Napisano: 13 Okt 2018 14:19
Po pisanju indijskih ŠTAMPANIH medija (batalite ono što piše na netu) izgleda da će prva žrtva Trampovih pretnji sankcijama Indiji zbog nabavki S-400 biti američka vazduhoplovna industrija ali i švedska. Kako sada stvari stoje, gotovo izvesno, otpadaju američki avioni F-16 i F-18 ali i švedski Gripen (koji mnogo zavisi od američkih komponentni). Indusi ne žele da ih Ameri ucenjuju isporukama zbog toga što im se nešto ne sviđa u indijskoj politici. Inače prilično proamerička indijska vlada je, zbog neodgovornog ponašanja SAD, donela odluku da koliko god je moguće izbegne uzimanje licenci od američkih kompanija, kad je reč o odbrambenoj industriji, da bi na minimum smanjila mogućnost ucena.
Tako, zahvaljujući Trampu, u igri ostaju samo Rafal i Mig-35, pri čemu Rafal sa cenom od 210 miliona evrića po komadu koliko košta ovih 36 Rafal ne dolazi u obzir. Da bi on bio usvojen cena mora da bude ispod 120 miliona evrića.
Dopuna: 13 Okt 2018 14:45
Dakle, kako sada stvari stoje ako Rafal bude mogao da se proizvodi u Indiji po ceni do 120 miliona evra po komadu i Francuzi pristanu da ustupe tehnologiju za AESA radare i Rafalove motore, gotovo izvesno biće nebavljen Rafal ako ne gotovo sigurno Mig-35. Premda neki njihovi komentatori misle da će možda biti nabavljena oba aviona. Jer zbog visoke cene Rafala njih ne mogu da nabave u većoj količini - maksimalno 120 do 130 a to je nedovoljno.
Stipice pre nego što se javiš sa svojim komentarima o negativnom mišljenju o Migu 29 u indijskom vazduhoplovstvu pročitaj ovo:
In the report “Airpower at 18,000 feet: IAF in the Kargil War” published by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in 2012, Benjamin Lambeth explains in detail how the IAF ground down both the Pakistan Army and the PAF: “Throughout the campaign, whenever IAF reconnaissance or ground attack operations were under way in the immediate combat zone, Western Air Command ensured that MiG-29s or other air-to-air fighters were also airborne on combat air patrol stations over the ground fighting on India’s side of the LoC to provide top cover against any attempt by the PAF to enter the fray in a ground attack role. PAF F-16s to the west typically maintained a safe distance of 10 to 20 miles on the Pakistani side of the LoC, although they occasionally approached as close as 8 miles away from the ongoing ground engagements.”
Lambeth quotes Air Marshal (retired) Vinod Patney, the then head of Western Air Command: “I think my insistence to mount CAPs across the (command’s entire area of responsibility) at different heights and times to give the message that I was ready and angling for an enlarged conflict helped. It was akin to throwing a glove, but it was not picked up.”
Although IAF fighters never joined in aerial combat with the PAF F-16s due to the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government’s strict injunction that Indian forces not cross the LoC, years later IAF chief Anil Tipnis recalled he had “personally authorised his escorting fighter pilots to chase any Pakistani aircraft back across the LoC in hot pursuit were those pilots to be engaged by enemy fighters in aerial combat”.
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Dopuna: 13 Okt 2018 14:54
Inače gospodin Bendžamin Lambet se nikako ne može smatrati pro ruskim fanom. On je i jedini, u Americi, objavio knjigu o agresiji na Srbiju 1999. godine: Benjamin Lambeth, NATO's Air War for Kosovo. Dakle, nikako se ne može smtarati da navija za ruske avione.
Dopuna: 13 Okt 2018 15:05
Da zaključim Stipice ne polemišeš samnom o Migu-29 u indijskom RV nego sa čovekom koji je:
In 2008, Dr. Lambeth was appointed by the Secretary of Defense to serve an eight-year term as a member of the Board of Visitors of Air University, which he completed in 2016. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Air Force Association, the U.S. Naval Institute, the Association of Naval Aviation, the Red River Valley Fighter Pilots Association, and the Editorial Advisory Boards of Air and Space Power Journal and Strategic Studies Quarterly. He is the author of The Transformation of American Air Power (Cornell University Press, 2000), which won the Air Force Association’s Gill Robb Wilson Award for Arts and Letters in 2001. He also wrote Russia’s Air Power in Crisis (Smithsonian Institution Press, 1999); NATO’s Air War for Kosovo (RAND, 2001); Mastering the Ultimate High Ground: Next Steps in the Military Uses of Space (RAND, 2003); Air Power Against Terror: America’s Conduct of Operation Enduring Freedom (RAND, 2005); Air Operations in Israel’s War Against Hezbollah (RAND, 2011); and The Unseen War:Allied Air Power and the Takedown of Saddam Hussein (Naval Institute Press, 2013).
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