Indijske vazduhoplovne snage


Indijske vazduhoplovne snage

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31286

Napisano: 25 Apr 2012 14:36

Indija ce kupovati R-27 za MIG-29 i Su-30 od ukrajinskog Artema

Dopuna: 29 Apr 2012 14:41

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101664

Napisano: 29 Apr 2012 15:33

I ponovo ih vratili da lete
Citat:"The Mirage-2000 aircraft are being progressively checked and cleared for flying one by one," said the IAF spokesperson Wing Commander Gerard Galway today.


Dopuna: 30 Apr 2012 14:19

IAF targets 42 aircraft squadrons in next five-year plan
Citat:The Indian Air Force has expressed to achieve the target of 42 aircraft squadron over the next five-year plan as against the current inventory of 34.
Citat:The Jaguar, better known as the 'Shamser' in IAF's parlance, forms a sizable unit in the world's fourth largest air force.

India is the biggest Jaguar operator today, with 90 aircraft forming five squadrons.


  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31286

Propala zalba Koreanaca. Bice uskoro potpisano sa Pilatusom za PC-7 MK II

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101664

Napisano: 10 Maj 2012 22:54

TOP GUN ::Propala zalba Koreanaca. Bice uskoro potpisano sa Pilatusom za PC-7 MK II

Odobrise nabavku PC-7 MK II sad jos da potpisu
Citat:The Indian Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) has just approved a deal for 75 basic trainer aircraft for the Indian Air Force. The deal with Swiss firm Pilatus will be signed soon for the PC-7 Mk.2, deliveries of which are to begin 15 months after contract signature, with 24 aircraft to be delivered within 25 months.


Dopuna: 15 Maj 2012 15:28

Odlaganja za FGFA jos za dve godine.....

Citat:Seven years before its scheduled completion, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has already announced a two-year delay in the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) India and Russia are to jointly develop.

Defence Minister A K Antony has been saying the FGFA would join the Indian Air Force by 2017. On Monday, his deputy, M M Pallam Raju, told Parliament, “The fifth generation aircraft is scheduled to be certified by 2019, following which the series production will start.”


Dopuna: 18 Maj 2012 11:36

Spremni su za nosac INS Vikramaditya

India Inducts 15 MiG-29Ks for Carrier Operations
Citat:Fifteen new Russian-made MiG-29K fighter jets have been inducted for Indian Navy carrier-borne operations, Indian Defence Minister, A.K. Antony told the country’s Parliament. These aircraft will operate from the aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya, formerly called the Admiral Gorshkov when in Russian service, which is planned for induction in December.
Citat:India placed an order for 16 MiG-29Ks for $650 million in 2004 to be used on the Russian-made Vikramaditya. A repeat order for $1.5 billion was placed in early 2010 to purchase the 29 additional MiG-29Ks.


Dopuna: 24 Maj 2012 16:34

I potpisase ugovor o nabavci 75 PC-7
Citat:Pilatus Aircraft Ltd is proud to announce that the Indian Air Force has entered today into a contract in excess of 500 Million Swiss Francs to procure a fleet of 75 PC-7 MkII turboprop aircraft, together with an integrated ground based training system and a comprehensive logistics support package. The contract also contains an option clause for extending the scope of this contract within three years from initial signature and we are optimistic that this will indeed be executed.


Dopuna: 25 Maj 2012 15:21

Pilatus zadovoljno trlja ruke

Citat:At $523-million, the Indian contract for 75 PC-7 Mk.2 propeller trainers signed yesterday is Swiss firm Pilatus Aircraft's largest ever.


  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
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India and Russia will develop a multi-role military transport aircraft
Citat:It is expected that the advanced transport aircraft will perform its first flight in 2017 and its serial production will be launched in 2019. According to preliminary data, MTA will have the short-takeoff and landing capability and it will be able to transport cargo with weight of up to 20 tons. The aircraft will be equipped with glass cockpit, FADEC and fly-by-wire system. MTA will have a maximum flight speed of 800 km/h and range of 2500 km.
Citat:HAL will carry out the design & development of its workshare of MTA at Aircraft R&D (ARDC) Centre at Bangalore while its Transport Aircraft Division (TAD) at Kanpur will manufacture the prototypes. Serial production will take place at Kanpur where dedicated facilities are being set up. HAL's other R&D Centres and manufacturing divisions will share development of systems & LRUs and manufacture of components, sub assemblies and composite structure. HAL will showcase its expertise in design of aircraft as well as systems, manufacturing & flight testing while jointly working with the Russian team in Moscow as well as in India.
Nema priće o motorima.
Zahtev Rusa u vezi A-70 da preuzmu intelektualno vlastništvo nad motorima.

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31286

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101664

Napisano: 07 Jun 2012 16:47

Kupuju,kupuju.....zavidan spisak svega i svacega....

India's 1000+ Military Helicopter Shopping List


Dopuna: 19 Jun 2012 15:53

Isporuka prvih 14 Pilatus PC-7 za VS Indije bice u Januaru 2013

Citat:Pilatus has promise to deliver the first 14 of 75 PC-7 trainers by next January and students can start learning on the new aircraft in July 2013.


