djox ::Airbus ce traziti nadoknadu od poljaka
War of Words Heats Up As Airbus to Seek Compensation from Poland
Citat:Airbus Group has confirmed that it will seek compensation from Poland for the cancellation of a 50-unit order for H225M multirole helicopters.
Subsidiary Airbus Helicopters had been working on the tender for at least four years before the selection of the Caracal in April 2015.
However, a change of government later that year brought to power the Law and Justice party, which had been consistently opposed to the deal. Discussions over industrial offset dragged on until the talks ended in acrimony in early October.
Speaking on a third-quarter results call on 26 October, chief financial officer Harald Wilhelm said the group “had spent years trusting that it was in a fair competition” and that it would now “seek remedies” from the Polish government.
Sad kazu kako nisu narucili Black Hawk
Polish Government Denies Black Hawk Order, Plans New Competition Citat:In October defence minister Antoni Macierewicz suggested that Poland had chosen the Sikorsky S-70i Black Hawk for the special forces requirement, to be produced locally by PZL Mielec. However, the government has now denied that any selection has been made.
Deputy defence minister Bartosz Kownacki, writing in response to an enquiry from an opposition politician, stresses that “no procedure has been initiated or is ongoing” regarding the acquisition of Black Hawks.
Instead, he says, a team is working on an accelerated procurement process under an urgent operational requirement – the first step of which is an emergency market analysis.
Novi tender....
Poland Launches New Tender for 14 Army Helicopters Citat:After having ordered and then canceled Airbus Caracal helicopters, then announced and denied an order for Black Hawks, Poland’ s MoD has now announced a new tender for 14 army helicopters to begin to replace its venerable Mi-17s and Sokol W-3s.