Kolega @grunf2: pa Elon Musk još nije otkrio omeriku. Šta ima veze što mu drugi nisu ni do koljena u svemirskoj tehnologiji. Ima lijepih uradaka na temi kojima će mo se diviti u skorijoj budućnosti čini mi se.
Citat:NASA's Ingenuity mini-helicopter has survived its first night alone on the frigid surface of Mars, the US space agency says, hailing it as "a major milestone" for the tiny craft as it prepares for its first flight
SpaceX pravi tankove za gorivo (tankštela, farma tekućeg metana i kisika) StarShipa - StarShip tehnologijom:
All told, SpaceX appears to be preparing foundations for seven 9m-wide (30ft), 27.5m-tall (90ft) Starship-derived tanks that should be capable of storing ~2200 tons (4.9 million pounds) of subcooled liquid methane in three tanks and ~7300 tons (16.1 million pounds) of liquid oxygen in the other four tanks – enough for two orbital Starship launches.