Vojni obaveštajci - bez prava na slavu


Vojni obaveštajci - bez prava na slavu

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102325

Smenjen sef grcke obavestajne sluzbe EYP
Greek intelligence service boss quits amid wiretapping allegations
Citat:The head of Greece's intelligence service stepped down on Friday amid increased scrutiny of the agency's surveillance practices including an accusation by an opposition party leader that he was wiretapped in 2021.
Panagiotis Kontoleon, chief of the EYP intelligence service, submitted his resignation "following mistaken actions found during lawful wiretapping procedures," a statement from Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis' office said.

Arrow https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/greek-intelli.....022-08-05/
Greek intelligence service admits spying on journalist - sources
Arrow https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/greek-intelli.....022-08-03/

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102325

Alzirski glavni obavestajac i kontra zamenili mesta
Algeria swaps the head of espionage and counter-espionage, perpetuating instability in its intelligence service
Citat:In a new episode of the chaos that has plagued Algerian intelligence for the past seven years, Abdelghani Rachedi and Yamal Kehal Meydub, hitherto heads of internal and external security respectively, have swapped positions
Arrow https://atalayar.com/en/content/algeria-swaps-head.....bility-its

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102325

U.S. charges ex-Army major and his wife over alleged plot to leak military health data to Russia
Arrow https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-charges-ex-arm.....022-09-29/

Šest ruskih diplomata nepoželjni u Crnoj Gori, nastavljena istraga o špijunima
Citat:Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Crne Gore proglasilo je šest diplomata Ambasade Ruske Federacije akreditovanih u Crnoj Gori personama non grata.
Kako je navedeno u saopštenju objavljenom na twiteru, odluka o njihovom protjerivanju iz Crne Gore je donijeta, zbog aktivnosti "koje su u suprotnosti sa Bečkom konvencijom o diplomatskim odnosima".

Citat:Protjerivanje ruskih diplomata se povezuje sa današnjom akcijom Agencije za nacionalnu bezbjednost (ANB) i Specijalnog državnog tužilaštva u kojoj istražuju vezu crnogorskih i ruskih državljana sa obavještajnim službama Ruske Federacije.
Ministar vanjskih poslova Ranko Krivokapić na sjednici Vlade saopštio da je u toku najveće hapšenje ruskih špijuna u Crnoj Gori, "koje se broji u desetinama".
On je rekao da je u odnosu na veličinu Crne Gore ovo jedno od najvećih hapšenja u nekoj od NATO država.
Prema nezvaničnim saznanjima RSE, istraga bezbjednosnih službi i tužilaštva obuhvata više crnogorskih građana uključujući i službenika državne administracije, kao i više ruskih državljana.

Arrow https://www.slobodnaevropa.org/a/crna-gora-spijunaza-rusija/32057451.html

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102325

Ruski državljanin uhapšen zbog moguće špijunaže, policija istražuje sporne snimke!
Citat:Najmanje šest ruskih državljana uhapšeno je u proteklih nekoliko sedmica zbog upravljanja dronovima ili zbog slikanja bezbednosno osetljivih mesta u Norveškoj
Norveška policija uhapsila je ruskog državljanina u Hamerfestu zbog upravljanja dronom u blizini Špicbergena, najvećeg ostrva Svalbardskog arhipelaga u severnoj Norveškoj, objavila je danas TV NRK.
Ruski 47-godišnji državljanin, koji ima i britansko državljanstvo, optužen je za kršenje sankcija i određen mu je pritvor od dve sedmice, javila je NRK, preneo je TAŠ.
Prema saopštenju policije, snimak koji je načinio dron biće odlučujući za istragu.
Dva norveška aerodroma, u Bergenu i Ferdeu, danas su na kratko bila zatvorena zbog pojave dronova.
Norveška vojska i državni aerodromski operater Avinor obavešteni su nakon što je prvi dron primećen u 4.15 sata, a kasnije su prijavljene nove pojave dronova, saopštio je portparol norveške policije.

