Bugarsko ratno vazduhoplovstvo


Bugarsko ratno vazduhoplovstvo

  • zixo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
  • Poruke: 23387
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Текст пун грешака, насталих или лошим преводом или је једноставно лоше пренесено.

Бугарска је своје МиГ-ове 21 повукла из наоружања још 2015. године.

Бугарској не стижу Ф-16 2030. године већ се очекује да се тада постигне пуна оперативна способност.

А први авиони стижу 2024.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 12367
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

Ja bih dodao i dosta konfuzan...

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102160

Bugarima odobrena kupovina 8 F-16 C/D Block 70 (4-F-16C i 4-F-16D)
Bulgaria cleared to buy 8 F-16C/Ds
Citat:A potential Foreign Military Sale package for 8 F-16C/D fighters worth up to $1.673 billion to Bulgaria has been cleared by the Biden Administration.
Transmittal No 22-14 says the package is for four F-16Cs and four F-16Ds.
They will be powered by F100-GE-129D engines which Blugaria is buying 11 with three being spares.

Arrow http://alert5.com/2022/04/05/bulgaria-cleared-to-buy-8-f-16c-ds/#more-93364
Arrow https://militaryleak.com/2022/04/05/us-state-depar.....-fighters/
Citat:The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Bulgaria of F-16 C/D Block 70 Aircraft and related equipment for an estimated cost of $1.673 billion. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

The Government of Bulgaria has requested to buy four (4) F-16 C Block 70 aircraft; four (4) F-16 D Block 70 aircraft; eleven (11) F100-GE-129D engines (8 installed, 3 spares); eleven (11) Improved Programmable Display Generators (iPDG) (8 installed, 3 spares); eleven (11) AN/APG-83 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Scalable Agile Beam Radars (SABR) (8 installed, 3 spares); eleven (11) Modular Mission Computers (MMC) 7000AH (8 installed, 3 spares); eleven (11) LN-260 or equivalent Embedded Global Positioning System (GPS) Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) (EGI) with Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM) and Precise Positioning Service (PPS) (8 installed, 3 spares); nineteen (19) Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) AIM-120C-7/C-8 or equivalent missiles; two (2) AMRAAM Guidance Sections; forty-eight (4Cool LAU-129A launchers (40 installed, 8 spares); twenty-eight (2Cool GBU-39/B Small Diameter Bombs (SDBs); two (2) SDB Guided Test Vehicles (GTVs); eleven (11) M61A1 Vulcan Cannons (8 installed, 3 spares); four (4) AN/AAQ-33 Sniper Advanced Targeting Pods (ATPs); twelve (12) Multifunctional Information Distribution System with Joint Tactical Radio Systems (MIDS-JTRS) (aircraft terminals and ground station terminals) (10 installed, 2 spares); twenty (20) AIM-9X Block II missiles; eight (Cool AIM-9X Block II Captive Air Training Missiles (CATMs); four (4) AIM-9X Block II Tactical Guidance Units; four (4) AIM-9X Block II CATM Guidance Units; twenty-four (24) FMU-139 or FMU-152 fuze systems; twelve (12) KMU-572 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) Tail Kits for 500LB GBU-38 or Laser JDAM GBU-54; twelve (12) MXU-650 Air Foil Groups (AFGs) for Enhanced Paveway II EGBU-49; twelve (12) MAU-210 Enhanced Computer Control Groups (ECCGs) for EPII EGBU-49; twenty-four (24) MK-82 or BLU-111 or equivalent Bomb Bodies; six (6) MK-82 Inert Bombs; and two (2) GBU-39 SDB I Practice Bombs. Also included are AN/ARC-238 radios; AN/APX-126 or equivalent Advanced Identification Friend or Foe (AIFF) with Combined Interrogator Transponders (CIT); Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System II (JHMCS II) or Scorpion Hybrid Optical-based Inertial Tacker (HObIT) helmet mounted displays; AN/ALQ-254 Viper Shield or equivalent Electronic Warfare (EW) systems; AN/ALE-47 Countermeasure Dispenser Systems (CMDS), KY-58M Cryptographic Devices, KIV-78 Cryptographic Devices, and Simple Key Loaders (SKLs); Joint Mission Planning Systems (JMPS) or equivalent; AIM-120 Captive Air Training Missiles (CATM); PGU-28 High Explosive Incendiary (HEI) ammunition; PGU-27 training rounds (non HEI); ARD-446 impulse cartridges; ARD-863 impulse cartridges; BBU-36/B impulse cartridges; BBU-35/B impulse cartridges; MK-124 smoke flares; MJU-7/B flare cartridges L463 or MJU-53 or equivalent; Common Munitions Built-in-Test (BIT) Reprogramming Equipment (CMBRE); ADU 890 adapter for CMBRE; ADU-891 adapter for CMBRE; Night Vision Devices (NVD); NVD Spare Image Intensifier Tubes; Remote Operated Video Enhanced Receiver (ROVER) 6i units; Tactical Network ROVER Kit; DSU-38 laser sensors for GBU-54; Cartridge Actuated Device/Propellant Actuated Devices (CADs/PADs); GBU-39 tactical training rounds; BRU-57 bomb racks; BRU-61 bomb racks; MAU-12 bomb racks and TER-9A triple ejection racks; other chaff and flare, ammunition, and pylons; launcher adaptors and weapons interfaces; fuel tanks and attached hardware; travel pods; aircraft and weapons integration, test, and support equipment; electronic warfare database and mission data file development; precision measurement and calibration laboratory equipment; secure communications; cryptographic equipment; precision navigation equipment; aircraft and personnel support and test equipment; spare and repair parts; repair and return services; maps, publications, and technical documentation; studies and surveys; classified/unclassified software and software support; personnel training and training equipment; facilities and facility management, design and/or construction services; U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical and logistics support services; and other related elements of logistical and program support. The estimated total cost is $1.673 billion.

