Sovjetski vazduhoplovi u Američkim rukama


Sovjetski vazduhoplovi u Američkim rukama

  • Toni  Male
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  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31424

Predavanje od nekih sat i 48 minuta od strane pukovnika Gail Peck-a, osnivaca i komadanta jedinice koja je letela na MIG-ovima

This Presentation On America's Secret MiG Squadron By The Man Who Built It Is Incredible
How the top-secret unit came to be is so outlandish that it sounds like fiction, but as this first-hand account details, it was anything but.

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  • Toni  Male
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  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31424

Intervju sa John Manclark-om komadantom jedinice od 1985-1987. Spominje MIG-21 i 23 koji nije bio omiljen.

Citat:The squadron flew a total of 16,000 sorties and trained 7,000 pilots on a variety of Soviet jets and their Chinese clones.

"When I was there I had 26 MiGs I maintained. I had 10 MiG-23s, and I had 16 MiG-21 Fishbeds. Although towards the end we retired some of the old Fishbeds and were getting Chinese F-7s, which is a Chinese model of MiG-21. They were brand new, they were good," he said.


A training course lasted seven days on average and included five mock aerial combats featuring three MiG-21s and two MiG-23s.

"When they show up on Monday, we brief them, and we start flying with them. And on Monday you might beat the hack out of them, but on Friday you won't. If they'd listen up," Manclark said.

The idea was that if they did not listen and lost the air-to-air fight they had to tell fellow trainees about their humiliating experience and make sure this did not happen again.

"You can tell a kid 'Don't slow down when you fight a MiG-21, because they'd beat you if you slow down... But he also thinks that he is the greatest pilot in the world. And when he goes up ranged and slows down and gets speed and gets beaten and has to tell his friends that he'd lost, that kinda imprints in his head and he ain't gonna do that again. And that was kind of the whole theory we had there," he explained.

"We believe it paid off. We haven't lost a single plane since Vietnam in the air-to-air fight. But it wasn't because of that program. That's because of new airplanes, that's because of better missiles, better training. It was just a contributor in the whole thing," he added.

Learning From Experience

Manclark said he had completed 301 sorties on MiG-21s. Four were to get to know the machine, while the rest were mock fights.

There were no flight simulator devices and very few manuals on how to fly a MiG. A pilot would study the jet on the ground for a couple days before taking it for a spin.

"In the bottom line it's an airplane like every other airplane. You didn't mess with them much. You got five rides and you were checked out. If you were a high experienced air-to-air combat instructor," the colonel said.

Cockpit controls in Russian jets were not labeled, but those in Chinese versions were.

"In MiG-21 I had about eight switches I fooled with. All these other switches — I had no idea what they did and I didn't fool with them. Leave them alone," Manclark admitted.

A couple of manuals they had were brought to them by spies, he revealed.

"You guys could see their hands on the pages when they were taking pictures of them. Then we'd have them translated by a computer, and they didn't make sense," he added.

Risk and Challenges

A Soviet MiG's cockpit controls seemed easy to handle, but each model had its strengths and weaknesses.

"Each plane has problems, just like our planes. The MiG-21, the main problem with it if you got throttles back it took a long time for the engine to spool up and produce thrust," Manclark said.

It could take the plane 15 to 20 seconds to generate enough thrust, and in certain circumstances that could cost a pilot their life.

The MiG-21 compensated for it by being good in air-to-air combat, the colonel said, whereas his experience of flying the MiG-23, the first Soviet jet with variable-geometry wings, was less satisfying.

"It was a very unstable airplane. Fast, faster than anything we had, but it was just very unstable. It would depart very easily, it would go out of control and spin. No one liked it. The guys didn't like flying it. They didn't want to fly it. But it was OK, I mean, we checked them out," he said.

MiG-23's engines required a lot of maintenance.

"I was lucky to have four or five of the ten flying on a good day," Manclark said.

