Ruski bombarderi sleteli u Venecuelu


Ruski bombarderi sleteli u Venecuelu

  • Pridružio: 08 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 404
  • Gde živiš: Republika Srpska

Pa dobro nemoj to bukvalno shvatiti .
Brazil moze da posalje svoje paravojne trupe, naoruzanje da se bore za Chaveza . Kao sto je Kina uradila u Korejskom ratu , a pri tom nije usla u rat sa SAD.
Mada ja chisto sumnjam da ce se deseti bilo kakav sukob tog tipa u Venecueli .

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 10 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 4228

Tu-160 Bombers to Leave Venezuela for Russia on Thursday

The two Tu-160 strategic bombers will leave Venezuela for home on 18 September, Vladimir Drik, the aide to the Russian Federation air force commander-in-chief, reported to Interfax-AVN on Monday.

"The long-range aviation airplanes will lift off from the airfield in Caracas (Venezuela's capital - Interfax) and spend nearly 15 hours in the air," Drik reported.

He noted that on 17 September, the two Tu-160, which are now located at the Liberatadot airfield, will redeploy to Caracas. During the return to the Long-Range Aviation base airfield in Ehngel's (Saratov Oblast'), the airplanes will pass over the neutral waters of the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans.

"The Tu-160 landing is planned for 19 September," Drik reported.

According to him, during the return flight the Tu-160 will perform aerial patrol missions in remote geographic regions.
Source: 15.09.08, Interfax

Baš me zanima gde če još to leteti?

  • Pridružio: 26 Jan 2006
  • Poruke: 112
  • Gde živiš: Banjaluka

Pravi potez bi bio da slete malo i kod nas !

  • Pridružio: 30 Jun 2007
  • Poruke: 6286
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad, severoistočna Srbija

Пар слика из Венецуеле.

  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 1177
  • Gde živiš: Springfild

I jel Cavez pilotirao kao sto je obecao naciji ?

  • Pridružio: 10 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 4228

Aircraft Equipment

The flight experience of the Russian Tu-160 missile carriers to Venezuela will be considered in the improvement of existing and the creation of new aircraft equipment, the Russian air force deputy commander-in-chief, Aleksandr Anfinogentov, declared to journalists Friday after the airplanes had landed at the airbase in Ehngel's.

"We made extended flights in locations without reference points over the ocean: more than 10 hours of boundless sea, where there are not any radio aide; therefore, all hope was in the crew's professionalism and the reliability of the equipment. We evaluated the quality and reliability of its operation in this flight. Most of all, for our part, proposals for its improvement will follow in the future taking into consideration the experience obtained," the deputy CinC said.

He indicated that strategic airplanes had never previously approached so close to the equator, to which not more than 400 kilometers remained.

"Carrying out flights in this latitudes have their own specific characteristics. This experience also will be summarized and young airmen will be trained in it," Anfinogentov noted.

The two Tu-160 Russian air force Long-Range Aviation strategic missile carriers "Aleksandr Molodchiy" and "Vasiliy Sen'ko" completed the flight on Friday at 1:16 Moscow time according to plan of air patrol in remote geographic regions and returned from Venezuela to the airbase in Ehngel's of the Saratov Oblast'. The airplanes had departed on Thursday at 10:00 Moscow time from the airfield in Caracas. The flight route passed over the neutral waters of the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans.

The Tu-160 bombers arrived in Venezuela on 10 September, having completed a 13-hour non-stop flight. There were no nuclear weapons on board the Tu-160.

Source: 19.09.08, RIA Novosti

Russian Air Force Airplanes Set Two Records During Flights to Venezuela

The Russian Long-Range Aviation Tu-160 missile carriers set two records during the flight from the Ehngel's airbase to Venezuela and back, Russia's air force deputy commander of Long-Range Aviation, General-Major Aleksandr Anfinogentov, declared to RIA Novosti on Friday.

"For the first time on a Tu-160 airplane, the flight duration was more than 15 hours, and for the first time during flight along that route in-flight refueling was performed in the region of Great Britain, where the airplane took on board 25 tonnes of fuel," he said.

