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Citat:Serbia and Belarus : the major suppliers of military equipment of the Kabila regime
Serbia has a defense partnership with the DRC. This partnership includes the training of Congolese military personnel and troops, the delivery of military equipment and exchanges of military delegations between the two countries. Several senior FARDC officers regularly travel to Serbia. The main suppliers of military equipment are the Serbian firms Zastava arms and Mile Dragic Production. They work directly with the military office of the DRC presidency, without going through the Department of National Defense.[5] Yet the defense was consecrated by the Congolese Constitution, a field of collaboration between the Head of state and the government accountable to the Parliament.[6]
Another Serbian society CPR IMPEX DOO delivered in favor of the GR, via the port of Boma, a batch of 22,000 assault rifles M-92 5.56, 120 anti-aircraft guns M-55 20 mm that are all warehoused at the Kibomango logistics center, the exclusive strategic military store of Joseph Kabila, since early March 2018. The Serbian armament company PRIVI PARTIZAN, during the first quarter of 2018 (January-March 2018), delivered via the ports of Boma and Matadi, about 5,000,000 different cartridges for the M-70, M-92, AKM, M-84 machine gun. These new ammunition stocks are stored at Sonankulu base camp (in Mbanza-Ngungu, Bas-Congo) and the Mbakana presidential military logistic base at Bandundu.
The Serbian company YOGOIMPORT-SDPR provided at the end of 2017 fast river patrol boats PREMAX -39 and and coastal patrol boats of medium-size Nestin-classe medium-sized assembled in Kalemie. These patrol boats were used against Mai-Mai Yakutumba’s assault on Lake Tanganyika in November 2017. Finally, the Serbian company Mile Dragic Production delivered from August 2017, about 3 million rubber bullets of 5.56mm; 7.62mm and 9mm for the exercises and the maintenance and restoration of public order as well as 25.000 equipment M-12 for the Republican Guard (bulletproof vest and Kevlar helmets) as well as 120.000 equipment M-97 and M-99 for the FARDC (bullet vests + kevlar helmets).
Pero ili M21 ili M85 obe su 5.56 a ovaj PREMAX beše li to onaj brzi čamac što su ga u novinama nazvali Srpsko čudo ili tako nekako, a M55 su garant iz skladišta VS ili su možda proizvedene u zastavi?
Што се тиче М55 , сети се 2015. кад су продаване велике количине отписаног наоружања :
Citat:Na spisku oružja spremnog za “pijacu” su i 982 protivavionska topa “trocevca” od 20 milimetara i 100 “jednocevaca”, kao i 48 “protivavionaca” sa dve cevi, koji su montirani na oklopno vozilo “Praga”
Ево линк од те вести - http://www.novosti.rs/vesti/naslovna/drustvo/aktue.....je-tenkove
,,Ковачки центар“ д.о.о Ваљево је први објекат који је изграђен после 20 година у српској индустрији. Изградњу је финансирао ,,Југоимпорт СДПР“ и он је већински власник, а инфраструктуру је ,као власнички удео обезбедио ХК ,,Крушик“ а.д. Ваљево. "Ковачки центар“ д.о.о Ваљево је отворен 25.01.2010 године и за сада има око 70 запослених
радника са тенденцијом сталног пораста запослења
Zdravo, pratim temu vec neko vreme ali mi nije jasno, dokle se stiglo sa razvojem Vidre i M86 kao i pratece municije, video sam da se ovde pominjala municija 30mm. Na vikipediji pise da sloboda pravi 30mm dok sa druge strane do skoro nismo ni imali proizvodnju 12.7mm do nove fabrike u uzicima i nove investicije prvog partizana. Jel mi uopste proizvodimo 30mm?