Phalanx ::Koji je ovo model puške,zemlja porekla i šta je kod nje prvi put primenjeno,u odnosu na druge puške tog vremena.
Francuska puska repetirka Lebel Model 1886, kalibra 8 mm (ili 8×50mmR, French 8 mm, ili samo Label 8 mm)
Prva vojna puska koja je koristila metak sa caurom, dimnim barutom i zrnom.
Dopuna: 20 Avg 2009 21:55
Jos malo podataka:
Basic stats:
# Length: 51.5 in.
# Length with bayonet: 71.9 in.
# Length of barrel: 31.5 in.
# Weight empty: 9.2 lbs.
# Weight loaded: 9.7 lbs.
# Weight loaded, with bayonet: 10.8 lbs.
# Class: single-shot, bolt-action
# Caliber: 8 mm
# Magazine: internal tubular magazine (contained in forestock)
# Magazine capacity: 8 rounds (plus 1 in the transporter and 1 in the chamber: total capacity = 10 rounds)
# Ammunition: 8x50R
# *Primary ammunition used: model 1886 'D bullet' (bullet: 12.8 gm, brass-tipped steel, 3 gm charge of powder)
# Muzzle velocity: 701 m/s (2,300 f/s)
# Initial energy: 306 kg/m (673 lbs/m)
# Average rate of fire: 8-10 shots per min.
# Practical range: 250 m (820 ft) with rear sight or non-sighted firing
# Maximum effective range: 2,000 m (6,562 ft)
# Penetration:
*The model 1886 P, which began production in 1915, was also used though primarily by snipers and in machine-guns. (9.6 gm steel core with blackened-brass jacket - muzzle velocity 840 m/s [2,756 f/s])
General Characteristics:
# Sights: (Ladder) tiered rear sight (adjustable to 400-800 m) and vertical sight w/ sliding level (adjustable to 850-2000 m); rectangular front sight
# Safety: None (safety position: empty chamber, 1 round in the transporter)
# Bayonet: model 1886 or model 1886 M. 1915 blade-bayonet
# Added firepower: V.B. rifle-grenade launcher; APX model 1916 or 1917 sniper scope
# Stamps: on the bolt-box (manufacturer and model, caliber), on the barrel (serial number, year of make)
# Finishing: entirely bronzed save the bolt, trigger guard, butt loop and butt plate
# Arms manufacturers: Châtellerault, St.-Etienne, Tulle
# Private manufacturers: Paris at St.-Denis
# Total examples produced: 3,500,000 from 1886 to 1904
# Examples available in 1914: 2,880,000 (production had stopped in 1904)
# Period of use: 1886 to 1960