Poslao: 18 Avg 2009 10:49
- mean_machine
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
- Poruke: 12609
sebab ::mean_machine ::Ma da u sve Su-27 ugrade avioniku iz 35BM i imace izuzetnu silu.
U tom slucaju mogu da posalju MiG-31 u penziju.
Ali najbitnije je da piloti lete a iz razgovora sa Rusima po netu broj sati leta se povecao u odnosu na devedeste ali jos nisu se priblizili satnici iz vremena hladnog rata.
slazem se, ali je pitanje koliko je zivota ostalo u tim su-27. vidimo da ih modernizuju (mada ne na top-varijantu), pa pretpostavljam da se na njima dugo nije letelo ili se bar nije letelo nesto jako mnogo. ako krenu da ih rabe, koliko ce da potraju? zato i nabavljaju su-35.
Rusko RV sa flotom Su-27 je relativno mlado pa se isplati odraditi unapredjenje jer su ptice u solidnom stanju. Kada pocnu da lete vek trajanja je izmedju 3000 i 4000 sati (avioni vremenom stare a verovatno su i nesto leteli).
Naravno uvek mogu da remontuju zmaj. Motori su jos manji problem jer stize AL-41 a vec je tu 117s.
Sto se tice unapredjenja sada se (koliko sam uspeo da vidim na netu) ugradjuje Pero radar. Nesto je losiji od radara u MKI ali Pero ce kasnije moci da dobije antenu od Irbis-E i onda ce biti znatno bolji od MKI.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 18 Avg 2009 20:21
- Gavrilo Milentijević
- Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
- Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 36097
- Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet
Ruske "nove" oznake....
Državna Duma je još u aprilu ove godine izglasala nacrt redizajna starih ruskih oznaka - u suštini, oznake su ostale iste sa razlikom što je dodat belo plavi obrub u stilu ruske trobojke....
Još jedan bitan razlog zadržavanja starih oznaka jeste jeftin redizajn i ušteda ogromnih budžetskih sredstava koja se sigurno ne bi mogla uštedeti da su menjane kompletne oznake.
Citat:State Duma – the lower house of the Russian Parliament – voted over the objections of the Communist Party to adopt the redesigned red star marking for military aircraft. The new design is similar to the old one, but features a smaller red star surrounded by a thin blue border. Unexpectedly, the new legislature was rejected by the Parliament’s upper house. Fifty nine Federation Council senators, including the senate speaker, voted to keep the old red star design.
The new design of the red star was proposed by the Ministry of Defense and promoted by Putin’s “United Russia” party, which should be able to come up with the three hundred votes needed to overturn the Federation Council veto. However, this unexpected controversy over one of Russia’s most prominent military symbols just two weeks before Victory Day celebrations attracted a lot of public attention to the pointless and aesthetically challenged redesign. To add to the confusion, a number of aircraft scheduled to take part in the May 9 parade over the Red Square were already repainted with the new markings. If State Duma does not move quickly to pass the new legislation over the veto, Russian Air Force will celebrate Victory Day with illegal markings on its aircraft.
From the practical side, markings for military aircraft usually are designed using simple geometrical shapes and high-contrast color schemes to make them stand out from far away. The Soviet VVS star is one of the most recognized military aircraft markings. The new star adds an extra element that makes the overall design more cumbersome, while reducing the emblem’s contrast and visibility. The shades of red and blue used in the new design are supposed to match Russia’s flag. What looks good for the flag, however, simply doesn’t work for the new Air Force star.
Another practical consideration is cost. The old design was simple and used only two colors – red and white. The new design adds another color, increasing complexity and cost of the paint job. According to the Russian media, some three million rubles were spent on repainting the stars on the aircraft that will take part in the May 9 parade – four Su-24M, two MiG-31BS, and five MiG-29s. Even more money will be spent on repainting several helicopters and transport aircraft that will also take part in the parade. An additional consideration is the low-visibility, grayscale version of the insignia. In the case with the redesigned emblem, the blue and red colors effectively blend together even at a close viewing distance.
Proponents of the redesign argue that it is time to pull away from the symbolism of a state that hasn’t existed for over eighteen years. The Chief of Staff of the Russian Air Force Lt. Gen. Vadim Volkovitsky even argued before the parliamentary committee that the new design will help troops on the ground to tell apart Russian aircraft from the enemy. It is likely Volkovitsky was referring to the friendly fire incident in which a Russian Su-25 was shot down in August of 2008 by South Ossetian air defenses that mistook it for a Georgian Su-25. Georgian aircraft are marked with a seven pointed red star in a thin blue circle, which from a distance may look like the Russian star (or like the rising sun emblem of the Japanese Air Self-Defence force, for that matter).

