Rusija - Zapad, ekonomske i vojne sankcije


Rusija - Zapad, ekonomske i vojne sankcije

  • Pridružio: 30 Mar 2011
  • Poruke: 2740

Makarti se od sreće vrti u grobu.

Bank of America cut short an online client conference on geopolitics and apologised to attendees after some balked at what they saw as pro-Russian comments about the war in Ukraine, according to three people who attended the event.

Two people on the call said Daniel Sheehan, BofA Securities’ senior vice-president for international relations, was critical of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, describing him as “a master manipulator and mimic” about whom there were “serious concerns” in the US administration.

Citat:One of those present said they felt one speaker, Nicolai Petro, a professor of political science at the University of Rhode Island, “said stuff that was absolutely shocking . . . it was straight out of the foreign ministry of Russia”.

However, Petro has countered that people who complained “had their own agenda” and had “really not listened” to what he said.

In his prepared speech, which he shared with the FT, Petro’s remarks included: “Under any scenario, Ukraine would be the overwhelming loser” in the war. Its industrial capacity would be “devastated”, partly by its economic policy of becoming an agricultural superpower “as recommended by the EU and the United States” and its population would continue to shrink as people left to look for employment abroad.

“If this is what Russia meant by removing Ukraine’s capacity to wage war against Russia, then it will arguably have won,” he said.


Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 24 Nov 2021
  • Poruke: 3360

Jako zanimljivo, ako je za neku drugu temu neka neko prebaci:

🇫🇷🇺🇸Макрон: Европа мора да смањи зависност од САД како не би постала њен вазал

(▪️Европа мора да смањи своју зависност од САД и избегне да буде увучена у сукоб око Тајвана између САД и Кине, рекао је француски председник Емануел Макрон у интервјуу за "Политико".

💬"Парадоксално би било да, обузети страхом, ми поверујемо да смо само пратиоци Америке", рекао је Макрон. "Питање на које Европљани морају да одговоре је да ли је у нашем интересу да ескалирамо кризу око Тајвана? Није. Горе би било када би ми у Европи поверовали да морамо да пратимо америчку агенду и кинеске реакције", додао је он.

▪️Како наводи бриселски портал, Тајван је био једна од главних тема разговора између Макрона и Сија, а Француска је заузела умеренију позицију у односу не само на САД, већ и на Европску унију.

  • Artiljerac
  • Pridružio: 07 Nov 2009
  • Poruke: 3123

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101735

Norvezani proteruju 15 diplomata iz Rusije
Norway declares 15 intelligence officers working at the Russian embassy in Oslo personae non gratae

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101735

Ameri ce sankcionisati pojedine madjare koji rade sa Rusijom ili za njih
US Sanctions Russian-Controlled IIB Bank, Executives in Hungary
Citat:The US imposed sanctions on the Russian-controlled International Investment Bank, saying its presence in Budapest allowed Moscow to expand its ability to spy, conduct “malign influence activities,” and engage in corruption from within the European Union and NATO.

The US Treasury Department also designated for sanctions three current or former executives of the bank: Russian nationals Nikolay Kosov, Georgy Potapov and Hungarian Imre Laszloczki for coordinating with Russian officials on IIB business following the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine.

The bank, which relocated from Moscow to Budapest in 2018, describes itself as a multilateral lender seeking to boost economic ties between its members, mostly former communist states such as those in eastern Europe.


  • amstel  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 13 Maj 2012
  • Poruke: 2565
  • Gde živiš: Hiljadu milja od topolivnice

Јерменија је учетворостручила извоз Москви на око 2,5 милијарде долара,У случају Казахстана, на пример, извозне зараде немачких компанија порасле су за 210 одсто у односу на просек за године од 2018. до 2020. У Киргистану је повећање чак 1157 одсто....

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101735

Sankcije za kosarkase
Citat:The International Basketball Federation Executive Committee decided not to allow the Russian national team to the pre-qualification tournament for the 2024 Olympics.

Kiparska banka zateze za ruse
Citat:The Bank Of Cyprus, the largest bank of the country, sends notices to Russian clients about the closure of their accounts, Forbes writes citing sources.
The letter informs clients that their accounts will be closed within two months of receiving the letter.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101735

Finci se pozivaju na sankcije i oduzeli rusima zemlju i zgradu "Ruskog kulturnog centra" u Heksinkiju
Finnish authorities sequestrate building of Russian Cultural Center — media
Citat:The authorities of Finland have sequestrated the building of the Russian Science and Culture Center in Helsinki and the plot of land it stands on, the Helsingin Sanomat newspaper reported on Tuesday.
According to the report, bailiffs made the decision to impose restrictions on those entities "a week ago, in accordance with a relevant request by the republic’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs," which cited "enforcement of EU sanctions" as the reason.
As long as the building remains under arrest, Russia and its state agencies are "not allowed to transfer, destroy or mortgage the property," whose total area is over 3,300 square meters.


...medjutim,izgleda mi da su se popismanili i tu odluku suspendovali
Citat:The decision to seize the territory and building of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in the Finnish capital Helsinki, which was made due to European Union sanctions, was withdrawn today, said the head of the Finnish Debt Recovery Authority, Aki Virtanen.

  • Leonov 
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Mar 2022
  • Poruke: 519

Rezerve dolara kao rezervne valute u svijetu su prošle godine padale 10 puta brže nego u prijašnjih 20 godina.

2001. je USD činio 73% globalnih rezervi, dok je sada to 58%

Nadam se da će im lupanje sankcija svima po svijetu, na kraju doći glave.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101735

Albanija uvela vize za drzavljane Rusije
Citat:The Embassy of Albania in Moscow announced today that the country has abolished the visa-free regime for citizens of Russia
To visit Albania,Russian citizens must apply for a visa in accordance with the purpose of the trip,the Albanian diplomatic mission points out on its website

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