Virtuelni dogfight


Virtuelni dogfight

  • Pridružio: 02 Jun 2013
  • Poruke: 3903

U to ne sumnjam. Ali u borbi van vizuelnog dometa to je pitanje?

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208


Nisi valjda preskocio citat iz mog predhodnog posta ? Smile

  • Pridružio: 02 Jun 2013
  • Poruke: 3903

Jesam evo tek sad pročitah Smile Pa nema šta i posle se ljudi pitaju zašto su amerikanci uveli u upotrebu F-22

  • Pridružio: 14 Nov 2009
  • Poruke: 1178
  • Gde živiš: Kragujevac

a i on mi je nekako vestacki manevarbilan.. sirova snaga plus mlaznice..

Pogledajmo pak fa i uporedimo ga sa f22

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31450

Jedno meze Zagrljaj F-18 C vs Tajfun. Pitanje je samo u kolikoj meri ovo vazi i dalje za Super Hornet jer je otezao dosta u odnosi na Hornet i pored jacih motora.

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Citat:Though similar in size and weight, the Hornet and Typhoon are at opposite ends of the performance spectrum in almost every regard. The differences are analogous to a pair of gladiators each poised for battle, where one fights with a net and trident and the other a shield and scabbard. Both are effective yet employed very differently. Ultimately, the fighter with superior skills and motivation will win the day. Transitioning from the F/A-18C to the Typhoon reinforced this axiom of aerial combat for me. Both aircraft have eye-watering performance, capable of creating a ‘thunderclap of surprise’ among unassuming adversaries, as well as subtle vulnerabilities that, if not well guarded, can be disadvantageous when exploited by an opponent.

The hallmark of the F/A-18C is its unmatched ability to fight and maneuver at speeds slower than evening traffic on the motorway (freeway). The maturity and reliability of its flight control software and aerodynamically designed leading-edge extensions (LEX) provide the Hornet pilot with the ability to virtually stop in mid-air just long enough to force an opponent in front. The Hornet basic fighter maneuvers
(BFM) experience is often a series of violent yet co-ordinated throws of the control stick, throttles and rudder pedals. At precisely the right moment, the Hornet pilot will pivot and orient his nose and weapon engagement zone (WEZ) in any conceivable aspect, bringing missiles or guns to bear on the enemy in mere seconds. In the Hornet, I want my opponent to go fast and arc around the sky, highlighting his feats of strength. This makes him much more predictable as the high airspeed and turn rate make it nearly impossible for him to markedly alter his flight path. The experienced Hornet pilot need only visualize where to put his nose and the aircraft will follow. Every fighter pilot in the world respects the nose authority of the F/A-18. If you mess with a Hornet, you are going to get stung.

The Typhoon pilot’s mindset is in stark contrast to that relating to the Hornet. Where the Hornet pilot relies on minimizing elapsed time in the fight in order to achieve a quick kill, the Typhoon pilot relies upon raw performance and stamina to evade and eventually ‘bleed’ the energy of his opponent. The Typhoon BFM experience is speed, g, patience and turn rate. In the Typhoon, I want my opponent to slow down and forfeit airspeed as time is now on my side. The brute strength of the Typhoon places it in a league of its own, just as the adverts proclaim. Though potent in the right hands, F-16s and F-15s are not comparable and most often find themselves executing defensive break turns and guns jinks when pitted against a savvy Typhoon pilot. For them, they know that allowing the fight to progress beyond the
second or third merge is a waste of fuel.

Moreover, pylon configuration and external fuel stores are of no consequence in the BFM arena for the Typhoon; you don’t even notice it. Selecting maximum afterburner in the Typhoon is rather disturbing for the first time. It is the Gene Simmons of high-turn-rate fighters. For example, when reheat is selected above 440kt, even with full aft stick control input at 9g, the aircraft will begin rapidly to accelerate, causing its turn circle steadily to increase. The only way to slow down is to throttle back. In fact, one of the most emphasized skill sets Typhoon Operational Conversion Unit instructors instill in the students is managing the awesomeness. Even taxiing, the aircraft uses only idle power, as the speed can increase rapidly if not continually monitored. This ample power excess arms the Typhoon pilot with the ability to match an aggressive slow-speed fighter like the Hornet, if he plays his cards right. The Typhoon’s ability to regain airspeed, and thus energy, is nearly instant, placing even the most well-seasoned dissimilar opponent squarely inside the horns of a dilemma. If a fighter pilot wants to gain tally of a Typhoon post-merge, my recommendation is to first dispense flares, then look behind the wing on the inside of your turn. He’ll be nestled there — fact!

