- Danko SVIK VRS

- Mod u pemziji
- Pridružio: 19 Maj 2009
- Poruke: 4980
- Gde živiš: Beograd - Srbija; Novi Grad - Republika Srpska
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Stanje V i PVO iz 2003.
Komandni kadar:
komandant: general-major Marinko Siljegovic
nacelnik staba: pukovnik Dusko Cetkovic
874. vb
komandant: pukovnik Milan Stojanovic
nacelnik staba: potpukovnik Radivoje Jevic
komandant: potpukovnik Mirko Zinajic
nacelnik staba: major Adanovic
892. mabr
komandant: potpukovnik Vlado Gvozden
nacelnik staba: potpukovnik Tripko Cuk
komandant: major Vladimir Grujic
komandant: major Radenko Panic
komandant: major Panincic
nacelnik staba: kapetan 1. klasa Dragan Djukic
Stanje borbene tehnike:
7 x single-seat Orao (designation J-22),
Serials: 25106, 25114, 25115, 25119,25122,25169,25173
4 x single-seat attack Jastreb (J-21),
Serials: 24212,24261, 24272, 24275
2 x single-seat reconnaissance Jastreb (IJ-21),
Serials: 24408,24458
3 x two-seat attack / trainer Jastreb (NJ-21)
Serials: 23509, 23516, 23518
1 x two-seat attack / trainer Super Galeb (N-62)
Serials: 23725
7 x anti-tank Gazelle helicopter (HN-45M)
Serials: 12922,12924,12929,12928,12903,12931,12933
15 x liaison Gazelle helicopter (HO-42 and HO-45)
Serials: 12604,12606,12661,12663,12667,12709, 12809,
(NB. Aircraft numbers 12809, 12911,12915,12917,12925,
12927, 12932 and 12936 were originally the anti-tank
version, but have now been disarmed)
11 x Mi-8 transport helicopter (HT-40)
Serials: 12239,12244,12262,12264,12268,12272,12352,
2 x UTVA 75 light piston trainer (V-53)
Serials: 50206, 53194
All serial numbers except 50206 (UTVA 75) are the original
JNA serials, which remain unaltered in RV i PVO VRS service.
The RV i PVO VRS has 64 current pilots, 30
flying jet aircraft and 34 helicopters: a few are
cross-qualified. Pilots of jet aircraft fly an
average of 37 hours annually and those on
helicopters about 50 hours.