Iskustva pilota sa vježbe Red Flag


Iskustva pilota sa vježbe Red Flag

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12598

Dijagram je za igru Lock-on. Zato ga treba uzeti sa velikom rezervom.

Moguce da je bio avion sa TVC. Za F-22 kazu da je ustaljen zaokret 28step/sek verovatno pomocu TVC-a.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 446

Ne mora da znaci bas da taj grafik treba uzimati sa rezervom. Tu sigurni ima proizvoljnosti ali ED je firma koja je radila projekat simulatora za borbene avione ruskih vazduhoplovnih snaga.

  • Pridružio: 15 Sep 2009
  • Poruke: 389

Prvi klip od 04:33 , drugi obratiti paznju sta kaze komentator od 01:07Jos da dodam da je Su 27 oborio bas SVE rekorde F15.

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12598

Zanimljivo da komenator kaze da je u pitanju "strip down" verzija Su-27. Cini mi se da je konstruktor Simonov to negirao. Ne znam sta bi se desilo da su kojim slucajem Rusi stvarno poslali P-42 Mr. Green

To je inace taj ubica Eaglovih rekorda.

Dopuna: 14 Sep 2010 17:56

  • vazduhoplovni inzenjer
  • Pridružio: 20 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 179

Ispada da ni ti Indijci nisu Etiopljani...
Mada, verujem da je to samo zbog AA-11/Shlem kombinacije, a ne zato sto ga lete kako Amerikanci navode...ili poneki Sirijac koji je trazio razjasnjenje od Rusa (word)...
Licno, pre bi' bio u slicnom F-5A/E zbog boljeg gradijenta uzgona...

