Poslao: 12 Sep 2009 13:19
- Misirac
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 03 Nov 2009
- Poruke: 5871
- Gde živiš: U podrumu,mučim električara...
Zorge ::Ама људи, онај "Т-34" мора да је монтажа.
Погле', погон напред, два издува назад, као нормална 34-ка, а он мали. Ту мотор може да се само са стране, па би и другачије решили издувни систем. Неко се зез'о...
Znas kad sam ja pomislio da je rijec o nekoj igracki
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 12 Sep 2009 14:16
- Pridružio: 21 Maj 2008
- Poruke: 15219
vathra ::Pretpostavljam da je većina vas čula za nemački super-teški tenk Maus
Pred kraj rata napravljeno nekoliko komada, bio najteži tenk ikad sa 180 tona, ali nisu stigli da ga završe i upotrebe u borbi.
Pitanje je malo neobično:
Kad se ovo pročita, zbog čega se ima osećaj Deja vu?
Da se vratimo na novo pitanje, za one kojima slabo ide francuski:
Poput projekta tenka Maus, i u Prvom svetskom ratu je postojao vrlo sličan projekat, sa sličnom sudbom.
Koji je naziv tog vozila?
Poslao: 12 Sep 2009 17:35
- Pridružio: 21 Maj 2008
- Poruke: 15219
Čini mi se da su englezi pobedili u ratu, tako da protivnici nisu mogli da zateknu nezavršen tenk u fabrici.
Poslao: 12 Sep 2009 19:54
- bartsimpson
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 24 Feb 2009
- Poruke: 1451
- Gde živiš: Krusevac
World War I – the K-Wagen
In June 1917, before the first A7V:s were even completed, the German War Ministry ordered the construction of a new colossal super-tank, the biggest tank ever designed: the K-Wagen. (K standing for Kolossal, meaning colossal.) The K-Wagen was thought as a enormous moving fortress bristling with guns and MGs, to be used in break-through situations. The weight was some 150 tons, and it would be powered only by two small 200 HP motors. (Later on these two tiny motors were switched for two 650 HP motors.) The enormous weight of the vehicle of course made it impossible to move any longer distances, so it was to be transported by rail in four parts of some 30 tons each, only to be put together behind the front line, at the point were it was to be employed. The K-Wagen was also supposed to have a trench crossing capacity of some 4 meters, and no less than four 77mm cannons. The design was done by Vollmer.
Almost from the very beginning of the project sceptical voices was heard. The sheer size of the vehicle made it difficult to produce, as no standard components or techniques could be employed. So it was decided that the tank was to be built by companies with experience from building bridges and the tracks came from power shovel construction. Soon it was also discovered that the tank was too heavy, so the length was reduced to 13 meters, which at least cut the weight with some 30 tons. The original order was for ten vehicles. The weight was some 120 tons! It has been called "completely nonsensical" and the Army actively sought to prevent the order as the type was seen by the military as hugely impractical and a complete waste of scarce resources, but two prototypes were actually under construction when the war ended - one was nearly finished. People doubting the whole idea were silenced by being told that von Hindenburg himself wished it to be built.
Poslao: 12 Sep 2009 19:55
- Pridružio: 21 Maj 2008
- Poruke: 15219
Tako je, Barte!
120 tona, posada 27 članova, nije loše za 1917.
Dobar citat:
"The K-Wagen never became operational as under the conditions of the Armistice Germany was forbidden to possess tanks and all hulls were scrapped. However, in 1942 Hitler had a full scale wooden mock-up built for comparison with his own examples of tank gigantomania."