The squadron had several fatal accidents. A MiG-17 crashed in 1979, killing the pilot, after spinning out of control. An MiG-23 was lost in 1982, killing Manclark's friend Mark Postai. Crashes of a Chinese F-7, an MiG-23 clone, and another MiG-23 came later, but their pilots survived.

Spare Parts

Squadron mechanics took pains to replace as few parts as possible. The planes would get new speedometers, altitude meters and oxygen systems. Finding original spare parts for MiG-23s was more difficult than for MiG-21s.

"We were always in need of spare parts, we were always in need of MiG-23 engines. General Electric did our engines. They would bring them in and refurbish them, put new thermal blades in them and do whatever," Manclark said.

Fabric in ejection seat parachutes and explosive charges used to propel the seat out of the aircraft had to be replaced every three years. Some parts were made at the military base, while others were outsourced.

"We took worn-out break pads to the manufacturer and he made them exactly like the worn out break pads. So, now we have 3,000 dollars worth of worn-out break pads," Manclark recalled.

Other reverse-engineering efforts were more successful.

"When I was there the CIA gave me a flare dispenser. They got one from Afghanistan. They brought me a flare dispenser and some flares. I gave them to the maintenance guys. Four hours later they had them mounted on MiG-21 working," he said.

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  • Buva  Male
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Citat:Then we'd have them translated by a computer, and they didn't make sense," he added.
Jos tada su imali Google Translate Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green Laughing Laughing

  • Pridružio: 07 Apr 2012
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Napisano: 07 Maj 2020 22:17

Project Constant Peg was a secret program to train US Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps fighter aircrews to fly against Soviet-designed aircraft. The USAF’s 4477th Test and Evaluation Squadron (TES), nicknamed the “Red Eagles,” flew MiG-17 “Fresco,” MiG-21 “Fishbed,” and later MiG-23 “Flogger” aircraft. The Red Eagles gave American aircrews the skills and confidence to defeat these threats in aerial combat.


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Dopuna: 08 Maj 2020 2:53

Evo još. Ima i neki dokument šta su ispitivali.
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  • Toni  Male
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  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31424

Komentarisu piloti iz tog vremena, video 54. minuta

Veteran Pilots Give Commentary On Incredible Video Of America's Secret MiG Squadron In Action

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  • RJ 
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  • Gavrilo Milentijević
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  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

  • Toni  Male
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  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31424

Marinci kupuju An-2 i Mi-8/17/24 za opfor

Citat:The USMC primary advanced aviation training school is requesting the An-2 (NATO reporting name Colt), which is capable of using tracking pods compatible with the Tactical Air Combat Systems range. The Warschau Pact-era An-2, a type that made its first flight back in 1947 and is reported to be the most-built bi-plane in the world, will be used to provide familiarisation of flight characteristics, capabilities and limitations of the foreign adversary rotary-wing and propeller-driven aircraft to MAWTS-1 instructors and prospective Weapons and Tactics instructors, as the request said.

The MAWTS-1 is also requesting a Mi-24 Hind and/or a Mi-8/-17/-171 Hip helicopter for the same kind of tasking, so the trio can participate in the flight phases of the Weapons and Tactics Courses as part of a realistic opposing force during specified flight evolutions, as required by the Commanding Officer of MAWTS-1.

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  • Luka 
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  • Pridružio: 14 Mar 2011
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Dakle najnoviji avion američkih marinaca je sovjetski dvokrilac star 73 godine? Znao sam da je kriza ali ne i da su skroz pukli Laughing
A onaj na slici u linku je ofarban kao da se ponovo otvara Balkan Ekspres linija za Kazablanku Smile

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31424

STOVL, menja i F-35B i MV-22

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31424

Citat:Simulated foreign targets wait to be found during exercise Emerald Flag at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., Dec. 1, 2020. Emerald Flag was a collaborative multi-service effort focused on increasing the effectiveness of the joint domain warfighter. (U.S. Air Force photo by 1st Lt. Karissa Rodriguez)

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