Razne vesti i događanja


Razne vesti i događanja

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101957

Isporuka za katarsku mornaricu
Citat:Qatar Emiri Navy received Al-Fulk air defense landing platform dock (LPD) on November 29, 2024.
The vessel is capable of carrying up to 3x NH-90 helicopters and is armed with advanced weaponry, including 2x 8 cell SYLVER A50 VLS and 4x OTO Melara 30 mm Marlin WS rapid fire gun and can accommodates 440 soldiers making it a formidable multipurpose naval asset.


  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101957

Australija povukla iz uporebe minolovac HMAS Gascoyne ...ostao im jos jedan

Citat:HMAS Gascoyne (M85), the penultimate surviving ship of the @Australian_Navy once six-strong Huon-class minehunters, was decommissioned this morning after more than two decades of service.
The lack of a direct replacement leaves a gap in RAN mine countermeasures capability.

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