Kako je oboren F-117


Kako je oboren F-117

  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 36089
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Evo još jedne od teorija kako je oboren famozni "nevidljivi"....naime po amerima mi smo koristili modifikacije na radarskom sistemu za navođenje dobijene od "braće" Čeha. Radi se o sistemima "Tamara" -


US fears Iraq radar can see stealth plane
By Sean Rayment
(Filed: 06/01/2002)

UNITED STATES defence chiefs may have to review their strategy for phase 2 of the war after it emerged that Baghdad could have acquired a radar system capable of detecting America's multi-billion-pound fleet of stealth bombers.

The radar is believed to be the same Czech-built type used by Serb forces to shoot down a US F117 Nighthawk stealth bomber and seriously damage another during the war in Kosovo in 1999.

US intelligence chiefs believe that Iraqi generals attempted to buy a system for £176 million from the Czech Republic in 1997 but the deal collapsed after it was exposed by the CIA.

The Telegraph, however, has learnt that after the closure of the Czech defence company Tesla-Pardubice in 1998, two of its Tamara radar systems, which Iraq wanted to acquire, "disappeared", and might have been acquired by rogue arms traders working for Baghdad.

A former employee of the company said last night: "Tesla-Pardubice closed in 1998. It had two radar systems that had not been sold but they have disappeared. Nobody knows where they are."

Rob Hewson, the editor of Jane's Air Launched Weapons, said the weight of circumstantial evidence indicated that Iraq had probably acquired a radar system capable of "seeing" stealth bombers.

He said: "The Pentagon is faced with the prospect that Iraq may have a system that can see stealth bombers and they are very, very worried."

The disclosure is likely to affect the next stages of the war against terrorism and influence whether the US decides to carry out a full-scale attack against Saddam Hussein's regime.

Last week it emerged that stocks of US air-launched cruise missiles had been virtually exhausted after attacks on Kosovo and Sudan, further hampering Pentagon plans for an attack against Iraq.

The B2 stealth bomber and the F117 stealth fighter both played vital roles in the Kosovan and Afghan wars and, together with the mass use of cruise missiles, they are part of a crucial first phase of US attack plans.

Such is the sensitivity surrounding stealth aircraft that even the mere suggestion that an enemy power may have the capability to detect or shoot one down is enough to ground the 20-strong fleet.

A spokesman for the US Department of Defence, said: "It stands to reason that Iraq would want to get its hands on a radar system capable of detecting stealth bombers.

" In the Gulf war, it was the early F117 attacks that put most of their air defence systems out of commission. But we don't know whether they have such a system at the moment."

The Czech radar system uses passive detection to pick up electronic emissions from stealth aircraft.

A spokesman for the Czech Embassy confirmed that when the company went bankrupt in 1998 it still had at least two Tamara systems, but he refused to comment on whether they had disappeared.

The B2 stealth aircraft is painted with a substance that absorbs radar waves, producing an image on a radar screen the size of a large marble. The Serb forces, however, demonstrated what can be achieved by being able to detect stealth aircraft.

During the Kosovo conflict, the Serbs are believed to have plugged powerful computers into their air-defence radar system that help to reveal the flight paths from the faint stealth radar signatures.

When a stealth bomber was suspected to be flying through their area they saturated the sky with missile and heavy machine-gun fire and managed to shoot one down.

Osama bin Laden has been named Iraq's Man of The Year, according to the official Iraqi press, because of the way in which he has "raised the image of Islam and defied the might of the USA".

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 06 Nov 2005
  • Poruke: 9
  • Gde živiš: Bgd

Rumba King ::Služio sam vojsku na Batajnici na radaru P-18 koji je deo sistema NEVA ili PECORA(druga oznaka).Radar je iz kraja 70-tih a njegova starija verzija P-12 je upravo radar koji je VIDEO nevidljivog.Kod oba je najvažnija sama antena koja ne zrači talase direktno u nebo već se prostiru po površini zemlje nekih 200 metara i onda savijaju i tek tada zrače vazdušni prostor.Zbog toga su teške mete za protivradarske rakete i nisu pogadjani 99-te.Divizion iz Jakova 250.Raketne Brigade(odlikovana ordenom narodnog heroja) je oborio nevidljivog.
Leteo je nisko i bio sasvim vidljiv za p-12 informacija o cilju se daje operatorima stanice za vodjenje raketa i onda ga traži nišanski radar(POST).E taj trenutak je odlučujući!!!
Kada F-117 ozrači nišanski radar on automatski uključuje sve komande NA GORE tj.izvlači se odatle automatski i na to pilot aviona ne može da utiče.U tom trenutku je njegov odraz idealan i operatori su ga bez problema fixirali i ispalili dve rakete od kojih je druga bila kobna.

Procitajte sta je covek napisao u celom forumu i eto vam odgovora na vase pitanje!!! Vidi se da covek nije uzalud isao u vojsku.
Da ne bih ja objasnjavao sve ponovo i odakle ja to znam evo slike pokazivaca
DVANAESTICE kako je popularno zovemo!!!

  • Zagor 
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 25 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 1298
  • Gde živiš: u rovu na prvoj liniji

evo sta kazu Hrvati
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  • Pridružio: 03 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 436
  • Gde živiš: Vršac

MauleR ::Ja sam cuo da se prica da ga je otkrio Ruski zastareli radar koji je odavno izacen iz upotrebe.
Jeste Ruski (p-12),jeste zastareo,ali još nije izbačen iz upotrebe,u našim jedinicama još uvek Wink svira

  • Pridružio: 12 Apr 2006
  • Poruke: 193

Stenley ::Nismo ga mi prvi oborili pre nas su ga oborili Iracani!

Nije tachno. Simple as that

  • Pridružio: 09 Jun 2003
  • Poruke: 177
  • Gde živiš: BG

Ja sam chitao josh pre jedno godinu dana eksklizivni interviju novosti "Blic" sa pripadnicima PVO baterije koja je navodno oborila F117. Ne mogu da se setim chitave diskusije, uglavnom secam se da je jedan od likova koji su ispalili kobnu raketu sada radi kao pekar Smile Takodje, nashi su ih nazali "nashim nevidljivima" obzirom da je nato (posle obaranja f117) oformio specijalnu lovachku eskadrilu chiji je zadatak bio iskljuchivo neutralisanje nashe "nevidljive" PVO baterije...

  • Pridružio: 07 Okt 2005
  • Poruke: 449
  • Gde živiš: U stanu

Te posebne grupe se zovu SEAD (supream enemy air defense).
Zbog te grupe sam ostao bez kolega i dobrih prijatelja.

  • Pridružio: 04 Apr 2006
  • Poruke: 488

Jeli vam ovo poznato?

Evo link za video oborenog F-117

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  • Pridružio: 04 Apr 2006
  • Poruke: 488

Evo link za temu u kojoj se govori o zivotu Zoltana Danija posle vojske:

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  • Pridružio: 07 Okt 2005
  • Poruke: 449
  • Gde živiš: U stanu

Frekventni opseg rada Neve i KUB-a mozes naci na Net-u a AWACS pokriva siroki dijapazon frekvencija koje prvenstveno uticu na rad osmatrackih radara. Da li to utice na komandno vodjenje kod Neve neka ostane otvoreno pitanje!
Znali su oni vrlo dobro na kojim se frekvencijama radi!

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