on a surface ship, in a position that requires parachuting or diving, in the Presidential regiment, or in special units

c) Up to 50 percent of the stipend for medical specialists, staff of the space forces, or soldiers serving on combat duty

d) Up to 20 percent of the stipend for ground-based aviation specialists working in positions that ensure flight safety; soldiers working in refueling naval nuclear reactors, nuclear fuel, or radioactive waste; soldiers working as tank crews; or for rescue unit personnel

e) Up to 10 percent of the stipend for soldiers serving in border guard posts.

3. Carrying out dangerous duties in peacetime:

a) Up to 100 percent of the stipend for diving or parachute jumps

b) Up to 50 percent of the stipend for mine-clearance or fire-fighting (for each day spent performing those duties)

4. Working with classified materials: 10 percent for secret classification, 20 percent for top secret, 25 percent for materials “of special importance”

5. Additional 1000 rubles per months for orphans or others who are eligible to receive additional support according to the federal law on orphans and children lacking parental support.

A couple of quick points about all this. First of all, the base pay for conscripts is being more or less doubled compared to 2011 rates. Also, the bonuses for higher qualifications and working with secret documents are new. Previously, they were only available for officers and contract soldiers. The publications I have seen do not make it absolutely clear whether the other bonuses are new or not, though Rossiiskaia Gazeta seems to imply that they are.

At the same time, the Rossiiskaia Gazeta article’s statement that conscripts who are responsible and don’t get into trouble will now be getting a sizable amount of money seems to be overstating things a bit. The absolute maximum a conscript soldier who is not an orphan can make under these rules is 6210 rubles/month, assuming I didn’t mess up the math. That comes out to a bit over $200/month. I suppose that’s not completely horrible given that these are mostly 18 or 19 year-olds whose housing and food are being provided by the government. But to call it a sizable amount of money is going a bit far for my taste. Especially when the vast majority of conscripts will be getting stipend in the $30-50/month range. It goes to show just how embarrassingly low conscript pay was in the Russian army — given that these rates are DOUBLE the previous ones.

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