  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13918

djox ::^^Ali izgleda mi da nisu zainteresovani za F-16/18
Local Production of US F 16 & F/A 18 Not Attractive: HAL Chairman Suvarna Raju


Svestan sam prednosti koje ima Rafal nad konkurencijom, samo što je ovo prosto nevereovatno:
Citat:Q: Do you think the recent US offer for the production of F 16 and F/A 18 fighters in India are viable?

A: Neither aircraft could win the (air force's) medium multirole combat aircraft (MMRCA) competition. So I really don't know. It is not very attractive and I sincerely don't know how serious they are. The F 16 production has stopped and I am sure a parallel line for the F/A 18 won't be worth it.

Samo kad će Rafal pod parolom ''make in Indija'' uspeti da se materijalizuje. GUZ - Glavom U Zid

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101848

^^^I odmah posle toga stize informacija za Rafale
Rafale Deal in Final Stage, India to Buy 36 Fighter Jets for 7.8 bn Euros

Citat:The much-negotiated Rafale deal with France is in 'final stages' with India set to buy 36 fighter jets for 7.8 billion euros (about Rs 59,000 crore), defence ministry sources said on Friday.
The deal comes with the clause of delivering 50 per cent offsets, creating business worth at least 3 billion Euros for smaller Indian companies and creating thousands of new jobs in India through the offsets.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced in April 25 that India would go for a government-to-government deal with France for purchasing the fighter planes but the final contract was kept pending over the price of the aircraft. The Rafales are made by French manufacturer Dassault Aviation.
During French President Francois Hollande's visit in January, India and France inked an MoU for the purchase but differences over the pricing of the fighter jets still persisted.
Top government sources had said in January that an Inter-Governmental Agreement will be signed only once the prices have been finalised.
Sources said the price for 36 Rafales, as per the tender floated by the previous UPA government, keeping cost escalation and dollar rate in mind, had come to a little over Rs 65,000 crore. This included cost involved in making changes India sought in the aircraft, like Israeli helmet-mounted display and some specific weaponry.


  • Sall  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Jul 2010
  • Poruke: 1946

Ja danas video istu vest samo 8.8 milijardi za 36 aviona. A onda se samo setim da su na pocetku pricali 8 milijardi za 120ikusur aviona...

  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 1548

I dobro Kupuju 36 Rafala sa 50% offseta, Moda znači MiG29 KUB je samo za Nosač aviona i ništa drugo, , imaju Su30MKI, koji će se podići na viši nivo kao SM...imaju Mirage, Imaju Još Nke 29-ke i sada ovi tri eskadrona rafala, ,Za koji moj su pravili Tejas i onoliko se mučili i porađali, da li on zaista misle da će vremenom Savladati proizvodnju rafala, Ni Suške nisu uspeli do kraja da savladaju posle tolkih godina i eto ako bi neko mogao da mi objasni zbog čega se rafali kupuju osim zbog Know-How tehnologije, ja nemogu da vidim drugi razlog?

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13918

Mislim da su dve eskadrile u pitanju. Pretpostavljam da će dobiti barem 4 dvoseda.

Kako nisu Suhoj? U etapama su išli ka tome tome da odomaće proizvodnju Su-30MKI. Nisam našao šta su tačno bili problemi oko raspoloživosti aviona. Znam da se pominjao lokalni remontni centar.

Tejas se otegao, ali ga uvode u naoružanje kao zamenu za MiG-21 i neke druge avione. Indija želi da ima laki, srednji i teški višenamenski avion u naoružanju. Niko nema takvu podelu. Kinezi se trenutno drže druge formule, gde proizvode dva tipa - J-10 i J-11.

Problem zadnjih godinu dana je bio oko spuštanja cene sa 8 na 7 milijardi i % koji će biti uložen kroz offset. Ono što se ne spominje je šta sve plaćaju Indijci. Naredne porudžbine bi ih izašle manje po avionu. Kroz ovaj ugovor opremiće dva aerodroma sa svim potrebnim alatima. Cena ne obuhvata samo avione.

  • Pridružio: 05 Dec 2012
  • Poruke: 597
  • Gde živiš: Evropska Kolumbija

ma sta god dda obuhvata Mnogooo je kume

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101848

Sall ::Ja danas video istu vest samo 8.8 milijardi za 36 aviona. A onda se samo setim da su na pocetku pricali 8 milijardi za 120ikusur aviona...
Ovi tako kazu,evo
Finally, A Deal. India To Buy 36 Rafale Jets For $8.8 Billion
Citat: India's much-negotiated deal with France for 36 fighter jets is final - it will buy the French-made Rafale planes for 8.8 billion dollars, said sources to NDTV. The agreement is to be signed within three weeks and it will take at least 18 months for India to get the first lot of aircraft.

France initially sought nearly 12 billion dollars for the sale of 36 fighters complete with weapon systems. India has closed the deal nearly 3 billion dollars below France's asking price.

Citat: France had initially agreed to a 30 per cent offset obligation to be invested in India, while India had sought a minimum of 50 per cent. France has now agreed for 50 per cent offset obligation.


  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13918

Sall ::Ja danas video istu vest samo 8.8 milijardi za 36 aviona. A onda se samo setim da su na pocetku pricali 8 milijardi za 120ikusur aviona...
126 za 10 milijardi na samom početku. Mada je već prilikom testiranja postalo jasno da taj broj aviona neće dobiti ispod 20 milijardi.

  • zixo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
  • Poruke: 23389
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Citat:Finally, A Deal. India To Buy 36 Rafale Jets For $8.8 Billion

Ипак бих ја сачекао званичну потврду. Mr. Green

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101848

Citat:Rafale deal: 'Strengthening defence capabilities'- Modi government saved $3.2 billion out of $12 billion deal.

OIS Advanced Technology, Sagem announce 'Make-In-India' joint venture collaboration

Citat:OIS Advanced Technology (OIS-AT) and Sagem (Safran) of France have entered into an MOU for entering into a joint venture collaboration for manufacturing Sagem's AASM Hammer Bomb Guidance and Glide Kit in India. With this Sagem has declared OIS-AT as the Indian Manufacturer for this weapon system.
Considered to be the most advanced, precision bomb guidance and range extension kit, the AASM Hammer originally designed and manufactured by Sagem for the requirements of the French Air-Force and Navy on-board the Rafale aircraft is intended to cater to requirements of the Indian Air Force's high precision requirements.


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