Turski BAYKAR usao i u ovu sferu
Citat:Turkish UAV manufacturer BAYKAR enters the space industry with a new venture: Fergani Uzay/Fergani Space.
Orbital vehicles and low-orbit command satellite constellations are on the agenda of Fergani.
A real-time journey through the first landing on the Moon
This website consists entirely of original historical mission material
Relive the mission as it occurred in 1969
Porodično stablo sovjetskih raketnih motora ( za kosmičke letove, mada bilo je neizbežno povezivanje sa vojnim raketama ). Video je priredio amerikanac, pa je neizbežno povremeno poređenje sa njihovim dostignućima. Verujem da će biti zanimljivo i kolegama koje znaju dosta o ovoj temi.
Citat:China has successfully tested a new "invisible space weapon".
This weapon is capable of suppressing enemy missile defense systems even before a nuclear strike is launched. The Chinese system is also capable of overloading missile defense systems with misleading signals from space