Red Flag 2008-4 : Lecture by USAF Col. Terrence Fornof

After participating with the USAF in a number of exercises in Cope India and Cope Thunder series, the Indian Air Force sent its top of the line Su-30MKIs to Exercise Red Flag in August 2008. Red Flag is world famous for its complex and realistic war gaming and is a coveted
How did they Fly? There is a lot of stuff on the subject in the newspapers and magazines about this airplane. There's a great video on youtube, where somebody shows the F-22 flying its demo, and the Su-30MK, side by side, and he does the exact same demonstration, as the F-22. And an airshow, then can do the same demonstration. The reality is, that's about as close as the airplanes ever get. When you compare it with US airplanes; where does it stand up against the F-16 and F-15, it's a tad bit better than we are. And that's pretty impressive, it has better radar, more thrust, vectored thrust, longer ranged weapons, so it's pretty impressive. The Sukhoi is a tad bit better (holds arm at chest level, and the other arm signifying the Sukhoi a wee bit higher). But now compare with the F-22 Raptor, the raptor is here. (holds palm way above his head - signifying that the aircraft is much better). OK, next.
Now coming to the maneuvering. We did a lot of 1 to 1 fighting with it.... and we were very concerned, because in Cope Indias when we went over to India and fought them, they always had their best pilots. We always fought them at the 'Indian Nellis' and they always had their best pilots flying. We always had our operational unit based out of Kadena where the experience ratio is 80% inexperienced guys with less than 500hrs flying time and 20% experienced. The 20% were fairly experienced but they came back from a staff jobs so they really hadn't had a lot of time flying. Anyway at Cope India, we held our own, but the Indians pounded their chests - they said we beat them more than they beat us – and that was true there.
Now they come to Mountain Home, and the Su-30 unit that they bring was a regular operational unit – with an experience mix of about 50-50 (experienced vs inexperienced). Their experienced guys had all come off the MiG-21 Bison.. The MiG-21 bison is a pretty neat airplane. It is based on the MiG-21 as many of you guys know from the Vietnam (War) era, but upgraded with an F-16 radar built by the Israelis in the nose, active radar missile, and they carry an Israeli jammer on it would practically make them invisible to our legacy radar in the F-15 and F-16.
Remember days in 4477th (4477 Test and Evaluation Squadron)... MiG-21 had the capability to get into the scissors with you, 110 knots, 60 degrees nose high, go from 10,000 feet to 20,000 feet, very manoeuvrable airplane, but it didn't have any good weapons. Now it has high off bore sight Archer missile, helmet mounted sight, active missile, and a jammer that gets it into the merge, good radar, so that's the plane the SU-30 experienced pilots came out of and they were pretty good in the engaged fight.
Well we get them to Mountain Home and we let the operational guys fight... and then a couple of things happened. Amazingly, we dominated - not with a clean F-15 i.e. Without any wingtanks and other stores, but we dominated with an F-15 in wartime configuration i.e. 4 missiles onboard, wingtanks, and they're sitting there in clean Su-30s except for pylons which did not have anything on it except a ACMI pod. They were amazed, matter of fact they were floored to the point after the first 3 days, they didn't want any more 1 vs 1 stuff. Lets move on the something else (laughs). Funny 'cause in India, they wanted only 1 to 1 - cause they were
As far as the Red Flag went, we also had the French out here. The French were going to get the Mirage 2000 dash 5, one of their older airplanes, but the moment they knew the Indians were getting the Sukhois they decided to send the Rafales - their latest, advanced jet. 90% of the time, they followed the Indians in, but they never really came into the merge. Like anyone of you who has flown in Desert Storm (Iraq) and Afghanistan, they would do local flights over Bagram, Bahrain and Alseraj and say we participated, but what they were really doing is just sniffing electronically and finding out how our radars work. And that's really all they did out here.... came out here with all the electronic receiving equipments and sucked out all the trons in the air.
The Koreans bought in their brand spankin' new F-15Ks. beautiful aircraft, with AESA radar and all like on the F-22. Had Israeli targeting and jamming pods on them. Incredible airplanes. Very professional also. But they had less than 50 hours total on the F-15 it and none on the airplane, they were still learning the aircraft. So it did not have any significant impact.
Some guy said F-15 was last dog fighting airplane, he discounted the fact the F-22 was really terrific in the fight...? I think the Raptor is the next great dogfighter we have. Reason is, electronic jamming, and not only electronic jamming, but we don't carry enough missiles. We're going to have to go in with guns. Gonna happen and thank god the Raptor still has a gun on it. It's fast, its manoeuvrable, .... and the Block 50 (and 52 EHRM P&W FTW), is pretty good dogfighter also, so these aircraft, the F-15, Block 50 F-16, and the Raptor, are still very capable aircraft, because when the Bison MiG-21 that gets in unseen with the small RCS and a big jamming pod.... going to need manoeuvrability.

• MiG-21 Bison does not have an Israeli radar as noted in the lecture. The type is equipped with a Phazotron Kopyo (spear) unit. The Kopyo radar has a 57km detection range against a 5 m^2 (54ft^2) radar cross section, or fighter-sized target. It can track eight targets and shoot at two simultaneously.
• This is not the first time the MiG-21 Bison has been praised for successes during dissimilar air combat training (DACT) – even during previous USAF exercise and internal IAF exercises pilots are known to have scored ‘kills’ against more advanced adversaries. The small size (lower visual signature) and inherently small radar cross section coupled with modern avionics, radar, effective jammers, precision guided munitions and missiles (R-73, R-77) make Bison one of the best fighters in IAF after Su-30 and Mirage-2000. IAF’s has had good experience with small jets such as Gnat which earned the reputation of “Sabre Slayer” in the 1965 war with Pakistan. The under-development LCA Tejas promises to carry on this legacy when it replaces the Bison.

The Indians flew a number of different fighters, including the French-made Mirage 2000 and the Russian-made MIG-27 and MIG-29, but the two most formidable IAF aircraft proved to be the MIG-21 Bison, an upgraded version of the Russian-made baseline MIG-21, and the SU-30K Flanker, also made in Russia, Neubeck said. He emphasized the fact that U.S. forces were always outnumbered in these scenarios, but said the missions proved more difficult than expected.
“What we faced were superior numbers, and an IAF pilot who was very proficient in his aircraft and smart on tactics. That combination was tough for us to overcome,” Neubeck said.