Arrow https://www.dsca.mil/press-media/major-arms-sales/.....0-aircraft

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102160

Prvi bugarski pilot zavrsava konverziju i obuku za F-16....njih cetvorica su na obuci
First Bulgarian to complete conversion to the F-16
Citat:Capt. Aleksandar Velinov of the Bulgarian Air Force became the first person from his country to complete the conversion training to fly the F-16.
His training took place at Morris Air National Guard Base in Arizona.
A total of four pilots were sent from Bulgaria to the United States for the training.

Arrow http://alert5.com/2022/04/09/first-bulgarian-to-complete-conversion-to-the-f-16/

International training wing celebrates graduation of 1st Bulgarian F-16 pilot
Arrow https://www.162wing.ang.af.mil/News/Article/299473.....-16-pilot/

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102160

Bugari ce od amera dobiti kao bonus tri rakete Sidewinder za svoje F-16 Very Happy
Болгария получит от США ракеты для истребителей F-16
Citat:В рамках военного соглашения с США Болгария дополнительно получит три ракеты Sidewinder для купленного Софией у Вашингтона истребителя F-16. Об этом 11 мая сообщает софийская газета «Факты». Об этом пишет ИА REGNUM.
Согласно официальной информации, с подобным предложением 10 мая выступили представители Пентагона, ранее реализовавшие соответствующую сделку с минобороны Болгарии.
«Ракеты будут поставлены американской стороной в качестве «бонуса», а в дальнейшем наша страна интенсифицирует военное сотрудничество с болгарскими партнерами», — говорится в заявлении военного ведомства США.

Arrow https://www.aex.ru/news/2022/5/11/243974/

  • Pridružio: 24 Jun 2015
  • Poruke: 756

Ide li njima sve po "planu"? Zbog kašnjenja u isporuci 16-ica ( novih ) u opticaju su remont Migova u Poljskoj, ali i iznajmljivanje šest polovnih 16-ica od omerikensa.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102160

^^Ide djavola...sve im se poremetilo....sa poljacima ne mogu da se dogovore oko remonta 6 motora za 29-ke...resursi sadasnjih isticu sredinom 2023...velika verovatnoca da ostanu bez zastite neba...ameri im produzili isporuku novih F-16 tek za 2025,a za te polovne (remontovane/modernizovane 8 komada) F-16 odgovor ocekuju tek u decembru ove godine i njih bi iznajmili....prve(nove) su po ugovoru trebali da dobiju u 2023,ali su ih ameri obavestili,da zbog prekida u lancu snabdevanja usled pandemije da im odlazu isporuku za 2025...
В Болгарии сообщили о проблемах с ремонтом двигателей МиГ-29
Arrow https://www.aex.ru/news/2022/8/10/246606/

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102160

^^^Izgleda mi da su za sada uspeli da se dogovore sa poljacima da im oni produze resurse za 29-ke,a opcija nabavke polovnih F-16 je i dalje na stolu
Citat:«Мы намерены модернизировать МиГ-29, однако понимаем, что этот авиапарк практически выработал свой ресурс», — отмечено в заявлении минобороны Болгарии.
По словам начальника штаба болгарской армии Эмила Эфтимова, на сегодняшний день официальная София планирует провести масштабный ремонт находящихся на вооружении МиГ в Польше.

Arrow https://www.aex.ru/news/2022/9/1/247287/

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102160

Spremili pare za dodatnih 8 F-16C/D Block 70...eee sad dal ce im ispostovati isporuku videce se...
Citat:Bulgaria approves funding for the eight additional LockheedMartin F-16C/D Block 70s approved earlier in 2022, for a full squadron of 16 aircraft.
Cost USD1.3 bn (inc weapons), with deliveries from 2027.

Arrow https://twitter.com/GarethJennings3/status/1572575191024402441

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102160

Biju glavi sta ce...kazu obratili se francuzima,izraelcima i svedjanima kako bi pounili rupu kada im isteknu resursi na 29-ma do kraja 2023 i isporuke F-16.
Kazu da su od svedjana trazili 10 Gripena sa isporukom od dve godine i da ih iznajme
Citat:Как подтвердило Министерство обороны, «для обеспечения возможности ВВС Болгарии выполнять свои задачи по охране воздушного пространства в последние два месяца в Швецию, Францию, Израиль и США были направлены запросы с просьбой представить предложения о возможной аренде или поставке самолетов. В середине сентября состоялись встречи с делегациями из Швеции и Франции, теперь от этих стран ожидаются предложения. Также ожидаются ответы от Израиля и США».

По информации болгарских СМИ, в письме от 30 сентября в адрес МО Швеции исполняющий обязанности министра обороны Димитар Стоянов запросил предложение о покупке 10 истребителей «Грипен», которые должны быть изготовлены и поставлены в течение 2 лет с момента заключения контракта. Кроме того, было направлено предложение по аренде самолетов.

Arrow https://armstrade.org/includes/periodics/news/2022/1011/143069859/detail.shtml

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