Poslao: 14 Jul 2021 13:59
- Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 291
Napisano: 11 Jul 2021 15:49
Cutaway Speculative P1 "Aerosubmarine" japanese animé Tv 60's serie "Marine Boy and The Oceanic Patrol" drawing and concept by Motocar.
Dopuna: 13 Jul 2021 5:10
Cutaway P1 Key
Dopuna: 14 Jul 2021 13:59
Blueprint P1, author Motocar
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Poslao: 14 Jul 2021 17:33
- Gavrilo Milentijević
- Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
- Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 36005
- Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet
Curtiss SC-1 Seahawk
Poslao: 23 Jul 2021 20:28
- Gavrilo Milentijević
- Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
- Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 36005
- Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet
Savoia Marchetti SM.55
Poslao: 30 Jul 2021 19:26
- Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 291
Cutaway FIAT C.29. the fantastic and small plane designed by to contest the seaplane race the "Schneider Cup" in it the most avant-garde constructors of the world aviation gathered, names like Curtiss, Macchi, Supermarine and Fiat among others presented their most advanced designs to try achieve victory in three editions and win the Cup for his country. Fiat tried with this development to create an aircraft that would obtain victory, the first design presented instability and crashed, leaving its pilot with almost no injuries, the next prototype crashed during hydrodynamic tests, its pilot leaving the cockpit and losing the plane in the depths of the lake where the tests were carried out, remaining more than 90 meters deep (recently the wreckage of the plane and its 12-cylinder engine were found), the third prototype and the one that concerns us was built incorporating the necessary changes but could not be tested and sent for the race but failed to participate, upon returning to Italy it was stored and managed to survive the 2nd World War and is currently displayed in a museum. Among its characteristics we can mention a large 12-cylinder Fiat engine, two-bladed propeller, wings with wooden main spars although covered with aluminum in its wing structure and fuselage, the latter was multitubular, the engine cooling was achieved with radiator surfaces above and under the wings covering a good portion of it that even so it was not enough placing another just under the fuselage between the spars, the tail surfaces were cruciform and the rudder area was again enlarged being larger than in the two previous prototypes. A curious fact that shows the value of those pilots was that they lacked instruments, only controls for the passage of fuel (this was housed in the tank in the floats), the accelerators / mixture and the control stick, the cockpit cover slid forward with the windshield, just leaving it open on the advice of another pilot except for the life of one of his pilots during a failed test of prototype No. 2. This cutaway is highly speculative made with the information available and guided by the few photos that are on the web. Motocar
Cutaway FIAT C.29. fantastični i mali avion koji je osmišljen tako da se natječe u utrci hidroavionima "Schneider Cup" u njemu su se okupili najangvangardniji konstruktori svjetskog zrakoplovstva, imena poput Curtissa, Macchija, Supermarinea i Fiata, među ostalima predstavili su svoje najnaprednije dizajne kako bi pokušali postići pobjeda u tri izdanja i osvajanje Kupa za svoju državu. Fiat je ovim razvojem pokušao stvoriti zrakoplov koji će pobijediti, prvi dizajn je predstavljao nestabilnost i srušio se, ostavljajući svog pilota gotovo bez ozljeda, sljedeći prototip se srušio tokom hidrodinamičkih ispitivanja, njegov pilot je napustio kabinu i izgubio avion u dubini jezera na kojem su vršena ispitivanja, koje je ostalo dublje od 90 metara (nedavno su pronađene olupine aviona i njegovog 12-cilindričnog motora), treći prototip i onaj koji nas se tiče izgrađen je uključujući potrebne promjene, ali mogao je nije testiran i poslan na utrku, ali nije sudjelovao, po povratku u Italiju pohranjen je i uspio preživjeti 2. svjetski rat, a trenutno je izložen u muzeju. Među njegovim karakteristikama možemo spomenuti veliki 12-cilindrični Fiat motor, propeler s dvije lopatice, krila s drvenim glavnim nosačima, iako prekriveni aluminijom u strukturi krila i trupu, potonji je bio višecjevčan, hlađenje motora postignuto je površinama hladnjaka iznad i pod krilima koja pokrivaju dobar dio, pa čak i tada nije bilo dovoljno postaviti drugo odmah ispod trupa između lamela, repne površine su bile u obliku križa, a područje kormila je ponovo povećano i bilo je veće nego u dva prethodna prototipa. Zanimljiva činjenica koja pokazuje vrijednost tih pilota bila je to što su im nedostajali instrumenti, samo kontrole za prolaz goriva (to je bilo smješteno u spremniku u plovcima), ubrzivači / mješavina i kontrolni štapić, poklopac pilotske kabine klizio je prema naprijed sa vjetrobransko staklo, ostavljajući ga otvorenim po savjetu drugog pilota, osim za života jednog od njegovih pilota tokom neuspjelog testa prototipa broj 2. Ovaj rez je vrlo spekulativan napravljen s dostupnim informacijama i vođen s nekoliko fotografija koje su na webu. Motocar
Poslao: 01 Avg 2021 22:47
- Gavrilo Milentijević
- Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
- Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 36005
- Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet
Poslao: 11 Avg 2021 11:47
- Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 291
Napisano: 08 Aug 2021 9:07
Next Motocar post original cutaway Paulet "Auto Bolido" Torpedo
Dopuna: 11 Aug 2021 11:47
# 470
Cutaway Auto Bólido de Paulet, The Peruvian Pedro Paulet is considered the "Father of Rocketry" since he was the first to study and then design and build a liquid fuel rocket engine, the previous rocketry comes from ancient times because it was the Chinese who They invented gunpowder and with it they created the first solid fuel rockets, using them first to "drive away evil spirits" and then their military strategists saw in them the possibility of using it as weapons - Pedro Paulet in his studies at the end of the 19th century. century and built a lightweight liquid fuel rocket engine that had an excellent thrust-to-weight ratio. The thrust was achieved with a series of explosions in the chamber passing the gases to the bell-shaped nozzle. Due to the size of it, it would be necessary to group a significant number of units to get enough thrust to raise your proposal for a "Car Racing" also called Torpedo. This was an advanced two-seater design designed for high speed flights with the Wings-Engine assembly pivoting 90 degrees, here too it was ahead of all known VTOLs and even the Wright brothers with its proposal ... Unfortunately, it did not. I get enough support to build it. , although he posted an early image with a front cutout with the wings in a vertical position for takeoffs / landings and a horizontal position for flights. here too he got ahead of all known VTOLs and even the Wright brothers with his proposal ... Unfortunately, he didn't get enough support to build it. , although I post an early image with a front cutout with the wings in a vertical position for takeoffs / landings and horizontal position for flights. here too he got ahead of all known VTOLs and even the Wright brothers with his proposal ... Unfortunately, they didn't get enough support to build it. , although I post an early image with a front cutout with the wings in a vertical position for takeoffs / landings and horizontal position for flights.