Arrow https://informer.rs/planeta/vesti/743332/uhapsen-r.....a-ukrajina
Arrow https://www.euronews.rs/evropa/vesti/66026/norvesk.....ronom/vest
Norway says 'foreign intelligence' behind drone flights
Arrow https://www.rfi.fr/en/international-news/20221019-.....hts?ref=tw

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102325

Ameri osudili bivseg pilota zbog saradnje sa kitajcima
Ex-US Army pilot who sold intel to China gets 20-month sentence
Citat:A former US Army helicopter pilot-turned-civilian-contractor has been sentenced in federal court to 20 months in prison for acting as an agent of the government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).
According to the US Justice Department, Shapour Moinian, 67, of San Diego, accepted thousands of dollars from representatives of the Chinese government to provide aviation-related information from his defense-contractor employers.

Arrow https://defbrief.com/2022/11/08/ex-us-army-pilot-s.....-sentence/

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102325

Hapsenje u Nemackoj u okviru BND
Suspected Russian spy arrested in German intelligence agency
Arrow https://www.dw.com/en/suspected-russian-spy-arrest.....a-64190192
Arrow https://www.spiegel.de/politik/russischer-spion-be.....36135383e6

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102325

Tajvanci uhapsili sedam svojih
Taiwan air force and navy officers detained on suspicion of spying for China
Citat:Seven people in Taiwan have been detained on suspicion of spying for China at the Kaohsiung Branch of the Taiwan High Prosecutors Office. The group includes a retired Air Force Colonel and three active military officers in the Air Force and Navy.
Three other three active officers have been released on bail.
The investigation into the case is ongoing and it is believed that the retired colonel, Liu, recruited at least six other officers into his spy ring and received payments from the Chinese through a shell company. The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense has stated that the case was exposed through tip-offs from military personnel and that it will cooperate with prosecutors in their investigation.

Arrow https://alert5.com/2023/01/05/taiwan-air-force-and.....for-china/

Amer osudjen
New York man sentenced to 2 yrs for conspiring to steal GE secrets for China
Arrow https://www.reuters.com/legal/new-york-man-sentenc.....023-01-03/

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102325

Ameri uhapsili bivseg FBI agenta
Citat:FBI arrests former special agent in charge of New York FBI counterintelligence w/"agreeing to provide services to Oleg Deripaska sanctioned Russian oligarch".
A second case vs former New York FBI's top counterintelligence official Charles McGonigal alleges he accepted $225,000 in cash from an employee of a foreign intelligence service "while he was serving as Special Agent in Charge of FBI counterintelligence efforts".
McGonigal's relationship w/the employee of the foreign intelligence service started in August 2017
McGonigal "traveled abroad with the individual and met with foreign nationals"

Arrow https://twitter.com/jseldin/status/1617596343450750978

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102325

djox ::Hapsenje u Nemackoj u okviru BND
Suspected Russian spy arrested in German intelligence agency
Arrow https://www.dw.com/en/suspected-russian-spy-arrest.....a-64190192
Arrow https://www.spiegel.de/politik/russischer-spion-be.....36135383e6

Otkrili o kome se radi
Exclusive: German football coach unmasked as Russian double agent
Citat:The alleged Russian spy at the centre of the biggest European intelligence scandal in decades can today be identified as volunteer football coach Carsten Linke.
The Telegraph can reveal that Mr Linke, a 52-year-old father of two, is the alleged double agent in Germany’s foreign intelligence service (BND) arrested for treason last December.
Mr Linke was a rising star of the BND, where he oversaw units tasked with spying on foreign communications and internal security.
He is suspected of passing on top-secret intelligence to Moscow, some of which is believed to be related to Ukraine, according to Der Spiegel newspaper.

Arrow https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/02/03/.....ble-agent/

  • VJ 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2014
  • Poruke: 18762



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