One reason the Indian pilots proved so formidable is that their training regimen does not include a concept of “red air.” Instead, “they fly pretty much blue-on-blue . . . [a] full-up airplane with no restrictions against somebody else’s airplane with no restrictions, and that leads to more proficiency with your aircraft,” Neubeck said.

In addition to reinforcing the need for the F/A-22, therefore, Cope India demonstrated that the service might be able to immediately improve its air combat capability by changing the way Air Force pilots train.

“The Air Force is re-examining, from what I can understand, our concept of red air and how we might be able to provide red air to our fighter forces so that we get [the best] training we can afford,” Snodgrass said.

Neubeck said the service probably needs to “take off the handcuffs that we put on our red air training aids and allow them to be more aggressive and make the red air tougher than we have in the past.”

Although India is a friendly nation, the lesson of Cope India is that almost any nation could surpass the United States’ air combat capability if the Pentagon does not continue to invest in better training and technology, the Elmendorf officials said. At last count, for example, there were over 5,000 MIG-21s active in air forces around the world, Snodgrass said. Even American fighters, such as Boeing’s F-15, are being sold in upgraded versions to countries around the world.

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13919

Red Flag 13-3 Mass Launch

UAE Air Force Red Flag exercise (uz veoma ozbiljan glas naratora)

  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 36011
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Citat:F-15E Strike Eagles of the 335th FS (Chiefs) from Seymour Johnson AFB, NC, prepare for takeoff during Red Flag 18-1 @ Nellis AFB, Nv., 30 Jan. 30, 2018. (USAF)

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101373

Finci ucestvuju prvi put,a tu ce biti i Koreanci
ВВС Финляндии впервые принимают участие в учениях США Red Flag на Аляске

Citat:Шесть истребителей Военно-воздушных сил Финляндии F/A-18 Hornet и 70 военных улетели на Аляску. Суоми впервые участвует в учениях ВВС США Red Flag («Красный флаг») – Alaska. Манёвры в воздухе начнутся вечером 8 октября по финскому времени и продлятся до 19 октября.

S. Korea, Finland Join In As Red Flag Alaska Kicks Off

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101373

Evo ih

Citat:A long intercontinental transfer flight from Kuopio/Rissala to Alaska was a new experience for the Finnish Air Force according to Lieutenant Colonel Tomi Böhm. Finland participates with around 70 military personnel and six F-18C Hornets from HävLLv 31 (Hävittäjälentolaivue / Fighter Squadron). The following Hornets have been identified; HN-401, HN-420, HN-424, HN-441 and HN-443. So we are still missing one.
The exercise started on Monday night 8 October 2018 and will end on Friday 19 October 2018.;theater

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101373

Saudi ucestvuju

Citat:Saudi F-15SA, RAAF and RAF squadrons participating in upcoming Red Flags
Red Flag is the United States Air Force's premier air-to-air combat training exercise. Participants often include both United States and allied nations' combat air forces. The exercise provides aircrews the experience of multiple, intensive air combat sorties in the safety of a training environment.
Nellis AFB (Nevada), will host Red Flag (RF) 19-1 from 26 January until 15 February. Currently, a full up the date list of the participating aircraft for RF 19-1 is not yet known to us. A typical Red Flag exercise however, involves a variety of attack, fighter and bomber aircraft, (F-15E, F-16, F/A-18, A-10, B-1, B-2, etc.), reconnaissance aircraft (Predator, Global Hawk, RC-135, U-2), electronic warfare aircraft (EC-130s, EA-6Bs and F-16CJs), air superiority aircraft (F-22, F-15C, etc), airlift support (C-130, C-17), search and rescue aircraft (HH-60, HC-130, CH-47), aerial refuelling aircraft (KC-130, KC-135, KC-10, etc), Command and Control aircraft (E-3, E-8C, E-2C, etc) as well as ground based Command and Control, Space, and Cyber Forces. Nearly all Red Flag exercise include some foreign, often exotic air forces.;theater

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