Vazduhoplovne snage zemalja iz okruženja Srbije


Vazduhoplovne snage zemalja iz okruženja Srbije

  • Pridružio: 24 Mar 2008
  • Poruke: 456

Sad, šta znači uvaliti je širok pojam.

Može i da se protumači i kao finansijske olovne cipele, bez obzira na činjenicu da je to dobar avion i da nema boljeg u okruženju.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 18 Feb 2013
  • Poruke: 6175
Бразилска компанија Ембрајер представила је Министарству одбране Црне Горе перформансе авиона Ембрајера Супер Тукано 29.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102232

Napisano: 26 Okt 2020 9:57

Rumuni ocekuju novu isporuku
Third and fourth F-16 for Romanian Air Force upgraded and ready for delivery
Citat:On 8 October 2020, the third aircraft was ready and departed the OGMA facilities at Alverca to Air Base No.5 Monte Real (Portugal). Number four was flown to Monte Real on 19 October 2020.
Both aircraft, fully modernised and painted in Romanian Air Force camouflage, will most probably be delivered soon to Romania. The aircraft have Romanian Air Force serials 1613 (ex Portugal 15122) and 1617 (ex Portugal 15141).
The fifth and last F-16 is planned to be delivered in the beginning of 2021 and will receive serial 1615 (ex Portugal 15134). After this final delivery, the Romanian Air Force has seventeen F-16s in it’s inventory, fourteen single seat aircraft and three dual seat aircraft.


Dopuna: 01 Nov 2020 17:16

Romanian Air Force F-16s delivered

Dopuna: 03 Nov 2020 10:11

^^^^Cim se kompletira isporuka svih vazduhoplova ide im i modifikacija
Citat: This is the third and fourth aircraft from a batch of five jets bought from Portugal.
The last aircraft is expected to be delivered next year.
Once all aircraft are in the country. All 17 jets will be getting the M6XR modifications.


Dopuna: 04 Nov 2020 15:14

^^Evo vec im odobreno
US Approves $175M Upgrade Package for Romanian F-16s

  • Pridružio: 26 Jun 2019
  • Poruke: 3154


  • Pridružio: 18 Feb 2013
  • Poruke: 6175

Kолико Румуне кошта све укупно по авиону.Нисам баш испратио све.То би требало да буде приближно блок 50/52 ако се не варам...

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31351

12 aviona-120 miliona $
Reparacija, modernizacija, logistika, naoruzanje, obuka... 500 miliona $
5 dodatnih aviona sa modernizacijom -130 miliona $

Ovo iznad, dodatna modernizacija svih 17 plus tehnicka podrska - 175 miliona $ . Stim da ne znamo na koliko je vreme(godina) ta tehnicka podrska i sta znaci... Aerostar dobija remont i popravku PW F100.

Oni hoce bar 36 da imaju u tri eskadrile.

Podizu ih na neki njihov nivo M6X

Ovo je standardni M6

Citat:M6.1 tape

Improved IFF system (Mode 5 waveform with better distinction between friendly and enemy aircraft)
Introduction of AIM-120D missile (two-way datalink, improved navigation and High-Angle Off-Boresight capabilities, a doubled range)
Introduction of more advanced A/G weapons (GBU-39 SDB, GBU-54 LJDAM)
Integration of improved Link-16 functions with net-centric capability
Integration of a new Universal Armament Interface to standardize communication between the aircraft and the weapons, illuminating the need for new OPF tapes with every new weapon system

M6.2 tape

"Clean-up" tape (intended as correction to imperfections found in earlier phases)
Included minor updates like Auto GCAS capability nearly eliminating Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) accidents, a leading cause of F-16 loss of pilot and aircraft accidents.

M6.5 tape

From this tape onwards there will be a difference between the European numbering sequence and the US. Funding for the M-tapes was extended through the years up untill number M6. The normal succession would mean an M7 would be next. This will be the case for the US (with their F-16s lasting untill well into the 2030s). Since the European F-16s are much older and reaching the end of their lifespan (2020-2030) it was difficult to convince them to extend funding for more updates to the F-16s. Specifically the Netherlands and Norway weren't eager since they already opted to replace the F-16 with the F-35 with fleet introduction starting in 2019 and F-16 phase out around 2024). Much of the updates found in tape M6.5 will be the same as tape M7.
Rectification of some earlier weapon integration shortcomings
Integration of new weapons (JASSM, JDAM, EGBU-12, SDB, AIM-120D and AIM-9X)
Integration of advanced racks (BRU-69), pylons, adapters and the UAI (ensuring nuclear surety and compatibility)
Update of the Link-16 protocol
Upgrade of the AN/AAQ-14 interface software
Update of the AN/ALR-56M system
Update of the GPS system

  • Pridružio: 21 Jul 2008
  • Poruke: 10399

Znaci 17 letelica kljuc u ruke za milijardicu? Pa to je deal u fulu

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31351

Plus njihovi imaju garanciju proizvodjaca za 4000 sati resursa jer je to bas reparacija a ne osmirglaj, ofarbaj...

Ostave trup, ugrade nova krila, stajni trap, vertikalac i horizontalce

  • Pridružio: 08 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 2180
  • Gde živiš: Novi Travnik - ex Pucarevo

Ministrica obrane Francuske u posjeti Hrvatskoj. Ponavlja ponudu za 12 korištenih rafala.
Ministar obrane Hrvatske najavio odluku početkom 2021god.

Naravno sve u domeni "tko zna što će biti" ali eto, vijesti su vijesti pa je red da ih prenesemo...

  • Doca  Male
  • Počasni građanin
  • Pridružio: 24 Mar 2016
  • Poruke: 791
  • Gde živiš: Pomoravlje

Ali zar ne bese prvih 12 Rumunskih kao poklon,poput nasih Migova. Kako sad milijarda? Hrvati ce njihove avione platiti.

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