Poslao: 13 Mar 2015 17:03
- MarKhan
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 10 Feb 2010
- Poruke: 3861
Шта мислите да ли свакодневним летовима бомбардера и других дуголинијских авиона руско ваздухопловство може повећати замарање технике и убрзану потрошњу ресурса ваздухпловних ефектива НАТО, поготово енглеских, скандинавских и оних који дежурају на Балтику?
Poslao: 16 Mar 2015 09:39
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 101646
Turci presreli IL-20
Turkish jets intercept Russian plane over Black Sea
Citat:Turkish fighter jets intercepted a Russian plane which was flying parallel to Turkish air space over the Black Sea on March 15.
Turkish F-16 jets which took off from Bandırma and Merzifon air bases intercepted a Russian IL-20 plane, which later left Black Sea air space near Georgia, the General Staff said in a statement released pm its website.
Poslao: 20 Mar 2015 14:07
- Toni
- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 31275
Holandija, Belgija i Luksemburg ce zajedno stiti svoj VAP od 2017.
Citat:Anyway, the Benelux countries are willing to begin the joint air space security operation, starting from 2017.
According to the IHS Jane’s report on the issue, the fighter force of Belgium and the Netherlands will defend the countries, providing proper QRA (quick reaction alert) capabilities. Obviously, not only will the defensive operations cover the issue of military threats, but they will also be dealing with renegade aircraft. This means that a new scheme of air policing is to be implemented next year must take every situation into account.
Its legal implications are quite interesting. According to Jane’s, Belgians would be able to ask the Dutch fighters to shoot down renegades in the Belgian airspace and likewise, the Belgian F-16 could be authorized to neutralize such threat in the Dutch airspace.
This is a precedent in the European law, hence additional time is needed to discuss the legal character of the new operation. For example, according to euobserver.com, Luxembourg’s authorities have already excluded any use of lethal force over their territory.
When it comes to Luxembourg, the situation here is quite similar to that of Lithuania. The country has no relevant fighter force, hence help from the neighbors is required to provide air policing.
Poslao: 24 Mar 2015 19:18
- Vlada78
- Moderator foruma
- Pridružio: 17 Maj 2008
- Poruke: 12305
- Gde živiš: Srbija
"Тупољеви" и "сухоји" изнад Шведске
Citat:Шведско ратно ваздухопловство тврди да је рано јутрос идентификовало четири руска борбена авиона изнад Готланда. Летела су по два "тупољева Ту-22М" и "сухоја Су-27".
Инцидент се, према тврдњама шведских оружаних снага, догодио у 5.30, пише шведски Афтонбладет.
"Ово је први пут, после неколико година, да видимо ове типове авиона изнад Балтика. Летели су дуж обале, а затим скренули јужно преко Борнхолма и Готланда и вратили се у Фински залив", рекао је контраадмирал Андерс Гренстад.
Руске авионе пратиле су шведске и летелице "других земаља".