Poslao: 03 Avg 2015 11:09
- Pridružio: 29 Mar 2010
- Poruke: 156
Slika nema veze sa helikopterom koji se srusio.
Poslao: 06 Avg 2015 11:47
- Pridružio: 16 Okt 2008
- Poruke: 2259
Evo jednog interesantnog dokumenta, vezanog za pad letelica:
Grafik za slucaj pada helikoptera UH1 i UH-60, koji pokazuje medjuzavisnost vertikalne brzine pada sa mortalitetom:
Jasno se vidi da je UH-60 BlackHawk mnogo bezbedniji u slucaju pada.
Poslao: 06 Avg 2015 12:47
- dobri covek
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 06 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 11644
- Gde živiš: Vranje
aerodrom ::Evo jednog interesantnog dokumenta, vezanog za pad letelica:
Grafik za slucaj pada helikoptera UH1 i UH-60, koji pokazuje medjuzavisnost vertikalne brzine pada sa mortalitetom:
Jasno se vidi da je UH-60 BlackHawk mnogo bezbedniji u slucaju pada.
Ma koji pad, kad su videli u kom su helikopteru, saznavši da je sramota poginuti tek tako, policajci su izvršili kolektivno samoubistvo. Helikopter je bezbedan, pošto je amerikenjski, zar to ne pokazuje dijagram?
O kakvoj bezbednosti se uopšte može govoriti kada ti par tona gvoždja gori nad glavom i u normalnom letu? Naročito se ne može govoriti ako helikopter pada...
Poslao: 06 Avg 2015 14:28
- ljuba
- Građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Avg 2008
- Poruke: 40
- Gde živiš: Surcin
Седамнаест људи погинуло у удесу хеликоптера авганистанске војске који се срушио на југу земље.
Шеф полиције у провинцији Забул, Мирвајз Норзај рекао је да се војни хеликоптер срушио јутрос у забаченој области провинције, преноси Танјуг.
Poslao: 06 Avg 2015 15:16
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 102019
Seventeen killed in Afghan military helicopter crash
Citat:A military helicopter has crashed in the south of Afghanistan, killing 17 people, the chief of police in Zabul province has said.
Mirwais Noorzai said the Afghan National Army helicopter crashed in a remote region of the province on Thursday morning, leaving five pilots and 12 soldiers dead.
Moorzai said the cause of the crash was unknown and is under investigation.
The Defence Ministry said the crash was believed to be caused by a technical problem, but provided no further details.
Afzal Aman, the Defence Ministry's chief of operations, described it as "the worst calamity to hit the air force."
He confirmed the casualty figure, and said the dead included a unit commander and 11 soldiers, as well as the crew.
Aman said the helicopter was a Russian-made M-17, and was flying between Zabul's capital Qalat and Shinkay, 20km away.
Poslao: 07 Avg 2015 16:57
- Toni
- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 31320
Nalaz onog udesa grckog F-16 iz januara u Spaniji kada je pao na stajanku sa Francuzima.
NATO investigators have determined that the main cause of a fatal crash of a Greek air force Lockheed Martin F-16D in January was that the aircraft had not been properly trimmed for take-off, affecting the handling characteristics of the fighter.
Before the F-16 taxied at Albacete air base in Spain, the yaw trim on the aircraft was inadvertently set to the maximum right deflection - 12deg right - which “drastically” affected the aerodynamics of the F-16 during take-off, the final report into the incident states.
The trim check, which includes ensuring that the pitch and yaw trim knobs are centred, is part of the “before take-off” procedures, which were carried out while the F-16 was at the parking area some 20min before the flight. This was deemed by the NATO safety investigation board to be “very early”.
Other contributing factors include the manual trim panel not being designed to prevent all inadvertent movement, and the aircraft not having a means of alerting the pilot if incorrectly configured.
“The coexistence of a number of critical factors led the accident to a fatal level…heavy gross weight, asymmetry configuration, two seat model, external fuel tanks (mainly centerline) and cross wind,” the report says.
“The fact that this unintended rotation of the yaw trim knob is uncommon, especially of this severity, did not lead HAF [Hellenic air force] flight training and flight safety structures to deal with this issue at an appropriate level,” it adds. Unsecured objects falling in the cockpit could also have led to the yaw trim knob being moved.
Additionally, there were no related emergency procedures and no previous recorded incidents of this type in the air force.