Poslao: 19 Avg 2009 07:55
- Vlada78

- Moderator foruma
- Pridružio: 17 Maj 2008
- Poruke: 12437
- Gde živiš: Srbija
Kos93 ::Negde sam čuo da je ovaj predlog odbačen...
Kako odbacen kad ga je ruska Duma usvojila ?
Poslao: 19 Avg 2009 15:29
- Kos93

- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Sep 2007
- Poruke: 7372
Izgleda je predlog prihvatio donji dom, a odbacio gornji dom Dume.
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Poslao: 19 Avg 2009 15:55
- Leonardo

- Moderator u penziji
- Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
- Poruke: 13918
Commander outlines future of the Russian Air Force
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Poslao: 19 Avg 2009 16:12
- Vlada78

- Moderator foruma
- Pridružio: 17 Maj 2008
- Poruke: 12437
- Gde živiš: Srbija
grbe ::Ovi "gornji" se pitaju, zar ne....
Da da, gornji dom Dume je glavni.
Poslao: 19 Avg 2009 20:53
- Danko SVIK VRS

- Mod u pemziji
- Pridružio: 19 Maj 2009
- Poruke: 4980
- Gde živiš: Beograd - Srbija; Novi Grad - Republika Srpska
Ministarstvo odbrane RF i kompanija „Suhoj“ zaključili su rekordan za novu Rusiju ugovor u vrednosti od preko 80 milijardi rubalja
– saopštio je premijer Vladimir Putin na savetovanju o razvoju industrije aviona u okviru medjunarodne avio-izložbe MAKS-2009 u podmoskovskom gradu Žukovskom. Prema njegovim rečima, Ratno vazduhoplovstvo RF će do 2015. godine dobiti 64 najnovija lovca Su-35, Su-27 i Su-30. Prethodnih godina ovaj resor je dobijao najviše 6 letelica godišnje. Ugovor će omogućiti da se rusko Ratno vazduhoplovstvo opremi najnovijom tehnikom i da domaća preduzeća imaju veće porudžbine – rekao je premijer. On je zatražio od članova vlade da do 1. oktobra razrade plan finansijskog saniranje industrije aviona. Država ne namerava da beskonačno nadoknadjuje gubitke preduzeća za proizvodnju aviona, da ih izvlači iz dužničke jame i da ispravlja greške menedžera – rekao je Putin.
Poslao: 19 Avg 2009 22:15
- Yellow Pinky
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 21 Mar 2005
- Poruke: 1198
- Gde živiš: Niš
Danko SVIK VRS ::Ministarstvo odbrane RF i kompanija „Suhoj“ zaključili su rekordan za novu Rusiju ugovor u vrednosti od preko 80 milijardi rubalja
Prema njegovim rečima, Ratno vazduhoplovstvo RF će do 2015. godine dobiti 64 najnovija lovca Su-35, Su-27 i Su-30. Prethodnih godina ovaj resor je dobijao najviše 6 letelica godišnje.
80 milijardi rubalja = $ 2,513,040,000 / 64 = $39,266,250 po avionu.
Po ovome Su-35 ce Ruse kostati oko 45m . Bash me interesuje koliko ce ostale taj isti avion kostati ?