And the winner is…
No BFM sortie is ever conducted in a vacuum and no two pilots are the same. In nearly every scenario, victory will be achieved by the aircraft with the most experienced pilot at the controls. It would be a one-off’ event were a junior Hornet pilot to saddle in the control zone of a senior Typhoon pilot, and vice versa. There are assumptions that can be made by superimposing graphs of performance data but this still does not necessarily paint an accurate picture. It all boils down to the pilot. This being said, I have had the privilege of fighting in both the Typhoon and the Hornet in the BFM arena as an instructor. The Typhoon is pure thrust and turn rate. The Hornet is pure agility and turn radius. Merging with either in combat is a death wish.

In the event a Typhoon and Hornet had pilots whose experiences were evenly matched and ‘had a go’ at lower altitudes, I am of the opinion that the Hornet pilot would be able to generate the first, yet fleeting, window of opportunity to shoot. When that window of opportunity slams shut, it’s ‘tea and crumpets’. Assuming the same caveats at higher altitudes, I do believe it would be rather enjoyable for the Typhoon pilot.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208


Vec je poznato da je SH ipak manje agilniji i okretniji od predhodnika ....

Ovo mi je interesantno

Citat:The Typhoon is pure thrust and turn rate. The Hornet is pure agility and turn radius.

a 29 -ka ( cisto onako poredim ) ipak ima sve od navedenog mada i ova 2 to imaju u odredjenim granicama samo sto je to malo precizirano i odredjeno za jednog tj. drugog lovca.

Kao i ovo

Citat:The hallmark of the F/A-18C is its unmatched ability to fight and maneuver at speeds slower than evening traffic on the motorway (freeway). The maturity and reliability of its flight control software and aerodynamically designed leading-edge extensions (LEX) provide the Hornet pilot with the ability to virtually stop in mid-air just long enough to force an opponent in front. The Hornet basic fighter maneuvers
(BFM) experience is often a series of violent yet co-ordinated throws of the control stick, throttles and rudder pedals.

Paralela se moze povuci bas za 29-ku ...

Piloti 29-ki su sami potvrdili ( svabski naravno ) da su u duelima protiv NATO lovaca najtezi zadatak imali upravo protiv Horneta ( da, Tajfuna i nije bilo onda ... ) .

Citali smo da je Tajfun u vise navrata mucio Raptore a evo pod odredjenim okolnostima i uslovima vodjenja BVB to njemu moze da uradi Hornet .

E sad pitanje ...

Kojoj tehn. gen. pripada F/A-18C a kojoj EF-2000 Typhoon ?

Odgovor je ... ima napredka u svemu ,ponajvise u avionici , znaci radarima ,senzorima UBS itd/ kod Tajfuna / ali neke manevarske i uopste letne karakteristike i sposobnosti ostaju vezane za odredjene lovce bez obzira na njihovu tu tehn/gen pripadnost .

Tajfun jeste nov lovacki avion ali u ravnopravnom duelu /BVB/ sa Hornetima ili eto 29-ma mozda ne bi dobro prosao ...

  • zixo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
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  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Гледао сам више пута Ф/А-18 на аеромитинзима авион је оставио одличан утисак а највише сам се одушевио наступом швајцарског пилота на Целтвегу 2011. Нисам имао представу да је тај авион толико маневарбилан и управљив на малим брзинама.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208


Mora biti jer su to bili osnovni zahtevi USN svojevremeno ,za razliku od njega USAF lovci su snazniji ,ubrzanje i brzina su im neke polazne karakteristike .

Kod Horneta je prednost data upravo tim pomenutim sposobnostima .

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31450

I sta je bilo nad Malborkijem proletos, i to pod uslovima koji vise odgovaraju MIG-29 ? Da te podesetim, cist dogfight, uslovi 950 km/h max na 1500-8000 m max.

A u "ravnopravnom duelu negde sutra" znas da prvo ide BVR.

  • Pridružio: 21 Jul 2008
  • Poruke: 10398

Mislis na duele poljskih 29ki i EF? EF ih je osurio koliko znam.

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