Kolumbijski tender za nabavku novih aviona


Kolumbijski tender za nabavku novih aviona

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101890

Ponuda i za JAS-39 Gripen
Citat:According to information to Swedish Radio Ekot, Colombia is buying Swedish Jas Gripen.
Initially, according to Ekot's correspondent, it will probably be about very few planes.
"That's what it has sounded like in the discussions. Colombian analyzes believe that it is about three or four to begin with, but in the long run between 10-16 until you have a complete fleet", it says in the broadcast.

Истребитель JAS-39 «Грипен», предположительно, стал победителем в тендере ВВС Колумбии
Arrow https://armstrade.org/includes/periodics/news/2024/1106/120083285/detail.shtml

Tu su i ostali
Citat:The Colombian government is likely to make decision on its future fighter aircraft shortly.

About two years ago, the Rafale was revealed as the winner of the heavily contested contract. The purchase however fell through due to credit issues. After entering office in August 2022, the Colombian president has stated repeatedly that the replacement of the current fleet of IAI Kfirs was not one of his priorities.

The Colombian Kfirs however, will not only reach the end of the service life soon, but their continued operation has also been further complicated by political relations between Colombia’s left-wing government and Israel, making their prolonged operation more doubtful.

Earlier, the Lockheed-Martin F-16 Block 70/72 has long been named a frontrunner in the competition set for the Fuerza Aérea Colombiana (FAC, Colombian Air Force), however the competition appears to wide open again, with also the SAAB 39 Gripen and Eurofighter Typhoon as contenders, beside the Rafale.

All four companies (Dassault, Lockheed-Martin, Eurofighter, and SAAB) have filed their bids with the Colombian government, which is likely to announce the winner within a few weeks. The Eurofighter offer may include second-hand Spanish Air Force Typhoons, whereas the Gripen offer is said to use the Brazilian Gripen productionline.

A winner is expected to be announced later this year.

Arrow https://www.scramble.nl/military-news/colombian-fighter-choice-imminent

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101890

djox ::Kolumbija dobila ponudu za 18 F-5MR4 Agile Tiger kao zamenu za Cessna A-37B koji nisu operativni
Spominju cifru od oko $ 410milke i da bi isporuku zavrsili Jun-Jul 2025
Takodje,imaju lufta i za nadogradnju na block 3Q
Citat:According to the Infodefensa website , the Colombian Aerospace Force (FAC) received a proposal for the acquisition of 18 Northrop F-5MR4 Agile Tiger aircraft with the aim of replacing the fleet of Cessna A-37B aircraft, currently out of operation.
Arrow https://www.aereo.jor.br/2024/11/28/forca-aerea-co.....ernizados/

Bivsi RV Tajvana
Citat: Колумбия рассмотрит предложение по закупке 18 истребителей F-5MR4 из наличия ВВС Тайваня
Колумбия получила предложение по закупке 18 бывших в эксплуатации истребителей F-5 из наличия ВВС Тайваня, которые могут заменить недавно списанные легкие штурмовики Cessna A-37B.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101890

Nove kombinacije od amera
Citat:The US has officially submitted its 2x F-16 offers to the @FuerzaAereaCol.

The 1st deal is for 8x 2nd hand F-16s upgraded to Block 70/72 + 16x older units donated (likely Block 40/42 or 50/52).
The 2nd deal is for 24x brand new F-16Vs.

Arrow https://x.com/SA_Defensa/status/1871385945997705643
Arrow https://www.infodefensa.com/texto-diario/mostrar/5.....isual-f-16

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101890

Kolumbijska delegacija ide kod amera da vide sta im oni nude
Izvrsice i pregled aviona na terenu....izgleda mi da su se upecali na njihove ponude
Колумбия повторно рассмотрит предложение США по истребителям F-16
Arrow https://armstrade.org/includes/periodics/news/2024/1226/125084182/detail.shtml

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101890

Ako odaberu Gripen mozda im ameri uloze veto...razgovaraju sa njima o tome
SAAB Gripen sale to Colombia threatened by U.S. parts veto
Citat:The United States may impose a veto on the use or sale of components, systems, or military technology manufactured in the country if they are used in the production of Saab Gripen JAS 39 E/F fighter jets intended for sale to Colombia.

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