It had two seats and the controls for levers and pedals (hardly visible in the original cuts) without much specification of its operation on the aerodynamic surfaces at the marginal edges Its instruments consisted of large instruments and gauges to monitor pressure data, behind and underneath the nacelle / fuselage had surfaces to stabilize (although due to the aerodynamic shadow of the fuselage it could offer little or no control) the lower wing was foldable laterally (something seen decades later in modern aircraft such as the Vought F8U-2, MiG-23 by example). It was finished off by a landing gear with three small wheels, two in the front and one in the center behind. As can be seen, this project was ahead of its time and it was a real challenge to bring it to reality both due to technical and material difficulties and the lack of financial and governmental support, understandable in those years when very few knew more about these technologies. Beyond having read a Jules Verne novel. Motocar
# 470
Cutaway Auto Bólido de Paulet, Peruanac Pedro Paulet smatra se "ocem rakete" budući da je prvi proučavao, a zatim dizajnirao i izgradio raketni motor na tekuće gorivo, prethodna raketa dolazi iz davnih vremena jer su Kinezi bili ti koji su izumili barut i s njim stvorili prve rakete na čvrsto gorivo, koristeći ih prvo za "tjeranje zlih duhova", a zatim su njihovi vojni stratezi u njima vidjeli mogućnost upotrebe kao oružja - Pedro Paulet u svojim studijama krajem 19. veka. stoljeću i sagradio lagani raketni motor na tekuće gorivo koji je imao odličan omjer potiska i težine. Potisak je postignut serijom eksplozija u komori koja propušta plinove do mlaznice u obliku zvona. Zbog njegove veličine, bilo bi potrebno grupirati značajan broj jedinica kako bi se dobio dovoljan potisak za podizanje vašeg prijedloga za "Car Racing" koji se također naziva Torpedo. Ovo je bio napredni dizajn dvosjeda dizajniran za brze letove sa sklopom Wings-Engine koji se okreće za 90 stepeni, i ovdje je bio ispred svih poznatih VTOL-ova, pa čak i braće Wright sa svojim prijedlogom ... Nažalost, nije. dobiti dovoljno podrške za njegovu izgradnju. , iako objavljujem ranu sliku s prednjim izrezom s krilima u okomitom položaju za polijetanje / slijetanje i vodoravnom položaju za letove. i ovdje je svojim prijedlogom prestigao sve poznate VTOL -ove, pa čak i braću Wright ... Nažalost, nije dobio dovoljnu podršku za njegovu izgradnju. , iako objavljujem ranu sliku s prednjim izrezom s krilima u okomitom položaju za polijetanje / slijetanje i vodoravnom položaju za letove. i ovdje je svojim prijedlogom prestigao sve poznate VTOL -ove, pa čak i braću Wright ... Nažalost, nisu dobili dovoljnu podršku za njegovu izgradnju. , iako objavljujem ranu sliku s prednjim izrezom s krilima u okomitom položaju za polijetanje / slijetanje i vodoravnom položaju za letove.
Imao je dva sjedala i kontrole za poluge i pedale (teško vidljive u originalnim rezovima) bez mnogo specifikacija njegovog rada na aerodinamičkim površinama na rubnim rubovima. Njegovi instrumenti sastojali su se od velikih instrumenata i mjerača za praćenje podataka o tlaku, iza i ispod čahura / trup aviona imali su površine za stabilizaciju (iako je zbog aerodinamičke sjene trupa mogao ponuditi malu ili nikakvu kontrolu) donje krilo bilo je preklopivo bočno (nešto što je viđeno desetljećima kasnije u modernim zrakoplovima poput Vought F8U-2, MiG-23 primjerom). Završen je stajnim trapom sa tri mala točka, dva napred i jedan u sredini pozadi. Kao što se vidi, ovaj projekt je bio ispred svog vremena i bio je pravi izazov realizirati ga zbog tehničkih i materijalnih poteškoća i nedostatka financijske i vladine podrške, razumljivo u onim godinama kada je vrlo malo njih znalo više o ovim tehnologijama. Osim što sam pročitao roman Žila Verna. Motocar