According to Anfinogentov, other than that, the flights were not much different from routine; however, they were somewhat complicated by weather conditions in Venezuela.
"There were strong thunderstorms during departure from Venezuela, and they had to go around them," the deputy commander-in-chief said.
The two Tu-160 Russian air force Long-Range Aviation strategic missile carriers "Aleksandr Molodchiy" and "Vasiliy Sen'ko" completed the flight on Friday at 1:16 Moscow time according to plan of air patrol in remote geographic regions and returned from Venezuela to the airbase in Ehngel's of the Saratov Oblast'. The airplanes had departed on Thursday at 10:00 Moscow time from the airfield in Caracas. The flight route passed over the neutral waters of the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans.

The Tu-160 bombers arrived in Venezuela on 10 September, having completed a 13-hour non-stop flight. There were no nuclear weapons on board the Tu-160.

Source: 19.09.08, Gazeta.RU

  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 36026
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Postoji više tema o venecueli ali nisam mogao naći konkretnu da postavim ovo a da ne dotaknem RV, RM i KOV - reč je o spisku isporučenog i još neisporučenog naoružanja koje je venecuela poručila od rusije (većinu) kao i iz kine i španije.
Dakle spisak je sledeći:

Iz rusije:
- 12 Suhoj Su-30 "Flanker-C" (isporuka do kraja 2009);
- 24 Suhoj Su-35 "Flanker-E" (isporuka počinje početkom 2010);
- između 10 i 12 Mi-28NE verzije Havoc ili Night Hunter;
- 10 Iljušin IL-76E (NATO kod Candid) troop/cargo transport;
- 2 Iljušin IL-78 (NATO kod Midas) leteća tankera sa mogućnošću tankiranja tri vazduhoplova istovremeno;
- između 20 i 30 PARS TOR-M1 9M330;
- 3 dizel podmornice klase Varshavyanka (NATO kod Kilo).
- između 50 i 100 tenkova T-90;
- oko 100 lakih oklopljenih borbenih vozila;
- 400 BMP-3 borbenih vozila pešadije.

Iz kine:
- 24 školsko-borbena aviona K-8;
- 10 osmatračkih radara dugog dometa JYL-1 (3 već isporučena i operativna);

Venecuelansko RV planira da uz postojeće kapacitete od oko 100 radara kao i nove koji trebaju da se isporuče do 2013 godine gotovo celokupna teritorija venecuele bude 100% pokrivena.

Iz španije:
U španskom brodogradilištu Kadiz gradi se 8 brodova za venecuelansku RM od čega su 4 patrolna broda opremljena platformama za sletanje helikoptera kao i PAT Oerlikon Contraves DMN 0008 Millennium 35mm.
Za sad nije poznato a verovatno će isti biti opremljeni raketama za blisku PA borbu kao i protivbrodskim raketama.

Ostala 4 broda klase Navantia su raketne fregate slične italijanskim Lupo klase.

ostatak i više detalja ovde- na/UPI-83411225493725/

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 12315
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

Odakle je informacija ?

  • Sad radim sve ono što pre nisam stizao.
  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2006
  • Poruke: 26191
  • Gde živiš: I ja se pitam...

Dakle, sledeća ''Pustinjska oluja'' će biti u Venecueli...

  • Pridružio: 13 Nov 2006
  • Poruke: 3782
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

Spisak deluje impozantno ako ne kolicinom onda kvalitetom. Obratite paznju na listi su i 3 podmornice jer Chavez zna da ce ameri da mu prvo uspostave pomorsku blokadu da bi "branili" svoje spoljne interese pa se sprema da ostavi podmornice u zasedi kao snage odvracanja.
SU-30 i SU-35 su tu da bi koliko-toliko nastojali da pariraju kvalitetom onoj osvajackoj masineriji.
Dobro je nemati nalazista nafte kao arapi i Venecuela jer bi nas tek onda djavo odneo. Odmah bi dosli da nas "oslobode"!

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