Poslao: 04 Jan 2015 20:54
- Leonardo
- Moderator u penziji
- Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
- Poruke: 13919
Sumnjam, pošto Indijce daleko više zanima dalje unapređenje postojećih i sticanje novih sposobnosti na Su-30. Takođe, generalno gledano preferiraju dvosede. Na prvom mestu AESA radar, zatim novo precizno naoružanje, smanjenje radarskog odraza primenom kompozida na kritičnim ivicama i tek onda motori (dugotrajniji i jači).
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 05 Jan 2015 10:59
- Pridružio: 16 Okt 2008
- Poruke: 2259
znaisha ::20 milijardi, ej 20 milijardi u vreme ove oskudacije Smesi se njima su35 a ne su30.
Da, izgleda da ce na kraju Rusi zadovoljno da trljaju ruke.
Poslao: 10 Jan 2015 14:47
- Leonardo
- Moderator u penziji
- Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
- Poruke: 13919
Mislio sam da će ovaj posao stajati 15 do 20 milijardi, bliže drugoj cifri, za same avione, te još 10 milijardi tokom njihove eksploatacije. Pošto su Francuzi spremni da dalje ulažu u razvoj i omoguće najbolju modernizaciju, uz određene majstorije oko prodaje i preprodaje, vrednost celog posla se penje na 45 do 50 milijardi. Ukoliko se Indija upusti u ovaj posao, sad prvi put mogu reći da bi to moglo ugroziti njihov PAK-FA. A ako oni misle da Rusi u tom slučaju ne bi nešto isposlovali sa Kinezima oko prodaje novih motora, radara, pa čak i samog aviona ... Jedini način da Indija ostane konkurentna u odnosu na Kinu je PAK-FA.
Ditching Rafale
Poslao: 12 Jan 2015 12:59
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 101486
India to decide on purchase of French Rafale fighters by April — media
Citat: India will make a decision on whether or not to purchase French Rafale fighters by April this year, when India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi goes on a visit to France and Germany, the Times of India edition wrote Monday.
According to a source in the country's Defense Ministry, the sides have been trying to reach an agreement on guarantee maintenance of India-assembled fighters for a year. The French side insists on raising the price of the fighter jets in case maintenance is provided by them. The price of the jets has already risen from the initial $10 billion to over $20 billion, runs the article.
Poslao: 13 Jan 2015 10:44
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 101486
Parrikar outlines alternatives to Rafale
Citat:Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar has fired another warning shot across the bows of French fighter manufacturer, Dassault, which has been negotiating for three years with the ministry of defence (MoD) to sell the Indian Air Force (IAF) 126 Rafale fighters.
A fortnight after declaring that the IAF could make do with additional Sukhoi-30MKI fighters - which HAL builds in Nashik - in case "complications" in the negotiations were not resolved, Parrikar has gone further in outlining how the IAF could function were it decided not to procure the Rafale.
Speaking to a television channel, Headlines Today, on Monday, Parrikar said the Su-30MKI offered a viable alternative, especially given that Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) was upgrading and overhauling the fighter and equipping it with state-of-the-art electronic warfare systems.
Said Parrikar: "Sukhoi-30 choice is always there.
Poslao: 11 Feb 2015 13:39
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 101486
MMRCA Deal: Dassault Confirming to Indian RFP Conditions
Citat:French aircraft manufacturer, Dassault is confirming to conditions laid down in the original request for proposals (RFP) in its conduct of negotiations with the contract negotiations committee (CNC) of the Indian MoD over the sale of 126 Rafale fighters.
A senior Indian Air Force (IAF) officer in the know of things told Defenseworld.net Delhi correspondent that negotiations have so far been within the boundaries of the RFP. The aircraft being discussed to be purchased is what was tested by the IAF and not a later model as reported by various media.
The officer who did not wish to be quoted said that a good part of the negotiations have been completed including a work-share agreement with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited.