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- Pridružio: 19 Dec 2007
- Poruke: 4232
Khaless ::sebab ::Khaless ::China working on ‘Super-10’ advanced fighter
JDW Correspondent
China is developing an advanced version of the Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Corporation (CAC) J-10 multirole fighter aircraft, referred to as the Super-10, with a more powerful engine, thrust-vector control,stronger airframe and passive phased-array radar, according to Russian sources. Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG (RSK-MiG) specialists, contracted to provide technical assistance to Chinese design houses, said the enhancement to the J-10 airframe is a logical step, since the fighter was initially intended to have the compact Pratt&Whitney PW1120 engine that powered the Israeli Lavi aircraft, which served as a basis for the J-10. However, the imposition of US
export restrictions forced the decision to install the 20 per cent heavier Russian AL-31FN engine, which requires a larger intake as it needs 40 per cent more air flow.
The J-10 was planned to carry the Phazotron-State Scientific Research Institute of Radio (NIIR) Zhemchug radar with mechanically scanned slotted antenna: a derivative of the Zhuk series fitted to advanced MiG-29 models. While Russia supplied three units to China and assisted Chinese institutes
working on the J-10 fire-control system, Phazotron-NIIR does not have any additional Chinese orders.
Company officials said the Zhemchug could not be copied because designers would not have access to some of its critical components, such as various Russian-made chips that are impossible to copy.
However, another Russian radar firm, Tikhomirov NIIP, said it had recently resumed working with China on a derivative of the Pero passive phased-array radar. The company said a developmental Pero unit was supplied to China in the late 1990s but, after a short test period, it was kept unused until recently when China restarted a joint programme with Tikhomirov NIIP.
Pero, originally developed for the discontinued Su-30KN multirole fighter, may well have been taken as a specimen for a Super-10 radar. Tikhomirov NIIP previously worked on a scaled-down version of the Pero for the MiG-29 and such a unit could fit into a planned Super-10.
In late 2005 China placed a USD300 million order for a second batch of AL-31FN engines; these are a derivative of the Su-27’s AL-31F for single-engine aircraft, with a lower positioning of the gearbox.
At first, it was believed the contract was for the same engines as in the first batch of 54 units supplied in 2001-02 and installed into development prototypes and initial production J-10s. However, AL-31FN-maker Moscow Machine Production Plant (MMPP) Salyut in December 2005 revealed the order to be for theAL-31FN M1, which is claimed to be a new AL-31FN production standard.
The company’s general manager, Yuri Eliseyev, said the new engine was purposely developed for what he referred to as the “Chinese Super-10 fighter”. Four such engines have been seen assembled at MMPP Salyut’s Moscow production site. One of these has been demonstrated undergoing fire testing, during which its swivel nozzle was deflected up/down and sideways at full power and reheated thrust.
Eliseyev said the AL-31FN M1 differs from the original in having an enlarged fan with an inlet diameter of 924 mm instead of 902 mm.
The increased airflow boosts the engine’s thrust at full afterburner from 27,560 lbst (122.6 kN) to 29,760 lbst (132.4 kN). It also has a swivel nozzle developed by Salyut together with St Petersburg-based Zavod imeni Klimova.
The nozzle features the Klimov Vectored Thrust (KliVT) design earlier applied to the RD-33OVT on the MiG-29OVT vectored-thrust demonstrator. Unlike the similar Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoe Obiedinenie (NPO) Saturn design in use on the Indian Air Force Su- 30MKI multirole fighters, which deflects only in pitch, the KliVT deflects in both pitch and yaw.
Eliseyev said the new swivel nozzle, compared to pitch-only designs, is “a lot more suitable” for single-engined aircraft, giving them the capability to remain fully controllable at extremely low speeds.
Dopuna: 12 Nov 2008 23:46
zixo ::Citat:радар може да буде нормалан који се нуди у верзији ФЦ-1- и опет бољи од радара МиГ.23 или МиГ.21 које околне земље имају.
MiG-23 vise niko u Evropi nema. Ostali ce MiG-21 povuci iz naoruzanja verovatno pre nas.
Мислио сам однос технолошког нивоа и ТТ карактеристика
pa sta ako razvijaju super-10? to samo govori da je potrebno razvijati novu varijantu ili ako hoces, nov avion kako bi primio radar sa mig-29. prema karakteristikama, tek ce ovaj da bude na nivou kasnijih verzija mig-29. upravo se na te, kasnije verzije mig-29, mogu dovesti nasi mig-29 ili nabaviti iz ruskih rezervi - recimo oni koje alzir nije hteo i eto ti... sta, sad na silu treba kupovati od kineza?
Хоћеш да ти за рођендан купим Барбику или макету Мираж-2000?
a hoces li ti da odgovoris nekim argumentom ili ih je ponestalo?
Dopuna: 14 Nov 2008 17:01
Khaless ::
Да, сарадња са њима педстоји у будућности.
причао сам и залажем се за ЈФ-17
Наиме, он нама морад а буде радни коњ РВ, да буде стуб ослонац. Навео сам две верзиеј ловачку и ЛБ, и то је предност да један авион замени МиГ.21, Орла у борбеним и извиђачким варијантама.
Када будемо имали 30,40 или 50 ЈФ-17 онда можемо да причамо да ли да набавимо једну ескадрилу неких Топ Оф Д Лајн авиона као неке врсте "гардијских ловаца".
Дакле нам је потребно занављање скоро целокупне борбене авијације, а то се са ЈФ-17 може оставрити.
однос Цена-квалитет је више него повољан.[/quote]
da ne treba da kupujemo pored jf-17 i ovo cudo od kineza? ili mozda onaj biser sa su-27/30? takve price nemaju veze sa realnoscu i glupo bi bilo nabavljati dva tipa visenamenskih borbenih aviona iz logistickih raloga.
suoci se sa istinom - srbiji ne treba i jurisnik i lovac bombarder i lovac, vec jedan jedini visenamneski borbeni avion. ne mozemo podrzavati svu tu logistiku. sto manje tipova aviona, jeftinija je njihova upotreba, a bogami i kupovina. indiji je svedska nudila gripene po 34 mil $, ali je porudzbina velika. kojih bre 30, 40 ili 50 aviona?! to treba odrzavati u letnom stanju, treba obuciti pilote i leteti sa njima, a sve su to ogromni troskovi. ja znam da se ti palis na mnooogo aviona, ali to nije realno stanje stvari i pusti snovi za srbiju.
sigurno neces dobiti jf-17 po ceni po kojoj ih nabavlja pakistan.