Dopuna: 20 Jun 2012 16:14

India planning to develop its own AWAC system to boost air defence capabilities
Citat:Under the project, high-calibre radars would be fitted on heavy-lift transport aircraft such as the IL-76 or Boeing.


Dopuna: 22 Jun 2012 16:04

Indian Air Force Running Out of Trainer Jets
Citat:About 24 months from now, the Indian Air Force (IAF) may face an embarrassing situation of not having enough trainer aircraft to train its new recruits with. "We are keeping our fingers crossed and hope that Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) will deliver this time," a senior IAF official told NDTV.


  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31286

Malo PVO. Odobren budzet od 2.2 milijarde $ za 6 pukova ( pise regiment Bebee Dol ) . Traze nesto kratkog/srednjeg dometa. Nisam nesto pratio kako je ustrojena PVO kod njih...

Citat:As I reported a year ago, MBDA will be pitching the in-development Indo-French joint short-range surface to air missile (SR-SAM) or Maitri for the competition, in the hope that "enhanced synergies" will see a concept weapon get its big break even before its fully operational. It is not clear if MBDA will field any other product. I hear that MBDA has competition from the Rafael-IAI SpyDer, an upgraded version of Raytheon's MIM-23 Hawk or modified SLAMRAAM and the Russian TOR M1 9M330.

The Army, as I reported a year ago, is looking for a QR-SAM system with a reaction time of six seconds or less, with an engagement range of 9-15 km at altitudes of not less than 6 km. It's looking for a weapon that delivers a single shot kill probability (SSKP) of at least 70% for a single missile fired, and 85% for a salvo shot involving two missiles. The missile also needs to be able to threats moving at speeds ranging from 0 km/h (a hovering helicopter) to 500 m/s on fast jets. The Army is hoping for systems that deploy missiles that have ECCM capabilities and compatibility with vehicles currently in use.

Vec imaju Spyder SR/MR za zamenu Strela 10 i Osa. Jedino mi nije jasno da li 18 komada ili 18 baterija sto je 108 vozila. Po cenama na netu za te pare ne mogu da se uzmu 18 baterija koliko negde pise da imaju.

  • Pridružio: 07 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 736

Postoji li negdje potvrda da je spyder MR uopce u aktivnoj sluzbi igdje? Je li negdje potvrdjeno koju verziju su kupili, a da je dobar izvor?

Postoji problem s tom indijskom kupnjom jer ako se radi o 18 baterija spydera (makar on bio spyder sr) za iznos novaca koji se obicno pise uz tu indijsku kupnju od 415 milijuna dolara to puno premalo. To bi tada bio daleko najjeftiniji sam sustav te klase na svijetu. Moguce je, ako je uopce 100% sigurno da broj 18 nije rezultat nekog pokvarenog telefona, da se zapravo radi o 3 baterije. (svugdje gdje sam nasao navodi se da jedna baterija ima 6 lansera). Ali opet i to ima svojih problema jer bi onda to znacilo 170 milijuna dolara po bateriji. Cak i ako je to MR verzija, opet se cini dosta, bez obzira na godiste kupnje i prvog kupca.

Doduse, kao i s brojnim kupnjama drugih vojnih sustava, mi nemamo pojma sto je sve od podrske ukljuceno u to. Sto ako su kupili odrzavanja od X godina, 3 puta vise rezervnih raketa, itd itd.

Kako bilo, 18 lansera mi se cini vjerojatnije od 108 lansera za te novce. Osim ako, kako rekoh, sam novcani iznos nema veze s razumom i ako to nije novinarska greska koju su svi ponavljali.

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31286

Citat:In early 2006, IAI and the Indian Defense Research Development Organization signed a $480 million contract on missile development.

Citat:IAI won a $1.1 billion deal with the Indian navy in 2009 to provide advanced Barak-8 tactical air-defense missile systems for its warships.

The same year, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems secured a $1 billion contract with New Delhi for 18 Spyder surface-to-air missile systems by 2012.

Bice 3 baterije a svaka ima po 6 lansirnih vozila sto je 18.

Citat:New Delhi. India has signed an agreement with Israel to acquire 18 Spyder Surface to Air Missiles (SAMs) to protect high-value assets of the Indian Air Force (IAF).

, while the government is giving the go-ahead for collaboration with the Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI) and Rafael to manufacture an advanced MR version of the Barak in India, with a range of up to 70 km for precision engagement of hostile aircraft.

Reports are that the Indian government has already sanctioned $ 2.5 billion in this regard for the missile’s manufacture in India under Transfer of Technology (ToT).

Ali ima i TOT pa ako bude nesto od proizvodnje...

Ovo samo na wiki ima

Citat:Indian Air Force - 18 batteries (108 launchers with 750 Python-5 and 750 Derby missiles).

Oni se pozivaju na izvor

Skinuo sam sta je doslo iz izraela u Indiju od PVO i dobio ovo

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